Sunday, March 20, 2005


ARRRGH! For Terri!!

Well, I guess we have to debate while Terri is hungry, and thirsty, and dying. I keep telling myself that impatience with the democratic process is what got us into this mess with imperial judges ordering the death of innocent women for reasons understood only by them. But patience comes with difficulty in this situation.

protesters were arrested trying to deliver bread and water to the door of the hospice
Honest to goodness, what is the world coming to when you face arrest from trying to feed the hungry? Something is very, very wrong here.

Thank goodness someone has their head screwed on straight.

I'm sorry -- let me bring you up to speed instead of just rant. Congress is unable to pass the "save Terri" bill today because some people are objecting and demanding debate which under the rules of the House must wait until Monday. They had hoped to pass it today by unanimous consent, but no such luck. The President has cut his vacation short to be in Washington to sign the bill as soon as it comes from Congress. The bill is still expected to pass, this is just a minority demanding their say and making life difficult for all.

Some of us spout a constant stream of stuff on our blogs and pray we don't screw up too badly. Others ponder and collect data and then publish small little gems that well written, cogent, and devastating in their effect. I am of the former, and Catez at Allthings2all is the later. She has once again put together a brilliant post on Terri. Read it an weep for Terri. Then pray, then act, then pray some more.

The very latest is that Terri's "husband" has cut off all visitation -- that is just flat out cruel to her other family. Apparently Terri has an infection from the removal of her feeding tube. This could kill her much faster than has been expected. Act now as requested in the link.

Finally, I have insisted all along that this is about Terri, not an issue, or a symbol. But I ran across this yesterday and it broke my heart. (HT:Light Up The Darkness)

Pray for our nation, we really need it right now.


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