Saturday, April 21, 2007
Sunrise, SunLink
It is depressing to me that we use all our ingenuity to pass on our genetic material instead of our values. What a different worls it would be if that were reversed.
Just because it's Saturday and I really like this
Trouble is, I also REMEMBER it, live, first time....
In case you are wondering - this is how your cursor works.
From the creative excuse department.
From the PLEASE Get a life department
I don't get it
Termites, Democrats - same, same. (OK, OK some Democrats - this one is a little below the belt.)
Bug Porn?!?!?!
I'll take a water baptism thank you!
I know mine often does.
Related Tags: joke, humor, wisecrack, sarcasm
Just because it's Saturday and I really like this
Trouble is, I also REMEMBER it, live, first time....
In case you are wondering - this is how your cursor works.
From the creative excuse department.
From the PLEASE Get a life department
I don't get it

Termites, Democrats - same, same. (OK, OK some Democrats - this one is a little below the belt.)
Bug Porn?!?!?!
I'll take a water baptism thank you!
I know mine often does.
Related Tags: joke, humor, wisecrack, sarcasm
Comic Art

True to most omnipotant characters he is as much plot device as character, woven throughout the Marvel Universe. Most of the fan sites place him most squarely in the origin of Spider-Woman, but I remember him from long before that character was a dream in a writer's head for reasons to be examined later.

High Evolutionary was a guy that figured our how to accelerate evolution. (Wow, with that name, imagine!) This was the ability he used to fashion a race of genetically enhanced animal-men (Yes, Dr. Moreau fans - direct rip-off) - he set himself up as Lord of the New Men, and the rest as they say, is comic history.

This page at right, particularly the top panel, is classic Kirby and is still, to my mind, the standard by which any comic image should be measured. The High Evolutionary, particularly here as he battles The Mighty Thor, is Kirby at his best. (I know, I know, the Silver Surfer, but I just love this Thor stuff, I can't help it.) Images like these have never left my memory since the pre-adolescent days when I first saw them. This alone makes High Evolutionary among my favorite omnipotents.
Related Tags: comics, comic books, comic art, Omnipotents, High Evolutionary, Thor, Adam Warlock
Friday, April 20, 2007
Al Mohler looks at the over-programmed church and comes down more heavily on secular "competition." He looks at the fact that families are choosing Little League over church. I'll be the first one to admit that that's a huge issue we see at our church all the time.
He also takes a little time to comment that when church programming immediately separates families when they arrive church creates some competition too.
Lawsuits and insurance costs have had a lot to do with churches getting out of the community service provider business, but might it not be more effective to raise the needed money, or lobby for protective law, or something besides punt?
And then there is the fact that some churches simply over-program for kids. Every year, Mrs. Blogotional and I have to struggle to find a place in the youth ministries schedule for the small group meeting we lead. Our church programs these kids down to the half-hour. In order to participate in any "secular" extra-curriculars, the kids have to punt on some church program.
Mohler has hit on something here that runs much deeper than just family time management. That is the confusion of ministry with program.
Churches today do so much programming - they offer so many "services" for the religiously oriented consumer. But is that ministry? Does it change lives or just give them something to do? In many cases it is just taking what people would be doing anyway and pulling it into the church to give it the appearance of sanctification. Now that is not necessarily a bad thing, if we populate it with people transformed by God and being His ambassadors in the midst of the activity.
You see, as those people interact with other people - that is where the program turns into the ministry. But we seem to forget that so much anymore. We work on the program at the expense, or at least ignorance, of the ministry.
Maybe if we thought about the minsitry first and the program second...
Related Tags: church, program, ministry, time management
He also takes a little time to comment that when church programming immediately separates families when they arrive church creates some competition too.
When "church time" is seen as a competitor to "family time," something is wrong at church. When family members hardly see each other at church activities, the congregation needs to take a quick inventory of its concept of ministry.But I think this is a very superficial look at the problem. For example, when I was growing up, our church was active in Little League, etc. Property was used to host games, the church sponsored teams, and so forth. Most of those kinds of activities that, for example, take place on Sunday morning do so because it is the only time facilities can be obtained. The shortage of facilities is often due to the fact that churches have quit providing them - now it is all public parks.
Lawsuits and insurance costs have had a lot to do with churches getting out of the community service provider business, but might it not be more effective to raise the needed money, or lobby for protective law, or something besides punt?
And then there is the fact that some churches simply over-program for kids. Every year, Mrs. Blogotional and I have to struggle to find a place in the youth ministries schedule for the small group meeting we lead. Our church programs these kids down to the half-hour. In order to participate in any "secular" extra-curriculars, the kids have to punt on some church program.
Mohler has hit on something here that runs much deeper than just family time management. That is the confusion of ministry with program.
Churches today do so much programming - they offer so many "services" for the religiously oriented consumer. But is that ministry? Does it change lives or just give them something to do? In many cases it is just taking what people would be doing anyway and pulling it into the church to give it the appearance of sanctification. Now that is not necessarily a bad thing, if we populate it with people transformed by God and being His ambassadors in the midst of the activity.
You see, as those people interact with other people - that is where the program turns into the ministry. But we seem to forget that so much anymore. We work on the program at the expense, or at least ignorance, of the ministry.
Maybe if we thought about the minsitry first and the program second...
Related Tags: church, program, ministry, time management
Links Without Enthusiasm
Somebody must have forgotten to "finish the job." Think about it - it'll come to you.
I thought murder generally happened in three dimensions?
What happens when storm water gets into sanitary sewers? An environmental clean-up even I do not want to handle.
There is only one thing to say about a story like this. That, of course, would be this.
Given my day yesterday, as describe above, should I? Tempting, but nah.
Yes, but eventually, your dog just explodes. And then there is this consideration.
Not sure I want to know how.
Ahhh, .high school romance Could this result?
Related Tags: cars, bad days, joke, humor, wisecrack, sarcasm
Friday Humor
This is one of the funniest cartoons ever made. It is a shame the credits are missing. It is by Tex Avery.
Related Tags: Friday Humor, cartoon, Tex Avery, joke, quiet
Related Tags: Friday Humor, cartoon, Tex Avery, joke, quiet
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Being Prophetic
A while back at the Out of Ur blog was a post about the lack of prophetic voice in the church today.
Similarly, if a church structure became safe for a prophet, I am not sure they would have a prophetic voice any more. Jethani suggests that a decentralization of funding might open up doors for a prophetic leader through bi-vocation or the itinerant model. And yet in my experience, itinerant preachers turn into hucksters to pay the bills and bi-vocational pastors always wish they could get to full-time.
The prophetic voice is what it is, lonely, wildnerness bound, prone to being crucified. NOt to mention the most valuable voice in the Church.
Related Tags: prophecy, prophetic voice, institutionalization, seminary, wilderness
While studying for my ordination a few years ago I was required to read Oswald Sanders’ classic book, Spiritual Leadership. I’ve forgotten most of his practical advice about leading a church, but one short section has stayed with me. Sanders talks about the choice pastors face between being a popular leader or an unpopular prophet.Skye Jethani then goes on to describe three ideas about why local churches lack prophetic voice.
The logic seems rooted in the Old Testament differentiation of these roles. The kings of Israel served as leaders over God’s people. They used their power to pull wires and drive the nation forward. The prophets, on the other hand, served as correctors. They came down from the hills to tell everyone what they were doing wrong. And after being rejected, stoned, and thoroughly despised they returned to the hills. Quoting A.C. Dixon, Sanders says, “If [the pastor] seeks to be a prophet and a leader, he is apt to make a failure of both.”
Prior to reading Sanders I had already been wondering why few pastors led with any prophetic energy. Scanning my favorite books on my shelf, typically ones with a provocative challenge for the church, I realized that virtually all of them were written by professors. Few, if any, were composed by pastors. Where were the voices of correction in the local church? Where were the sermons calling God’s people in a new direction? Where was there a pulpit challenging our popular assumptions about church, mission, and discipleship? Reading Sanders helped me see that we’ve driven the prophets out of the local church and into academia.
- Seminaries are not training prophets
- Church structures are unsafe for prophets
- Ministries evaluate size not depth
All of which is very true, and, I think, unchangable. Jethani tries to suggest some answers to these issues, but I doubt they will ever fly. For example, I am not sure prophets can be trained, they are called out. Training is about institutionalization. and as Jethani says
A prophet by definition is going to disturb the status quo, make people uncomfortable, and rock the boat.There is a natural tension associated with the prophetic role that would make such an individual unfit for a system designed to create conformity.
Similarly, if a church structure became safe for a prophet, I am not sure they would have a prophetic voice any more. Jethani suggests that a decentralization of funding might open up doors for a prophetic leader through bi-vocation or the itinerant model. And yet in my experience, itinerant preachers turn into hucksters to pay the bills and bi-vocational pastors always wish they could get to full-time.
The prophetic voice is what it is, lonely, wildnerness bound, prone to being crucified. NOt to mention the most valuable voice in the Church.
Related Tags: prophecy, prophetic voice, institutionalization, seminary, wilderness
Just Illuminated - A Very Special Edition
Remembering Mrs. Blogotional's father.

Related Tags: Father, Dad, birthday, remembering, Steve Corley
Related Tags: Father, Dad, birthday, remembering, Steve Corley
Earth's Mightiest Links
Forgive me for lapsing into inarticulateness, but when I read this and this I have but a single response -- DUMBASS!
And while we are on the topic, even with the new "data" from the killer, his actions will never be understood. I have some experience with crazy (a close relative, certificable for 40 years, never violent to this level, but has been jailed a couple of times for assault) - crazy is by definition the absence of reason and no amount of reason will be able to describe, understand, or sadly in my opinion, prevent it. It's called evil, even if just an "illness" it is an evil "illness."
Science voodoo - it's another model based on assumptions, tuned to give the result desired.
PShah! It'll be "smart when it can clean itself.
What could possibly go wrong? Which is the question one should ask oneself whenever contamplating a SciFi movie script. These guys should have asked it. So should these people - "The House That Ate The Fat Guy" - I'm wiritng it.
What The?!?!? Sounds like a VERY painful medical condition.
If you have seen "Snakes On A Plane" then you know - this will be terribly effective.
Wondering: Connection? Story 1 -- Story 2. Probabaly never know, but I do know Wisconsin is looking like a good place to live.
Homer Simpson has a new job.
Oklahoma, the education state.
Bet that's not all that is "heating up."
Related Tags: killer, Obama, logic, ethanol, joke, humor, wisecrack, sarcasm
And while we are on the topic, even with the new "data" from the killer, his actions will never be understood. I have some experience with crazy (a close relative, certificable for 40 years, never violent to this level, but has been jailed a couple of times for assault) - crazy is by definition the absence of reason and no amount of reason will be able to describe, understand, or sadly in my opinion, prevent it. It's called evil, even if just an "illness" it is an evil "illness."
Science voodoo - it's another model based on assumptions, tuned to give the result desired.
PShah! It'll be "smart when it can clean itself.
What could possibly go wrong? Which is the question one should ask oneself whenever contamplating a SciFi movie script. These guys should have asked it. So should these people - "The House That Ate The Fat Guy" - I'm wiritng it.
What The?!?!? Sounds like a VERY painful medical condition.
If you have seen "Snakes On A Plane" then you know - this will be terribly effective.
Wondering: Connection? Story 1 -- Story 2. Probabaly never know, but I do know Wisconsin is looking like a good place to live.
Homer Simpson has a new job.
Oklahoma, the education state.
Bet that's not all that is "heating up."
Related Tags: killer, Obama, logic, ethanol, joke, humor, wisecrack, sarcasm
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
If you would like to use this graphic on your blog, feel free.
Related Tags: Virginia Tech, tribute, memorial
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Owing Catholics
Back in March, Joe Carter wrote at Evangelical Outpost of his appreciation for Roman Catholicism, not his conversion mind you, just his appreciation for the good things that faith tradition has brought to us. It should come as no surprise to regular readers that I really enjoyed Joe's post, and could not agree with it more.
Was this not what Christ did when he chose mere fisherman to be his apostles and hung out with "publicans and sinners"?
The second direction my thoughts move is towards the labels. We could accomplish almost nothing intellectually without labels. They allow us to categorize, organize, sort, store, and otherwise make great use of enormous amounts of information. And yet we fail to realize that no label can fully decribe that to which it is attached.
There is a label on a drawer in my house that says "tools." Now, in that drawer is everything from a cordless drill to a hammer, to a tape measure to a c-clamp. Yes, all those things are tools, but that does not mean that I should grab a tape measure when I need a hammer. Imagine now that I partition the drawer and provide sublabels as to the type of tool. Suppose I need the drill at the moment. Are all the other sublabels now bad? Of course not.
Labels, "Catholic," "Jew," "Mormon," "Prebyterian" are descriptive, but not utterly so. In some settings they are completely uninformative. For example, do the sublabels for the tools matter a whit when I am cooking dinner? (OK, well maybe if I am tired and want to use the drill to stir the red beans and rice, but you get the idea).
Even more, what are useful labels to some are pointless to others. For example, I encounter a pool of liquid in a client's facility. I examine it. I then describe it as slightly viscous, yellowish, corrosive, odorless, clear. Does that tell you anything? Not unless you are a trained chemist it doesn't. And as a trained chemist, it still doesn't tell me anything unless I know specifically what client I am at, in one if could be sulfuric acid, in another caustic soda, and in another "take it to the lab for further analysis."
Labels are useful, but so is education. Which brings me back to Joe's post. So many people are quick to condemn Catholicism without understanding what that label really means. As Joe points out, it means a whole lot more than "vile papist." If you are going to throw labels around, it would be wise to learn precisely what they mean.
Related Tags: labels, Catholics, depravity, prejudice, education, Joe Carter
Unlike Fr. Richard John Neuhaus, Sen. Sam Brownback, and Professor Steve Bainbridge, I won’t be crossing the Tiber. Because the theological differences I have with Catholicism are deep-rooted and currently irresolvable, I’ll remain an unabashedly Reformed evangelical. Yet I, like many evangelicals, have a deep love, respect, and admiration for my fellow believers in the Catholic Church. However much we might disagree, we evangelicals owe them a debt of gratitude for being co-belligerents, fellow servants, and exemplars of the faith.On reading those words, my thoughts move in two directions. The first is the limitations of theology, and yet our theology should teach us that Joe's attitutde is a good one. Good Reformed theology teaches us that we are totally depraved, but not utterly so. Thus there is some good, some reflection of God's image, in all of us. We need but go looking for it.
Was this not what Christ did when he chose mere fisherman to be his apostles and hung out with "publicans and sinners"?
The second direction my thoughts move is towards the labels. We could accomplish almost nothing intellectually without labels. They allow us to categorize, organize, sort, store, and otherwise make great use of enormous amounts of information. And yet we fail to realize that no label can fully decribe that to which it is attached.
There is a label on a drawer in my house that says "tools." Now, in that drawer is everything from a cordless drill to a hammer, to a tape measure to a c-clamp. Yes, all those things are tools, but that does not mean that I should grab a tape measure when I need a hammer. Imagine now that I partition the drawer and provide sublabels as to the type of tool. Suppose I need the drill at the moment. Are all the other sublabels now bad? Of course not.
Labels, "Catholic," "Jew," "Mormon," "Prebyterian" are descriptive, but not utterly so. In some settings they are completely uninformative. For example, do the sublabels for the tools matter a whit when I am cooking dinner? (OK, well maybe if I am tired and want to use the drill to stir the red beans and rice, but you get the idea).
Even more, what are useful labels to some are pointless to others. For example, I encounter a pool of liquid in a client's facility. I examine it. I then describe it as slightly viscous, yellowish, corrosive, odorless, clear. Does that tell you anything? Not unless you are a trained chemist it doesn't. And as a trained chemist, it still doesn't tell me anything unless I know specifically what client I am at, in one if could be sulfuric acid, in another caustic soda, and in another "take it to the lab for further analysis."
Labels are useful, but so is education. Which brings me back to Joe's post. So many people are quick to condemn Catholicism without understanding what that label really means. As Joe points out, it means a whole lot more than "vile papist." If you are going to throw labels around, it would be wise to learn precisely what they mean.
Related Tags: labels, Catholics, depravity, prejudice, education, Joe Carter
Links of Suspense
This is terribly saddening and insurprising. The contempt for Albanians I witnessed while in Macedonia was harsher than anything I have ever witnessed.
WHAT A CROCK! "Irreversible?" Every action we take is is some sense irreversible. Pollution in China is awful, I've been there and I have worked to clean it up, but this kind of breathless b*&s$#@ is fear-mongering and fundraising. What kind of adjective is "irreversible." Everything in nature a constant state of flux and change.
This makes me a bit sad. Everytime my wife and I have been to London we have stayed in the vicinity of the US Embassy and found it's presence, along with the square and its statue of Eisenhower boht refresher and remarkable evidence of the affection between our nations. It;s architectrual disharmony with it's surroundings is more than compensated for by the "special relationship."
Now THIS! is science. Not science I want to do, but science nonetheless.
Stupid art meets people with too much time on their hands.
Quickest way to change this rule? If you run out of time, finish in the council chambers.
The story that gives the excuse credence.
Yes, and that mystery is that there were churches back then. After all, America was founded on atheism. Please excuse by particularly bitter sarcasm on this one, it just catches up with me sometimes.
Maybe, but if it is true, I'll take the hit.
Technology and ignorance - a dangerous combination.
Stories one and two that help explain why I am of german descent, but not actually german.
Related Tags: hatred, environment, London, joke, humor, sarcasm, wisecrack
WHAT A CROCK! "Irreversible?" Every action we take is is some sense irreversible. Pollution in China is awful, I've been there and I have worked to clean it up, but this kind of breathless b*&s$#@ is fear-mongering and fundraising. What kind of adjective is "irreversible." Everything in nature a constant state of flux and change.
This makes me a bit sad. Everytime my wife and I have been to London we have stayed in the vicinity of the US Embassy and found it's presence, along with the square and its statue of Eisenhower boht refresher and remarkable evidence of the affection between our nations. It;s architectrual disharmony with it's surroundings is more than compensated for by the "special relationship."
Now THIS! is science. Not science I want to do, but science nonetheless.
Stupid art meets people with too much time on their hands.
Quickest way to change this rule? If you run out of time, finish in the council chambers.
The story that gives the excuse credence.
Yes, and that mystery is that there were churches back then. After all, America was founded on atheism. Please excuse by particularly bitter sarcasm on this one, it just catches up with me sometimes.
Maybe, but if it is true, I'll take the hit.
Technology and ignorance - a dangerous combination.
Stories one and two that help explain why I am of german descent, but not actually german.
Related Tags: hatred, environment, London, joke, humor, sarcasm, wisecrack
Kitty Kartoons
Monday, April 16, 2007
Information, Learning, and Technology
Russell over at the Eagle and Child is wondering about communication technology and intellectual depth. He concludes:
I don't think so, the transformation offered by Christ is a spiritual one at base. My closest encouters with Christ, and therefore definitionally the most transformative experiences I have had, have come when I was able to reach a sort of absence of intellectual activity. But down that path lies many dangers as well, where emotionalism substitutes for transformation and false prophets and charlatans are often found.
Could it be that the new communication technology will enable a balance between the intellectual and the experiential? Can we harness it in ways that are both emotionally evocative and intellectual stimulating, acheiving the kind of wholeness that God intends? Can it be used to reach those we have previously written off as unreachable?
Which rings me back to Russell's conclusion. It's not about the technology it's about how it is used. I would argue that more, it is about WHO uses it. That is to say, are we transformed enough to use it in a transformative manner? Therein lies the magic.
Related Tags: technology, media, communication, transformation, gospel
The challenge for us is not to bemoan the new technologies. It is for us to learn to use them wisely and to use them well. The challenge for us is to write and speak in ways that are engaging. If we are going to snack (and to make snack food), it is up to us to snack on friut and granola rather than chips and fries. Just like in our dietary choices, snacking isn't so much the problem as what we snack upon. (Yes, Mom, I remember all those warnings about "empty calories" in cookies and chips).There is a more generalized corollary to his musings that has intriqued me for a long time, and I still don't have great answers. Paul says
Technology doesn't save us, only Jesus does. However, we must also remember that Jesus calls us to be salt and light, using technology in redemptive ways. The Holy Spirit empowers us to learn how to be wise in our intellectual snacking and in what we offer up as snack food in this new technological realm.
Rom 12:2 - And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. [emphasis added]This verse would appear to indicate that the path to the tranformation offered in Christ is an intellectual one. Dallas Willard writes about this exstensively in "Renovation of the Heart." Does this mean genunie transformation is not available to those that are intellectually limited?
I don't think so, the transformation offered by Christ is a spiritual one at base. My closest encouters with Christ, and therefore definitionally the most transformative experiences I have had, have come when I was able to reach a sort of absence of intellectual activity. But down that path lies many dangers as well, where emotionalism substitutes for transformation and false prophets and charlatans are often found.
Could it be that the new communication technology will enable a balance between the intellectual and the experiential? Can we harness it in ways that are both emotionally evocative and intellectual stimulating, acheiving the kind of wholeness that God intends? Can it be used to reach those we have previously written off as unreachable?
Which rings me back to Russell's conclusion. It's not about the technology it's about how it is used. I would argue that more, it is about WHO uses it. That is to say, are we transformed enough to use it in a transformative manner? Therein lies the magic.
Related Tags: technology, media, communication, transformation, gospel
The Fastest Links Alive
The answer is NO - and I was there a long time ago. BTW, here's the proof, if it were actual science, the odds would be too well defined to make gambling worthwhile.
Precisely what is the difference between "endangered" amd "embattled"?
You see, that's the problem with environmental stuff, I missed the training and now I have no idea how to use it.
When animal rights meet environmental concern, you get either deaf fish, or you lose wars.
You tell me, is this, or this the miracle hamster?
C.S. Lewis once opined that mosquito heaven is people hell.
Electricity and some other things just should not mix.
Tragedy, on the way home from their Easter rounds.
Related Tags: environment, global warming, animal rights, joke, humor, wisecrack, sarcasm
Precisely what is the difference between "endangered" amd "embattled"?
You see, that's the problem with environmental stuff, I missed the training and now I have no idea how to use it.
When animal rights meet environmental concern, you get either deaf fish, or you lose wars.
You tell me, is this, or this the miracle hamster?
C.S. Lewis once opined that mosquito heaven is people hell.
Electricity and some other things just should not mix.
Tragedy, on the way home from their Easter rounds.
Related Tags: environment, global warming, animal rights, joke, humor, wisecrack, sarcasm
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Master Of The Mystic Links
If I were the Pope, this is how I would respond:
If only I had let my wife get that floral print she wanted. (HT: Justin Taylor)
Thought it was bad enough that two of the Beatles were dead, then came this:
A restaurant?! Of course it is failing, such is much better when one kills it oneself.
Well, most of the man-beasts I know should be menaced.
Related Tags: Pope fur, old age, joke humor, sarcasm, wisecrack
Gen 3:21 - And the LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and clothed them.Do you have quantums that need erasing? I know I do, they are scattered about the house indiscriminately.
If only I had let my wife get that floral print she wanted. (HT: Justin Taylor)
Thought it was bad enough that two of the Beatles were dead, then came this:
A restaurant?! Of course it is failing, such is much better when one kills it oneself.
Well, most of the man-beasts I know should be menaced.
Related Tags: Pope fur, old age, joke humor, sarcasm, wisecrack
Sermons and Lessons
Joseph A. Seiss, Lutheran divine, was born in 1823, at Graceham, Md. He received his theological education as a private pupil of several clergymen and was first settled over churches at Martinsburg and Shepherdstown, VA. In 1843 he was transferred to Cumberland, then to Baltimore, Md., and finally became pastor of St. John’s Church, Philadelphia, and for twelve years was editor of “The Lutheran.” He died in 1904.
Thy testimonies are wonderful – Psalms 119:129.
The Psalmist here addresses himself to God. The testimonies of which he speaks are God‘s testimonies. As collected and arranged in one book, they are known to us as the Bible. For the contents of these holy oracles the royal singer expresses his admiration. He pronounces them “wonderful.”
It was not an unworthy theme with which he was occupied at the time, neither was it an extravagant opinion which he uttered. It is impossible that there should be for man a more important subject than the communications made to him from his God. And if ever there was a marvelous thing submitted to human inspection, it is this book, the holy Bible. It lies before us like an ocean, boundless and unfathomable, like a Himalayan mountain, whose summit no foot of man has trod, and whose foundation is in the undiscovered heart of the world. To make a full survey of it is not possible in the present condition of the human faculties. Even the inspired Paul, when he came to look into it, found himself gazing into profundities at which he could do no more than exclaim, “Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God!” And yet there are many beautiful shells and pebbles lying on the shore of this sea, and as many precious flowers blooming on this mountain side, which any one may gather, and which, whosoever attentively contemplates, must feel himself impelled to join the admiring exclamation, “The testimonies of the Lord are wonderful.”
Let us look briefly at a few particulars by which to verify this declaration, praying that God may open our eyes to behold wondrous things out of His law.
I. The testimonies of the Lord are wonderful in age and preservation.
The Bible is the oldest of books. Some portions of it are much more recent than others, but a large part of it has come down from the remotest antiquity and antedates all other writings in the world. It contains a journal of events which transpired centuries before the building of the Pyramids. The book of Job existed before Cadmus carried letters into Greece. The five books of Moses were read in holy assemblies two hundred years before Sanchoniathon wrote. David and Solomon had uttered their sacred songs and prophecies half a century before Homer enraptured the Greeks with his verses or Lycurgus had given laws to Lacedaemon. Dozens of the books of Scripture were complete a hundred years be¬fore the first public library was founded at Athens; and the last of the prophets had ended his message before Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle had propounded their philosophies. When the elements of society were but forming in the womb of the far-distant past, the Bible was there. When the foundations of earth’s present greatness were laid, it was there. And when we go back to the very beginnings of history, even there does its hand lead us and its right hand uphold us.
Nor is it as a mere lifeless fossil that this book has come down to us from such remote antiquity. Tho hoary with age, its youthful vigor remains, and its natural force is not abated. It has only grown fresher with age, and strengthened with every new trial. It has been at the births and deaths of a hundred mighty nations, arid seen empires rise, flourish, and fall, and coexisted with the longest lines of earthly kings, and beheld some of the sublimest monuments of human effort come forth and disappear, and passed a hundred generations in reaching us; but, withal, it still lives, in all nations, in all languages, the most precious legacy of departed ages, and the only thing that remains to us from some of them. Tho it has encountered many a fierce conflict with the hate of men and the spite of devils - tho the object of many a concerted scheme to blot it from the earth - tho often held up to ridicule, with “gigantic apes like Voltaire chattering at it, men of genius turned by some Circean spell into swine, like Mirabeau and Paine, casting filth at it, demoniacs whom it had half rescued and half inspired, like Rousseau, making mouths in its face,” and all the varied passions of unsanctified men continually arrayed against it, - it still holds its place as the most uncorrupt and authentic of histories, the most august and controlling of records, the most universal, venerable, and potent of books, imagining in its very history the stupendous majesty of the God whom it reveals.
II. The testimonies of the Lord are wonderful in their authorship.
They are not of man, but of God. We can not now refer to the varied and multitudinous considerations which enter into the proofs of this. It is capable, however, of being established by the very highest moral evidences. The wisest and best men of every age have concurred in receiving the Scriptures as from God. And it is not possible to give a rational account of their origin, and the source of their contents, without ascribing them to the divine authorship which they claim.
It may seem strange that the infinite God should condescend to put His great thoughts into the poor language of mortals, to communicate with creatures so dull and stupid as the sons of men; but this He has done. Portions of the Scriptures are made up of the very words of God, articulated by Himself in the hearing of men commissioned to declare them. One chapter, which embodies the moral essence of all the rest, was engraven by His own finger upon tables of rock, and delivered to Moses all ready formed and set in the alphabetic signs employed by men. Other parts consist of communications of celestial messengers sent directly from heaven’s throne to declare God’s will and purposes to the dwellers upon earth. A still larger portion was taken down as it fell from the lips of One in whom God had incarnated Himself, and whose every word and act in this world was a revelation from the unknown Deity. Even those parts which were written by men were produced by mysterious motion and illumina¬tion of the Holy Ghost - by inspiration of God. Indeed, the whole book is a literary aerolite, all the characteristics of which are unearthly, and whose own superior attributes are so many demonstrations of its superhuman source. Its very address is so far above that of man, that no mortal, unprompted, could ever have risen to it. Its subjects are all treated after an unearthly manner. Every leaf of it bears the sunlight of some higher sphere. Every page has on it the imprimatur of God. And all its words are instinct, with divine fires; flashing the admonition upon every reader, “Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.” They that look upon it look upon expressions of the eternal Spirit. They that rightly take its lessons drink in living emanations from unsearchable Godhead. It is the abiding miracle of rapport with the Mind which projected, upholds, and governs the universe. It is the ‘Word of God.
III. The testimonies of the Lord are wonderful in their originality and instructiveness.
The Bible depends upon no discoveries of man, and leans upon no other books. If it says some things which may be learned elsewhere, its utterances are always independent and peculiarly its own. The world through which it ranges is much wider than that of man‘s thoughts. It goes back to a remoter antiquity; it takes in a broader space; it extends to a vaster future; it introduces to sublimer spheres and forms of being; and it exhibits a ‘much’ profounder wisdom. It opens arcana of which no earthly powers ever dreamed, and is at home in regions where the sublimest imaginings of man had hardly extended a guess. On all the great questions of theology, life, death, and futurity, it speaks with a familiarity, comprehensiveness, and propriety which at once command our confidence and satisfy our hearts. What it touches, it touches with a master’s hand. It never speaks without pregnant meaning in all its words. And there is nothing in human science, poetry, or tradition which it does not exceed in knowledge, wisdom, and real value.
In its account of the creation, and the origin of things, there is nothing to compare with it. In all the historians, philosophers, and secular authors - the books of Zoroaster, the records of Phoenicia and Egypt, the Dialogues of Plato and Lucian, .the annals of China, the treatises of Plutarch, the Shastras of India, the Edda of Scandinavia, and all the schemes that have ever been given in explanation of the earth’s primal history - there is nothing so natural, so magnificent, so simple, so appropriate, so reliable, so satisfactory, as the first chapter of Genesis. Nor have all the discoveries of modern geology brought forward anything to convict Moses of a false cosmogony. If it is a truth that the history of the earth’s formation runs back through uncounted ages, he leaves an interval for it, between “the beginning” and the period when God caused light to appear upon its dark and misty surface. If it is true that vast eras have been traversed by each separate order of living things, one after the other, we find precisely the same succession in the Mosaic account which is found preserved in the different layers of the earth’s crust. And if it be true that there was life upon our world ages and cycles of ages before the period noted in Genesis as that in which man was created, it is also true that no traced of human existence are found except in the most recent deposits. A certain stonemason of the village of Cromartie, with sledge and chisel, himself delved through every formation, from the surface-mold down through the old red sandstone to the Silurian, gneiss, and granite, and, having mastered all that is known concerning each, has written it down as the result of his marvelous explorations, that the truthfulness of the Mosaic record is engraven upon the rocks forever.
And so in every department of science the Bible is always true to nature, and has invariably been in advance of all human investigations and discoveries. How many thousands of years have metaphysicians and psychologists been at work to map out, classify, and gauge the various capacities and powers of the human mind and soul! But they have found no way of approach to the heart so masterly and effective as that taken by the Scriptures; and the more that is known of the nature of the man, the more clearly is it seen that the Bible comprehended it from the commencement. It has been but a few years since Newton laid open the laws of gravitation; and yet the Scriptures spoke of the earth being hung “upon nothing,” as if familiar with the whole subject, before human science had begun to form even its feeblest guesses in the case. It has only been since the invention of the telescope enabled men to search through the starry spaces that Sir John Herschel has discovered in the northern sky a peculiar barrenness; but more than three thousand years ago Job told Bildad the Shuhite that “God stretched out the north over the empty place.” It has been but a few years since science discovered “that the sun is not the dead center of motion, around which comets sweep and planets whirl,” but that “the earth and sun, with their splendid retinue of comets, satel¬lites, and planets, are all in motion around some point or center of attraction inconceiv¬ably remote, and that that point is in the direction of the star Alcyone, one of the Pleiades”; which would hence seem to be “the midnight throne” in which the whole system of gravitation has its central seat and from which all material orbs are governed. But the Bible asked the question, more than thirty centuries ago, “Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades?” as if the speaker knew all about the facts in the case. How long has it been since the doctrine of the rotundity of the earth has been settled by scientific men? yet the Psalmist spoke of “the round world”; and Solomon described in brief the true theory of wind-currents, and strongly hinted the circulation of the blood, at least twenty-five hundred years ago. And, with all the’ advances of knowledge which have so wonderfully marked the last three hundred years, In which the spirit of philosophic inquiry has ranged the universe, searched heaven, earth, and sea, knocked at every door, peered into every recess, consulted every oracle of nature, and gathered trophies of power and treasures of wisdom and sublimities of knowledge at which the world has been amazed - in all the motions which the experimentist has traced, in all the principles of power which the master of physics has discovered, in all the combinations which the chemist has detected, in all the forms which the naturalist has recorded, in all the spiritual phenomena which the meta¬physician has described, and in all the conditions and relations of mind or matter, past or present, which human research has found out - there has not come to light one truth to contradict these holy records, or to require the relinquishment or change of one word in all the great volume of Scripture.
IV. The testimonies of the Lord are wonderful in beauty and literary excellence.
The Bible is a casket of jewelry of the richest hues and the most exquisite workmanship. Sir William Jones, that great Orientalist and scholar, has said, “I have regularly and attentively perused these Holy Scriptures, and am of the opinion that this volume, independently of its divine origin, contains more true sublimity, more exquisite beauty, more pure morality, more important history, and finer strains of poetry and eloquence, than can be collected from all other books, in whatever age or language they may have been written.” Even Rousseau wrote, “The majesty of the Scriptures strikes me with admiration. The works of our philosophers, with all their pomp of diction, bow mean, how con¬temptible, in comparison with them!
Nor does it matter much what part of the Scriptures we take, or in what department of rhetoric we test them. Whether it be history or prophecy, the Old Testament or the New, narrative or description, poetry or prose, the same characteristics are to be seen. Moses is as pure and simple as Adam and Eve in Paradise, and yet as majestic and grand as that great creation which he describes. Job contains a drama which is without a parallel - a drama of facts in which heaven and earth, visible and invisible, with all their wonderful interpenetrations, are set out in their connection with a suffering saint upon his couch, and in which the spirit of earnest inquiry urges itself fcrward until everything comes forth to declare the majesty of God, and all the might and goodness of man lies prostrate before Him who “bringeth forth Mazzaroth in his season” and speaketh comfortably to them that trust in Him. Under the leadership of David’s muse, we pass through varied scenes of beauty and grandeur, pastures and glens, still waters and roaring floods, dismal swamps and silent wildernesses, forests crashing with the lightnings of God and tempests that convulse the seas, the smoke and fury of battle and the shoutings of glad multitudes, by dells of lonely sorrow and along the starry archways of the sky, - until at length we take our places in a temple high as heaven and wide as space, with all objects of creation as living worshipers around us, each with its separate hymn of grateful joy, blending in one almighty adoration. Isaiah rises upon us like some “mighty orb of song,” whose rays are streaming minstrelsies, that have thrilled upon the hearts of men for seventy generations, and which must needs thrill on, unrivaled in their kind, while earth and time endure. Ezekiel is a very comet of fire, flaming his impetuous way across the heavens, and, like the living spirits in his own first vision, going and returning as a flash of lightning. And throughout - the Evangelists with their simple story of Jesus, and Paul in his epistles and orations, and John in his loving letters and apocalyptic visions - from the first words, “In the beginning,” onward to the last “amen,” we find variety, beauty, pathos, dignity, sweetness, magnificence, and glory, such as are contained in no other composition. Here are the sublimest heights and the profoundest depths, and all the gradations from the one to the other. From the worm that grovels in the dust, to the leviathan in the foaming deep, and the supreme archangel, and the eternal God; from the hyssop on ‘the wall, to the cedars of Lebanon, and the healing trees which shade life’s eternal river; from the pearl-drops which trickle from the mountain rock, to the noise of dashing torrents, and the wide waters of the deluge; from the glowworm under the thorn, to the sun in the heavens, and the great Father of Lights; from the lone pilgrim to the triumphing host, and the gathering multitude which no man can number; from the deepest sorrows of the lost, to the probation scenes of earth and the seraphic visions of the blest - there is nothing known to mortals which God bath not brought into requisition to intensify and adorn the precious book which He has given to men. As an eloquent preacher beyond the sea remarks, “He has filled it with marvelous incident and engaging history, with sunny pictures from Old-World scenery and affecting anecdotes from patriarchal times. He has replenished it with stately argument and thrilling verse, and sprinkled it over with sententious wisdom and proverbial pungency. It has the gracefulness of high utility; it has the majesty of intrinsic power; it has the charm of its own sanctity: it never labors, never strives, but, instinct with great realities and bent on blessed ends, baa all the translucent beauty and unstudied power which you might expect from its lofty object and all-wise Author.”
Some call these Scriptures dull and uninviting; but there is no book in being with so many real attractions. There Is no classic equal to it - no historian like. Moses, no poet like Job or’ Isaiah, no singer like David, no orator like Paul, no character’ like Jesus, and no revelation of God or nature like that which these venerable pages give. Not without rea¬on has Sir Thomas Browne said, “Were it of man, I could not choose but say it was the singularest and superlative piece that hath been extant since the creation. Were I a pagan, I should not refrain the lecture of it, and can not but commend the judgment of Ptolemy; that thought not his library complete without it.”
V. The testimonies of the Lord are wonderful in their influences and effects.
The Bible has been, for three thousand years, one of the greatest potencies on earth. It has been, and is to this moment; a greater power than Rome, or Greece; or Babylon ever was. Though it has not conquered the world, it has advanced further towards it than Alexander ever did. It has done more to govern and renew the human heart than all the laws enacted by legislators, and all the maxims devised uninspired sages, and all the lessons apart from itself, that were ever given to the race. It is the chief stay of a society which for a thousand years has been the most widespread, the most important, and the most powerful association on the earth. It has controlled the religious opinions of a large part of mankind for nearly forty centuries. It has molded characters and directed the efforts of men whose lives and labors introduced new eras and shaped the destinies of nations and turned the’ course of the world’s entire history. It has begotten and fostered the purest virtue, the sublimest manhood, the noblest beneficence, the sincerest charity, the tenderest kindness, and all the blessed saint-ship, that have ever been upon earth.
Its vast influence upon the welfare of nations may be estimated in part from the bloody codes, and infamous administrations, and social degradations, and far-reaching wretchedness, of those countries where it is rejected or unknown, contrasted with the blessedness and peace of those who have received it. It was the great Milton who said, “There are no politics like those which the Scriptures teach”; and in proof we need only look at Judea when it knew no laws but those which this book contains. How smooth and steady were the wheels of public justice, and how beautiful was the flow of national peace, in those golden days of the old Hebrew commonwealth! How did the joyous vines, and fields of waving ears, and gold of Ophir, and flocks and cattle abiding on a thousand hills, and cities full of peace and plenty, proclaim abroad the wealth and blessedness of that goodly land! How did the voice of singing and the fragrance of virtue linger round each habitation, and the sacrifices of praise crowd all the temple‘s courts from tribes rejoicing in the smiles of God!
In the sphere of learning and thought-creations, also, the influence of the Bible is equally marked and wonderful. It is to the world of letters what the sun is to the solar system, the fountain of the purest light and brightest wisdom. It has produced more books than any other one thing in existence. It has fostered learning when there was no other stimulation to its cultivation felt. Even the heathen classics owe their preservation to it. As a book written in other times, places, and languages, it has called forth the most laboriously compiled lexicons, grammars, and works on archeology by which the world of the present communes with the world ‘of the past. As a book claiming the faith and obedi¬ence of men, it has created a world of learned apology, comment, and exposition, and some of the noblest specimens of argument, eloquence, and appeal which are known to man. And, simply as a book among books, it has wrought wondrously upon the thoughts and productions of authors of all classes. The Visions of Dante are largely drawn from it. Every canto of the Faerie Queene bears the impress of its influence. Milton’s matchless songs of Paradise are from an inspiration which the Bible alone could give. From the same source came the immortal dream of Bunyan, the Pauline reasonings of Barrow, the flaming zeal of Richard Baxter, the “molten wealth” and “lava of gold and gems” which poured down “the russet steep of Puri¬tan theology,” the songs of Cowper, and “Thoughts” of Young, and visions of Pollok, and mighty eloquence of the Luthers, the Knoxes, the Massillons, the Whitefielth, and the Halls. Addison, and Thomson. and Burke, and Dryden, and Wordsworth, and Coleridge, and Southey, and Campbell, and Goethe, all are vastly indebted to the Scriptures for whatever excellences are found in their works. Shakespeare drew largely from this same precious mine, and also even Hobbes, and Shelley, and Byron. That prince of modern orators, Daniel Webster, once said, “If there be anything in my style or thoughts to be commended, the credit is due to my kind parents in instilling into my mind an early love of the Scriptures.” Indeed, if we were to destroy the Bible, and take from the world of literature and thought all that it has contributed directly or indirectly, half the history of the race would be swept out of mind, the noblest ideas that have swelled man's heart would be gone, some of the proudest monuments of human genius would be buried in oblivion, and thick darkness would settle down upon the world forever.
VI. The testimonies of the Lord are wonderful as a fountain of consolation, hope and salvation.
The Bible to all its other excellences adds this, that it is the Book of Life. It is not only a basket of silver network, but it contains apples of gold. It is the record of glad tidings to a perishing world, a message of joy to all people. In it, Wisdom bath mingled her wine, and slain her fatlings, and furnished her table, and calls all the hungry and needy to come and partake. The entrance of its words giveth light and imparteth understanding to the simple, and maketh wise unto salvation. It is a balm from Gilead for the sick, oil for the bruises of the wounded, reprieve for the prison-bound, and bread for them that are ready to perish. Its different books are but so many angels of mercy, carrying contentment into the abodes of poverty, enabling even the children of want to lift up their eyes to God who ordereth all things well, and to eat their scanty meals in peace; staying the hearts of the persecuted and opprest, causing them to rejoice and sing under the yoke, at the stake, and in the hottest of the fires, as on their passage-way to crowns immortal in the world to come; calming the minds of the fevered, mollifying where all earthly medicines fail, and kindling glad hopes of recompense yet to be revealed; lighting up comforts in the breasts of those that mourn for their dead, and assuring them of blessed reunions in a better life; and kindling even the dying eye and inspiring the dying heart with thoughts of speedy triumph, causing lips already closed for death to open once more in utterances of victory.
We may talk of the venerable age of the Bible, and its scientific accuracy, and its literary beauty and sublimity, and its wonderful influences upon the ideas, laws, governments, and general order of society and mankind; but it is all nothing in comparison with the spiritual good and immortal hopes and consolations which it begets in those who re¬ceive it as a message from their God. Are we voyagers upon a troubled and a dangerous sea? Here is a chart by which to steer in safety to the happy shores. Are we soldiers, beset with foes and required to endure the shocks of battle? This is an armory from which all needed weapons may be drawn at will, and by the right use of which we may hew our way to immortal triumph. Are we pilgrims and strangers, worn and weary in our search for the home from which we are exiles? In this book gush out the pure, fresh waters of life, the cooling shades from the Rock of salvation appear, and the guiding word is heard from pilgrims in advance, to cheer and encourage us till we reach the mansion of our Father. Indeed, it is beyond the power of language to express the excellency and richness of spiritual treasure which we have in this holy Book. It is the miraculous cruse of the Shunamitess which never exhausts. It is the wand of Moses which swallows the serpents of life, and parts the sea of trouble, and brings forth waters in the thirsty wilderness. It is the ladder of Jacob on which our spirits ascend to commune with God and angels. It is the telescope of faith by which we look on things invisible, survey even the third heavens, and have present to our view what is to be in afterages. It is the chariot of Elijah in which to ride up the starry way to immortality unhurt of deaths, it is the channel of the almighty Spirit as it goes forth for the sanctification, of the race - the very gulf-stream of eternal life as it pours out for the resuscitation of our wilted and decaying world.
Allusion has been made to the dreadful eclipse it would be to the world of letters and thought, for the Bible, and what it has done for man, to be blotted out. But that were nothing to the moral and spiritual night that would go along with such a calamity. Besides carrying away with it a vast proportion of the intellectual and moral life of the last eighteen centuries, it would silence every preacher of salvation, and abolish at only his office and his text. It would stop every work of mercy and plan of philanthropy in the world.
It would transmute into a lie all our fond anticipations of the return of Jesus to renew the world, restore our dead, complete our salvation, and bring us to an eternal heaven. It would hush forever the glad tidings with which men have comforted themselves for these many weary ages. It would put out the mother’s hopes of her dead babes, quench the wife ‘s fond desires for her hus¬band’s everlasting peace, destroy the widow’s consolation as she lingers by the grave of her buried love, and extinguish the matron ‘s last comfort as she trembles on the verge of eternity.
It would take with it all the reliefs and blessedness which prayer in the name of Jesus gives, and leave the sinner without pardon in the extremities of life. It would take away the last appeal of the slave against his oppressor, remove the last check of tyranny, and lift from the wicked hearts of men the last restraints, giving carnival’ to every lust and play to every passion, without correction, without limit, and without end!
We stagger, and are horrified, at the mere idea of the loss that would be inflicted. Chills run down our pulses at the contemplation of the despair and wretchedness which would ensue.
Let us, then, learn to value the possession of such a precious book. Let us bind it to our hearts as our chief treasure in this sin¬ darkened world. And, whilst we admire its beauty and revere its mysteries, let us abide by its precepts, and, as far as in us lies, practice its sacred mandates.
Related Tags: sermon, lesson, Joseph A. Seiss
Joseph A. Seiss, Lutheran divine, was born in 1823, at Graceham, Md. He received his theological education as a private pupil of several clergymen and was first settled over churches at Martinsburg and Shepherdstown, VA. In 1843 he was transferred to Cumberland, then to Baltimore, Md., and finally became pastor of St. John’s Church, Philadelphia, and for twelve years was editor of “The Lutheran.” He died in 1904.
Thy testimonies are wonderful – Psalms 119:129.
The Psalmist here addresses himself to God. The testimonies of which he speaks are God‘s testimonies. As collected and arranged in one book, they are known to us as the Bible. For the contents of these holy oracles the royal singer expresses his admiration. He pronounces them “wonderful.”
It was not an unworthy theme with which he was occupied at the time, neither was it an extravagant opinion which he uttered. It is impossible that there should be for man a more important subject than the communications made to him from his God. And if ever there was a marvelous thing submitted to human inspection, it is this book, the holy Bible. It lies before us like an ocean, boundless and unfathomable, like a Himalayan mountain, whose summit no foot of man has trod, and whose foundation is in the undiscovered heart of the world. To make a full survey of it is not possible in the present condition of the human faculties. Even the inspired Paul, when he came to look into it, found himself gazing into profundities at which he could do no more than exclaim, “Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God!” And yet there are many beautiful shells and pebbles lying on the shore of this sea, and as many precious flowers blooming on this mountain side, which any one may gather, and which, whosoever attentively contemplates, must feel himself impelled to join the admiring exclamation, “The testimonies of the Lord are wonderful.”
Let us look briefly at a few particulars by which to verify this declaration, praying that God may open our eyes to behold wondrous things out of His law.
I. The testimonies of the Lord are wonderful in age and preservation.
The Bible is the oldest of books. Some portions of it are much more recent than others, but a large part of it has come down from the remotest antiquity and antedates all other writings in the world. It contains a journal of events which transpired centuries before the building of the Pyramids. The book of Job existed before Cadmus carried letters into Greece. The five books of Moses were read in holy assemblies two hundred years before Sanchoniathon wrote. David and Solomon had uttered their sacred songs and prophecies half a century before Homer enraptured the Greeks with his verses or Lycurgus had given laws to Lacedaemon. Dozens of the books of Scripture were complete a hundred years be¬fore the first public library was founded at Athens; and the last of the prophets had ended his message before Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle had propounded their philosophies. When the elements of society were but forming in the womb of the far-distant past, the Bible was there. When the foundations of earth’s present greatness were laid, it was there. And when we go back to the very beginnings of history, even there does its hand lead us and its right hand uphold us.
Nor is it as a mere lifeless fossil that this book has come down to us from such remote antiquity. Tho hoary with age, its youthful vigor remains, and its natural force is not abated. It has only grown fresher with age, and strengthened with every new trial. It has been at the births and deaths of a hundred mighty nations, arid seen empires rise, flourish, and fall, and coexisted with the longest lines of earthly kings, and beheld some of the sublimest monuments of human effort come forth and disappear, and passed a hundred generations in reaching us; but, withal, it still lives, in all nations, in all languages, the most precious legacy of departed ages, and the only thing that remains to us from some of them. Tho it has encountered many a fierce conflict with the hate of men and the spite of devils - tho the object of many a concerted scheme to blot it from the earth - tho often held up to ridicule, with “gigantic apes like Voltaire chattering at it, men of genius turned by some Circean spell into swine, like Mirabeau and Paine, casting filth at it, demoniacs whom it had half rescued and half inspired, like Rousseau, making mouths in its face,” and all the varied passions of unsanctified men continually arrayed against it, - it still holds its place as the most uncorrupt and authentic of histories, the most august and controlling of records, the most universal, venerable, and potent of books, imagining in its very history the stupendous majesty of the God whom it reveals.
II. The testimonies of the Lord are wonderful in their authorship.
They are not of man, but of God. We can not now refer to the varied and multitudinous considerations which enter into the proofs of this. It is capable, however, of being established by the very highest moral evidences. The wisest and best men of every age have concurred in receiving the Scriptures as from God. And it is not possible to give a rational account of their origin, and the source of their contents, without ascribing them to the divine authorship which they claim.
It may seem strange that the infinite God should condescend to put His great thoughts into the poor language of mortals, to communicate with creatures so dull and stupid as the sons of men; but this He has done. Portions of the Scriptures are made up of the very words of God, articulated by Himself in the hearing of men commissioned to declare them. One chapter, which embodies the moral essence of all the rest, was engraven by His own finger upon tables of rock, and delivered to Moses all ready formed and set in the alphabetic signs employed by men. Other parts consist of communications of celestial messengers sent directly from heaven’s throne to declare God’s will and purposes to the dwellers upon earth. A still larger portion was taken down as it fell from the lips of One in whom God had incarnated Himself, and whose every word and act in this world was a revelation from the unknown Deity. Even those parts which were written by men were produced by mysterious motion and illumina¬tion of the Holy Ghost - by inspiration of God. Indeed, the whole book is a literary aerolite, all the characteristics of which are unearthly, and whose own superior attributes are so many demonstrations of its superhuman source. Its very address is so far above that of man, that no mortal, unprompted, could ever have risen to it. Its subjects are all treated after an unearthly manner. Every leaf of it bears the sunlight of some higher sphere. Every page has on it the imprimatur of God. And all its words are instinct, with divine fires; flashing the admonition upon every reader, “Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.” They that look upon it look upon expressions of the eternal Spirit. They that rightly take its lessons drink in living emanations from unsearchable Godhead. It is the abiding miracle of rapport with the Mind which projected, upholds, and governs the universe. It is the ‘Word of God.
III. The testimonies of the Lord are wonderful in their originality and instructiveness.
The Bible depends upon no discoveries of man, and leans upon no other books. If it says some things which may be learned elsewhere, its utterances are always independent and peculiarly its own. The world through which it ranges is much wider than that of man‘s thoughts. It goes back to a remoter antiquity; it takes in a broader space; it extends to a vaster future; it introduces to sublimer spheres and forms of being; and it exhibits a ‘much’ profounder wisdom. It opens arcana of which no earthly powers ever dreamed, and is at home in regions where the sublimest imaginings of man had hardly extended a guess. On all the great questions of theology, life, death, and futurity, it speaks with a familiarity, comprehensiveness, and propriety which at once command our confidence and satisfy our hearts. What it touches, it touches with a master’s hand. It never speaks without pregnant meaning in all its words. And there is nothing in human science, poetry, or tradition which it does not exceed in knowledge, wisdom, and real value.
In its account of the creation, and the origin of things, there is nothing to compare with it. In all the historians, philosophers, and secular authors - the books of Zoroaster, the records of Phoenicia and Egypt, the Dialogues of Plato and Lucian, .the annals of China, the treatises of Plutarch, the Shastras of India, the Edda of Scandinavia, and all the schemes that have ever been given in explanation of the earth’s primal history - there is nothing so natural, so magnificent, so simple, so appropriate, so reliable, so satisfactory, as the first chapter of Genesis. Nor have all the discoveries of modern geology brought forward anything to convict Moses of a false cosmogony. If it is a truth that the history of the earth’s formation runs back through uncounted ages, he leaves an interval for it, between “the beginning” and the period when God caused light to appear upon its dark and misty surface. If it is true that vast eras have been traversed by each separate order of living things, one after the other, we find precisely the same succession in the Mosaic account which is found preserved in the different layers of the earth’s crust. And if it be true that there was life upon our world ages and cycles of ages before the period noted in Genesis as that in which man was created, it is also true that no traced of human existence are found except in the most recent deposits. A certain stonemason of the village of Cromartie, with sledge and chisel, himself delved through every formation, from the surface-mold down through the old red sandstone to the Silurian, gneiss, and granite, and, having mastered all that is known concerning each, has written it down as the result of his marvelous explorations, that the truthfulness of the Mosaic record is engraven upon the rocks forever.
And so in every department of science the Bible is always true to nature, and has invariably been in advance of all human investigations and discoveries. How many thousands of years have metaphysicians and psychologists been at work to map out, classify, and gauge the various capacities and powers of the human mind and soul! But they have found no way of approach to the heart so masterly and effective as that taken by the Scriptures; and the more that is known of the nature of the man, the more clearly is it seen that the Bible comprehended it from the commencement. It has been but a few years since Newton laid open the laws of gravitation; and yet the Scriptures spoke of the earth being hung “upon nothing,” as if familiar with the whole subject, before human science had begun to form even its feeblest guesses in the case. It has only been since the invention of the telescope enabled men to search through the starry spaces that Sir John Herschel has discovered in the northern sky a peculiar barrenness; but more than three thousand years ago Job told Bildad the Shuhite that “God stretched out the north over the empty place.” It has been but a few years since science discovered “that the sun is not the dead center of motion, around which comets sweep and planets whirl,” but that “the earth and sun, with their splendid retinue of comets, satel¬lites, and planets, are all in motion around some point or center of attraction inconceiv¬ably remote, and that that point is in the direction of the star Alcyone, one of the Pleiades”; which would hence seem to be “the midnight throne” in which the whole system of gravitation has its central seat and from which all material orbs are governed. But the Bible asked the question, more than thirty centuries ago, “Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades?” as if the speaker knew all about the facts in the case. How long has it been since the doctrine of the rotundity of the earth has been settled by scientific men? yet the Psalmist spoke of “the round world”; and Solomon described in brief the true theory of wind-currents, and strongly hinted the circulation of the blood, at least twenty-five hundred years ago. And, with all the’ advances of knowledge which have so wonderfully marked the last three hundred years, In which the spirit of philosophic inquiry has ranged the universe, searched heaven, earth, and sea, knocked at every door, peered into every recess, consulted every oracle of nature, and gathered trophies of power and treasures of wisdom and sublimities of knowledge at which the world has been amazed - in all the motions which the experimentist has traced, in all the principles of power which the master of physics has discovered, in all the combinations which the chemist has detected, in all the forms which the naturalist has recorded, in all the spiritual phenomena which the meta¬physician has described, and in all the conditions and relations of mind or matter, past or present, which human research has found out - there has not come to light one truth to contradict these holy records, or to require the relinquishment or change of one word in all the great volume of Scripture.
IV. The testimonies of the Lord are wonderful in beauty and literary excellence.
The Bible is a casket of jewelry of the richest hues and the most exquisite workmanship. Sir William Jones, that great Orientalist and scholar, has said, “I have regularly and attentively perused these Holy Scriptures, and am of the opinion that this volume, independently of its divine origin, contains more true sublimity, more exquisite beauty, more pure morality, more important history, and finer strains of poetry and eloquence, than can be collected from all other books, in whatever age or language they may have been written.” Even Rousseau wrote, “The majesty of the Scriptures strikes me with admiration. The works of our philosophers, with all their pomp of diction, bow mean, how con¬temptible, in comparison with them!
Nor does it matter much what part of the Scriptures we take, or in what department of rhetoric we test them. Whether it be history or prophecy, the Old Testament or the New, narrative or description, poetry or prose, the same characteristics are to be seen. Moses is as pure and simple as Adam and Eve in Paradise, and yet as majestic and grand as that great creation which he describes. Job contains a drama which is without a parallel - a drama of facts in which heaven and earth, visible and invisible, with all their wonderful interpenetrations, are set out in their connection with a suffering saint upon his couch, and in which the spirit of earnest inquiry urges itself fcrward until everything comes forth to declare the majesty of God, and all the might and goodness of man lies prostrate before Him who “bringeth forth Mazzaroth in his season” and speaketh comfortably to them that trust in Him. Under the leadership of David’s muse, we pass through varied scenes of beauty and grandeur, pastures and glens, still waters and roaring floods, dismal swamps and silent wildernesses, forests crashing with the lightnings of God and tempests that convulse the seas, the smoke and fury of battle and the shoutings of glad multitudes, by dells of lonely sorrow and along the starry archways of the sky, - until at length we take our places in a temple high as heaven and wide as space, with all objects of creation as living worshipers around us, each with its separate hymn of grateful joy, blending in one almighty adoration. Isaiah rises upon us like some “mighty orb of song,” whose rays are streaming minstrelsies, that have thrilled upon the hearts of men for seventy generations, and which must needs thrill on, unrivaled in their kind, while earth and time endure. Ezekiel is a very comet of fire, flaming his impetuous way across the heavens, and, like the living spirits in his own first vision, going and returning as a flash of lightning. And throughout - the Evangelists with their simple story of Jesus, and Paul in his epistles and orations, and John in his loving letters and apocalyptic visions - from the first words, “In the beginning,” onward to the last “amen,” we find variety, beauty, pathos, dignity, sweetness, magnificence, and glory, such as are contained in no other composition. Here are the sublimest heights and the profoundest depths, and all the gradations from the one to the other. From the worm that grovels in the dust, to the leviathan in the foaming deep, and the supreme archangel, and the eternal God; from the hyssop on ‘the wall, to the cedars of Lebanon, and the healing trees which shade life’s eternal river; from the pearl-drops which trickle from the mountain rock, to the noise of dashing torrents, and the wide waters of the deluge; from the glowworm under the thorn, to the sun in the heavens, and the great Father of Lights; from the lone pilgrim to the triumphing host, and the gathering multitude which no man can number; from the deepest sorrows of the lost, to the probation scenes of earth and the seraphic visions of the blest - there is nothing known to mortals which God bath not brought into requisition to intensify and adorn the precious book which He has given to men. As an eloquent preacher beyond the sea remarks, “He has filled it with marvelous incident and engaging history, with sunny pictures from Old-World scenery and affecting anecdotes from patriarchal times. He has replenished it with stately argument and thrilling verse, and sprinkled it over with sententious wisdom and proverbial pungency. It has the gracefulness of high utility; it has the majesty of intrinsic power; it has the charm of its own sanctity: it never labors, never strives, but, instinct with great realities and bent on blessed ends, baa all the translucent beauty and unstudied power which you might expect from its lofty object and all-wise Author.”
Some call these Scriptures dull and uninviting; but there is no book in being with so many real attractions. There Is no classic equal to it - no historian like. Moses, no poet like Job or’ Isaiah, no singer like David, no orator like Paul, no character’ like Jesus, and no revelation of God or nature like that which these venerable pages give. Not without rea¬on has Sir Thomas Browne said, “Were it of man, I could not choose but say it was the singularest and superlative piece that hath been extant since the creation. Were I a pagan, I should not refrain the lecture of it, and can not but commend the judgment of Ptolemy; that thought not his library complete without it.”
V. The testimonies of the Lord are wonderful in their influences and effects.
The Bible has been, for three thousand years, one of the greatest potencies on earth. It has been, and is to this moment; a greater power than Rome, or Greece; or Babylon ever was. Though it has not conquered the world, it has advanced further towards it than Alexander ever did. It has done more to govern and renew the human heart than all the laws enacted by legislators, and all the maxims devised uninspired sages, and all the lessons apart from itself, that were ever given to the race. It is the chief stay of a society which for a thousand years has been the most widespread, the most important, and the most powerful association on the earth. It has controlled the religious opinions of a large part of mankind for nearly forty centuries. It has molded characters and directed the efforts of men whose lives and labors introduced new eras and shaped the destinies of nations and turned the’ course of the world’s entire history. It has begotten and fostered the purest virtue, the sublimest manhood, the noblest beneficence, the sincerest charity, the tenderest kindness, and all the blessed saint-ship, that have ever been upon earth.
Its vast influence upon the welfare of nations may be estimated in part from the bloody codes, and infamous administrations, and social degradations, and far-reaching wretchedness, of those countries where it is rejected or unknown, contrasted with the blessedness and peace of those who have received it. It was the great Milton who said, “There are no politics like those which the Scriptures teach”; and in proof we need only look at Judea when it knew no laws but those which this book contains. How smooth and steady were the wheels of public justice, and how beautiful was the flow of national peace, in those golden days of the old Hebrew commonwealth! How did the joyous vines, and fields of waving ears, and gold of Ophir, and flocks and cattle abiding on a thousand hills, and cities full of peace and plenty, proclaim abroad the wealth and blessedness of that goodly land! How did the voice of singing and the fragrance of virtue linger round each habitation, and the sacrifices of praise crowd all the temple‘s courts from tribes rejoicing in the smiles of God!
In the sphere of learning and thought-creations, also, the influence of the Bible is equally marked and wonderful. It is to the world of letters what the sun is to the solar system, the fountain of the purest light and brightest wisdom. It has produced more books than any other one thing in existence. It has fostered learning when there was no other stimulation to its cultivation felt. Even the heathen classics owe their preservation to it. As a book written in other times, places, and languages, it has called forth the most laboriously compiled lexicons, grammars, and works on archeology by which the world of the present communes with the world ‘of the past. As a book claiming the faith and obedi¬ence of men, it has created a world of learned apology, comment, and exposition, and some of the noblest specimens of argument, eloquence, and appeal which are known to man. And, simply as a book among books, it has wrought wondrously upon the thoughts and productions of authors of all classes. The Visions of Dante are largely drawn from it. Every canto of the Faerie Queene bears the impress of its influence. Milton’s matchless songs of Paradise are from an inspiration which the Bible alone could give. From the same source came the immortal dream of Bunyan, the Pauline reasonings of Barrow, the flaming zeal of Richard Baxter, the “molten wealth” and “lava of gold and gems” which poured down “the russet steep of Puri¬tan theology,” the songs of Cowper, and “Thoughts” of Young, and visions of Pollok, and mighty eloquence of the Luthers, the Knoxes, the Massillons, the Whitefielth, and the Halls. Addison, and Thomson. and Burke, and Dryden, and Wordsworth, and Coleridge, and Southey, and Campbell, and Goethe, all are vastly indebted to the Scriptures for whatever excellences are found in their works. Shakespeare drew largely from this same precious mine, and also even Hobbes, and Shelley, and Byron. That prince of modern orators, Daniel Webster, once said, “If there be anything in my style or thoughts to be commended, the credit is due to my kind parents in instilling into my mind an early love of the Scriptures.” Indeed, if we were to destroy the Bible, and take from the world of literature and thought all that it has contributed directly or indirectly, half the history of the race would be swept out of mind, the noblest ideas that have swelled man's heart would be gone, some of the proudest monuments of human genius would be buried in oblivion, and thick darkness would settle down upon the world forever.
VI. The testimonies of the Lord are wonderful as a fountain of consolation, hope and salvation.
The Bible to all its other excellences adds this, that it is the Book of Life. It is not only a basket of silver network, but it contains apples of gold. It is the record of glad tidings to a perishing world, a message of joy to all people. In it, Wisdom bath mingled her wine, and slain her fatlings, and furnished her table, and calls all the hungry and needy to come and partake. The entrance of its words giveth light and imparteth understanding to the simple, and maketh wise unto salvation. It is a balm from Gilead for the sick, oil for the bruises of the wounded, reprieve for the prison-bound, and bread for them that are ready to perish. Its different books are but so many angels of mercy, carrying contentment into the abodes of poverty, enabling even the children of want to lift up their eyes to God who ordereth all things well, and to eat their scanty meals in peace; staying the hearts of the persecuted and opprest, causing them to rejoice and sing under the yoke, at the stake, and in the hottest of the fires, as on their passage-way to crowns immortal in the world to come; calming the minds of the fevered, mollifying where all earthly medicines fail, and kindling glad hopes of recompense yet to be revealed; lighting up comforts in the breasts of those that mourn for their dead, and assuring them of blessed reunions in a better life; and kindling even the dying eye and inspiring the dying heart with thoughts of speedy triumph, causing lips already closed for death to open once more in utterances of victory.
We may talk of the venerable age of the Bible, and its scientific accuracy, and its literary beauty and sublimity, and its wonderful influences upon the ideas, laws, governments, and general order of society and mankind; but it is all nothing in comparison with the spiritual good and immortal hopes and consolations which it begets in those who re¬ceive it as a message from their God. Are we voyagers upon a troubled and a dangerous sea? Here is a chart by which to steer in safety to the happy shores. Are we soldiers, beset with foes and required to endure the shocks of battle? This is an armory from which all needed weapons may be drawn at will, and by the right use of which we may hew our way to immortal triumph. Are we pilgrims and strangers, worn and weary in our search for the home from which we are exiles? In this book gush out the pure, fresh waters of life, the cooling shades from the Rock of salvation appear, and the guiding word is heard from pilgrims in advance, to cheer and encourage us till we reach the mansion of our Father. Indeed, it is beyond the power of language to express the excellency and richness of spiritual treasure which we have in this holy Book. It is the miraculous cruse of the Shunamitess which never exhausts. It is the wand of Moses which swallows the serpents of life, and parts the sea of trouble, and brings forth waters in the thirsty wilderness. It is the ladder of Jacob on which our spirits ascend to commune with God and angels. It is the telescope of faith by which we look on things invisible, survey even the third heavens, and have present to our view what is to be in afterages. It is the chariot of Elijah in which to ride up the starry way to immortality unhurt of deaths, it is the channel of the almighty Spirit as it goes forth for the sanctification, of the race - the very gulf-stream of eternal life as it pours out for the resuscitation of our wilted and decaying world.
Allusion has been made to the dreadful eclipse it would be to the world of letters and thought, for the Bible, and what it has done for man, to be blotted out. But that were nothing to the moral and spiritual night that would go along with such a calamity. Besides carrying away with it a vast proportion of the intellectual and moral life of the last eighteen centuries, it would silence every preacher of salvation, and abolish at only his office and his text. It would stop every work of mercy and plan of philanthropy in the world.
It would transmute into a lie all our fond anticipations of the return of Jesus to renew the world, restore our dead, complete our salvation, and bring us to an eternal heaven. It would hush forever the glad tidings with which men have comforted themselves for these many weary ages. It would put out the mother’s hopes of her dead babes, quench the wife ‘s fond desires for her hus¬band’s everlasting peace, destroy the widow’s consolation as she lingers by the grave of her buried love, and extinguish the matron ‘s last comfort as she trembles on the verge of eternity.
It would take with it all the reliefs and blessedness which prayer in the name of Jesus gives, and leave the sinner without pardon in the extremities of life. It would take away the last appeal of the slave against his oppressor, remove the last check of tyranny, and lift from the wicked hearts of men the last restraints, giving carnival’ to every lust and play to every passion, without correction, without limit, and without end!
We stagger, and are horrified, at the mere idea of the loss that would be inflicted. Chills run down our pulses at the contemplation of the despair and wretchedness which would ensue.
Let us, then, learn to value the possession of such a precious book. Let us bind it to our hearts as our chief treasure in this sin¬ darkened world. And, whilst we admire its beauty and revere its mysteries, let us abide by its precepts, and, as far as in us lies, practice its sacred mandates.
Related Tags: sermon, lesson, Joseph A. Seiss