Sunday, February 20, 2005


I Smell Something Rotten

So, I'm reading the news. I check in at CNN and see the front page with this time stamp:
Updated: 10:52 p.m. EST (03:52 GMT) February 20, 2005
I am greeted with this picture:

The picture is captioned, "President and Mrs. Bush arrive in Brussels, Belgium, home of NATO headquarters."

Is it just me or is this the most obvious "photoshop" job in history? See those black lines between the flesh of the first couple and the white of the airplane door? See how the presidential seal just sort of covers that ridge in the airplane door, as opposed to folds with it?

The picture says "AP Photo." It's not like its a big deal or anything, but why is this necessary? Shouldn't the caption have an asterisk or something? Or better, I know several 9-year-olds that can handle Photoshop better.

Update a few minutes later -- FOXNews has the same photo up.


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