Saturday, October 27, 2007
The Littlest Thing
Funny, it's been almost five months, but it only takes the littlest thing to put me in mind of my dad. Yes, the stage must be right; I must not be otherwise grossly preoccupied, but something as simple as watching a television program where a bed-ridden patient calls for a drink of water, something I did for my dad countless times in those last days, can bring that slight tear - that sense that the world is a lesser place.
Being in Indianapolis last weekend reminded me of what a presence my dad was in the lives of so many. He helped and helped. I write this on Friday, the day I have to now tackle bookkeeping - something he used to do for me. Every Friday I get the shakes and spend the bookkeeping morning on edge, nervous, irritable, very sad. I think about how I feel and wonder about those that did not have the benefit of a lifetime of his training - how nervous and irritable are they? I try to pray for them, but sometimes my own grief overwhelms the prayers.
My father was a deeply flawed man, just like all of us. But I cannot find the flaws anymore, I only long for the good. He had his detractors, again, as we all do. I wish to scold them.
Sometimes I have to remind myself that I am 50 years old; his absence makes me feel like that little kid I was that got lost in the museum. The wonder of my surroundings ceases in the absence of the important other.
I long to eulogize him, but find it impossible. There is simply too much to say and the emotions still are too strong.
I miss you Dad.
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Being in Indianapolis last weekend reminded me of what a presence my dad was in the lives of so many. He helped and helped. I write this on Friday, the day I have to now tackle bookkeeping - something he used to do for me. Every Friday I get the shakes and spend the bookkeeping morning on edge, nervous, irritable, very sad. I think about how I feel and wonder about those that did not have the benefit of a lifetime of his training - how nervous and irritable are they? I try to pray for them, but sometimes my own grief overwhelms the prayers.
My father was a deeply flawed man, just like all of us. But I cannot find the flaws anymore, I only long for the good. He had his detractors, again, as we all do. I wish to scold them.
Sometimes I have to remind myself that I am 50 years old; his absence makes me feel like that little kid I was that got lost in the museum. The wonder of my surroundings ceases in the absence of the important other.
I long to eulogize him, but find it impossible. There is simply too much to say and the emotions still are too strong.
I miss you Dad.
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Comic Art
You know, one of the more amazing things about comics is the variation, given a basic design. that the artist can do in the depiction of a single character. You would think, for example that given the utility belt, the earred cowl, the cape and the chest symbol, Batman would get pretty artistically boring. BUT LOOK AT THIS!
Now whoever did that web site put in enormous energy and resources - far beyond what I have available, but I love the idea so I am going to start a new every-other-week series here. I am just going to present several artistically different depictions of a given character, with little or no comment. I will credit the artist if I can, but there is a lot of unsigned fan art out there and if it is good, I want to show it.
I am going to call this "Heroes and Artists"
I hope through this series you will come to appreciate that comics offer real, serious art. We'll start with Batman since it's easy.
Bob Kane, Batman's creator
Neal Adams
Frank Miller, Klaus Jansen, Lynn Varley
Simon Bisley
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Now whoever did that web site put in enormous energy and resources - far beyond what I have available, but I love the idea so I am going to start a new every-other-week series here. I am just going to present several artistically different depictions of a given character, with little or no comment. I will credit the artist if I can, but there is a lot of unsigned fan art out there and if it is good, I want to show it.
I am going to call this "Heroes and Artists"
I hope through this series you will come to appreciate that comics offer real, serious art. We'll start with Batman since it's easy.

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Friday, October 26, 2007
Who Do You Hate?
Justin Taylor was wondering about hate. He does so based on trying to understand passages like Psalm 11:5-6, in which it is declared:
How do we decide who is worthy of this hatred?
If you read this stuff closely there words are much more intense than merely "sinner" - words like "wicked" and "evil," even "violence" keep creeping in there. If we examine the condemnations of Christ Himself, His hatred seemed reserved for "special" sinners - it was not broadcast to all of us, and after all, we are all sinners.
If we believe our own theology, "sinner" is a state, not an action. Again, if we hate the sinner, we would have to hate everybody, so it is more than just hating the sinner, some judgement must be involved as to who is worthy of this hate.
"Violence" is definitely something we do, not something we think or an attitude we have. While as sinners, we all have evil and wicked hearts, hearts Christ could clearly see, yet Christ did not hate us all, then hatred must be reserved for those that somehow manifested that evil and wickedness in extraordinary ways.
I am forced to conclude that while we are indeed called to hate some, we do so on the basis of behavior, not belief or attitude, or state. So what behaviors fall into this "hateable" category? Well, unwarranted violence, meaning excluding the violence of self-defense or just war, seems pretty clearly indicated. Fair enough, now we are justified in hating Hitler, Stalin, and the like and its not so hard to pull the death penalty switch anymore. But then I think most conservative Christians had no problem with that before.
Where did Christ aim His hatred? At the money changers. At those perverted the Law for personal gain. Whoa - now it gets tricky because of course that is pretty much a definition of sin. But there is a key difference - this perversion of the Law was presented with a false representation of God's authority, and as such carried with it an inherent threat of violence, particularly when "the church" had the civil authority it did at the time.
Dangerous ground this - where's the line? Oh sure putting Benny Hinn or Joel Osteen on the "hated" list seems an obvious notion - their profiteering is too obvious. But what about the Pope? Some popes have been pretty awful fellows, but then again, some haven't.
Which brings up another pretty interesting point about all this - hatred is an individualistic thing, not class-based. We can hate a pope based on what he does with the office, but I don't think we can hate the office just because it has had some bad actors in it.
I have rambled on about this primarily to make a point - ETHICS MATTER. It seems like we have worked so hard to reduce Christianity to a few platitudes, a nice worship service, now fill the plate. But the truly transformational thing that it is demands far more, and some of it is hard work. Ethics is one of those things. We need to think more, and we need to think harder about this kind of stuff.
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The Lord tests the righteous,Taylor then quotes John McKenzie and concludes that hatred of the sinner, not merely the sin, may be appropriate. I do not disagree with that conclusion, but I do think it raises important questions:
but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence.
How do we decide who is worthy of this hatred?
If you read this stuff closely there words are much more intense than merely "sinner" - words like "wicked" and "evil," even "violence" keep creeping in there. If we examine the condemnations of Christ Himself, His hatred seemed reserved for "special" sinners - it was not broadcast to all of us, and after all, we are all sinners.
If we believe our own theology, "sinner" is a state, not an action. Again, if we hate the sinner, we would have to hate everybody, so it is more than just hating the sinner, some judgement must be involved as to who is worthy of this hate.
"Violence" is definitely something we do, not something we think or an attitude we have. While as sinners, we all have evil and wicked hearts, hearts Christ could clearly see, yet Christ did not hate us all, then hatred must be reserved for those that somehow manifested that evil and wickedness in extraordinary ways.
I am forced to conclude that while we are indeed called to hate some, we do so on the basis of behavior, not belief or attitude, or state. So what behaviors fall into this "hateable" category? Well, unwarranted violence, meaning excluding the violence of self-defense or just war, seems pretty clearly indicated. Fair enough, now we are justified in hating Hitler, Stalin, and the like and its not so hard to pull the death penalty switch anymore. But then I think most conservative Christians had no problem with that before.
Where did Christ aim His hatred? At the money changers. At those perverted the Law for personal gain. Whoa - now it gets tricky because of course that is pretty much a definition of sin. But there is a key difference - this perversion of the Law was presented with a false representation of God's authority, and as such carried with it an inherent threat of violence, particularly when "the church" had the civil authority it did at the time.
Dangerous ground this - where's the line? Oh sure putting Benny Hinn or Joel Osteen on the "hated" list seems an obvious notion - their profiteering is too obvious. But what about the Pope? Some popes have been pretty awful fellows, but then again, some haven't.
Which brings up another pretty interesting point about all this - hatred is an individualistic thing, not class-based. We can hate a pope based on what he does with the office, but I don't think we can hate the office just because it has had some bad actors in it.
I have rambled on about this primarily to make a point - ETHICS MATTER. It seems like we have worked so hard to reduce Christianity to a few platitudes, a nice worship service, now fill the plate. But the truly transformational thing that it is demands far more, and some of it is hard work. Ethics is one of those things. We need to think more, and we need to think harder about this kind of stuff.
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Friday Humor
An old man was critically ill. Feeling that death was near, he called his lawyer. "I want to become a lawyer. How much is the express degree you told me about?"
"It's $50,000," the lawyer said. "But why? You'll be dead soon, why do you want to become a lawyer?"
"That's my business! Get me the course!"
Four days later, the old man got his law degree. His lawyer was at his bedside, making sure his bill would be paid.
Suddenly the old man was racked with fits of coughing and it was clear that this would be the end. Still curious, the lawyer leaned over and said, "Please, before it's too late, tell me why you wanted to get a law degree so badly before you died?
In a faint whisper, as he breathed his last, the old man said, "One less lawyer..."
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"It's $50,000," the lawyer said. "But why? You'll be dead soon, why do you want to become a lawyer?"
"That's my business! Get me the course!"
Four days later, the old man got his law degree. His lawyer was at his bedside, making sure his bill would be paid.
Suddenly the old man was racked with fits of coughing and it was clear that this would be the end. Still curious, the lawyer leaned over and said, "Please, before it's too late, tell me why you wanted to get a law degree so badly before you died?
In a faint whisper, as he breathed his last, the old man said, "One less lawyer..."
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Thursday, October 25, 2007
Yep, That's Right
Milt Stanley links to a post by Jim Martin. Milt has his own favorite pull quote, here's mine
Obvious notion that, but it is the response that is maddening. "Well of course, that's true, after all, we are all sinners." Indeed, but that does not mean we should not hold to the ideal. That does not mean we should be satisfied. That does not mean we should lose sight of that which lies ahead. Our call, both individually and corporately is to run the good race, which means looking at where we should be, not where we are.
The same that says we are all sinners, also says we are to be sanctified. It says we have a way out of the sin if we but rest in the Holy Spirit and strive.
The problem that Jim describes is about what we strive for. We strive to build an organization instead of striving to use an organization to build people, nay disciples, that then begin that cycle again. We lack vision for what the church SHOULD BE.
Think about that for a minute. We have a vision for what we has individuals should be, but what should the church be? Aside from "growing"? Come on, don't you think our vision should be a little more radical than that?
Why must I turn to very old literature to find real vision for faith communities instead of the modern manuals that read suspiciously business textbooks in church skins? Why don't we read that old literature now?
I recall that when Christ was in the wilderness, The Evil One tempted him not with perversions, but with alternate vision of His mission.
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I am just describing the realities that many of us are in. This is very familiar territory to me. I have gone through moments and even months when I thought I was going to die spiritually. The irony? That happened while I was spending every waking hour thinking about how to deal with messes in a church system.Jim says he is not "fussing at anyone" which is fine, but I'm gonna. How can the state he describes, one I have derided here over and over again, come to be? When the church is not an adequate reflection of the God it seeks to worship, that's how.
Obvious notion that, but it is the response that is maddening. "Well of course, that's true, after all, we are all sinners." Indeed, but that does not mean we should not hold to the ideal. That does not mean we should be satisfied. That does not mean we should lose sight of that which lies ahead. Our call, both individually and corporately is to run the good race, which means looking at where we should be, not where we are.
The same that says we are all sinners, also says we are to be sanctified. It says we have a way out of the sin if we but rest in the Holy Spirit and strive.
The problem that Jim describes is about what we strive for. We strive to build an organization instead of striving to use an organization to build people, nay disciples, that then begin that cycle again. We lack vision for what the church SHOULD BE.
Think about that for a minute. We have a vision for what we has individuals should be, but what should the church be? Aside from "growing"? Come on, don't you think our vision should be a little more radical than that?
Why must I turn to very old literature to find real vision for faith communities instead of the modern manuals that read suspiciously business textbooks in church skins? Why don't we read that old literature now?
I recall that when Christ was in the wilderness, The Evil One tempted him not with perversions, but with alternate vision of His mission.
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Illuminated Scripture
Looking Through the Door
Illuminated Scriptures the last few weeks have been pen and ink sketches. And those are really fun for me and I have enjoyed drawing them. I had no intention of interrupting that series, but this last weekend John and I made a trip to Indianapolis to begin packing up his parents’ home. Those of you that check in now and then here at Blogotional know that John’s dad passed away suddenly in June as a result of injuries suffered in a car accident. During the months that have followed I have contributed some bits about John’s dad. Now I feel compelled to share this Illuminated Scripture inspired by several things from Indianapolis including John’s dad.
John’s dad before he died had picked out new front doors for the house. He never lived to see those doors installed. John has since had the job done. As we were packing I stood in front of those doors and was admiring the glass, and realized really how beautiful they were with the light shining through. I took a picture. Then Sunday we attended his parents’ church accompanied by John’s mom who has almost recovered from the accident and was very happy to be there. The sermon was from Romans and the main verse was the one you see in this Illuminated Scripture. The picture through the glass of the door came to my mind and it somehow seemed to fit with this scripture—“glory that will be revealed”—looking through the door. So now once again in memory of John’s dad Harry Schroeder here is today’s Illuminated Scripture.
Mrs. Blogotional
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The Nature of True Leadership
Jollyblogger quotes Tim Keller:
When we choose leaders on traditional, worldly models for the church, we get traditional, worldly institutions that do traditional, worldly things. The church, like we as individuals, is supposed to be ODD! It is supposed to be something radically, weirdly different.
Which raises and interesting question - Can we even know what the church is really supposed to look like? Is strategic planning wise? God is calling us to something so very different that I wonder if we can sufficiently comprehend it enough to be deliberate in moving towards it?
Now, even as I write those words, echoes of the hippies of my youth ring in my head and warnings of "down that path lay chaos." And indeed, there is weight to that argument for we remain sinners bound to screw up and get lost on that ill-defined journey. But what is at stake if we do get lost?
Which brings me back to leadership. The kind of leader that Keller calls out is a relational leader that knows what matters and what doesn't. You see, we may fail the institution, but if we are confessing, humble leaders we will not fail our Lord or each other. The institution is at stake, and I grant there is expense in that, but there is not fatality.
The apostle Paul says:
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Most churches make the mistake of selecting as leaders the confident, the competent, and the successful. But what you most need in a leader is someone who has been broken by the knowledge of his or her sin, and even greater knowledge of Jesus' costly grace. The number one leaders in every church ought to be the people who repent the most fully without excuses, because you don't need any now; the most easily without bitterness; the most publicly and the most joyfully. They know their standing isn't based on their performance.I am currently attending a class on I Peter and Hebrews, themed loosely on the ideas of holiness and maturity. The teacher, a recent Princeton grad roughly half my age (How did that every happen?) is fond of translating the Greek for "holy" as "ODD." His intention, of course, is to emphasize that as Christians we are to be radically different. He points out that Peter's call to holy behavior in unjust situations (oppressive Rome and as slaves) is really a call to evangelism. He contends something that I have said repeatedly on this blog - who we are and how we act says more than our words ever can.
When we choose leaders on traditional, worldly models for the church, we get traditional, worldly institutions that do traditional, worldly things. The church, like we as individuals, is supposed to be ODD! It is supposed to be something radically, weirdly different.
Which raises and interesting question - Can we even know what the church is really supposed to look like? Is strategic planning wise? God is calling us to something so very different that I wonder if we can sufficiently comprehend it enough to be deliberate in moving towards it?
Now, even as I write those words, echoes of the hippies of my youth ring in my head and warnings of "down that path lay chaos." And indeed, there is weight to that argument for we remain sinners bound to screw up and get lost on that ill-defined journey. But what is at stake if we do get lost?
Which brings me back to leadership. The kind of leader that Keller calls out is a relational leader that knows what matters and what doesn't. You see, we may fail the institution, but if we are confessing, humble leaders we will not fail our Lord or each other. The institution is at stake, and I grant there is expense in that, but there is not fatality.
The apostle Paul says:
But examine everything carefully hold fast to that which is good; 1Thes 5:21(b)To what do we as leaders hold - our institution, or each other? If the former our doom is sealed, but if the latter, our institution may still die away, but the church will most definitely not.
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Faith and Law
I am no legal expert, but sometimes the courts are just dumb. Consider two recent rulings as recounted by the NYTimes.
In the first case, the reasoning is summarized:
Note; however, that it is only the dissent that appears to mention religion, seems a bit narrow in focus don't you think. Were I on the bench, I would have written a different dissent, one that chastised even bringing up religion, but disagreed with the ruling on purely procedural grounds. Ruling that the outside research was ineffectual is a bit like letting someone off for robbery because the person robbed can afford it.
On the second AA case, the reasoning is not provided, only comments from AA, and the judges.
But here is the comment I really wanted to get to. These rulings make sense to me on church/state grounds. A religion and the ethics resulting from that religion are two different things. Like it or not, the ethics, as codified in law, of our society are largely Judeo-Christian. Now, those ethics are shared generally by many other faiths, but they are religious in origin - it is a historical fact. To consider religious writings, on an ethical basis strikes me as reasonably within the bounds of church/state separation.
Similarly, AA is a faith based organization. Now, it has no creed, and is generic enough in its faith statements that t does not constitute a church by any stretch of the imagination; however, the work it does is predicated on faith of some sort. To order a person into such a program is to order them to faith, generic though it may be. Therefore, this ruling also makes sense to me on church/state grounds.
The important point is that none of what I just reasoned is in the story. What saddens me is that the issue has become so convoluted. Whether in the decisions themselves, or simply in the reporting - it's painted good guy/bad guy - not reason and law.
Of course, that such irrationality would creep into uneducated and poorly instructed juries is something that is bound to happen and that I have experienced. But this is not even in front of a jury, these are appelate decisions, one of the court divisions designed to monitor and control such things.
Reason matters - it is time we got back to it in the legal system.
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The federal appeals court in San Francisco yesterday upheld a death sentence from a jury that had consulted the Bible’s teachings on capital punishment.If you read the piece you will find the reasoning behind the decisions is pretty convoluted. But then. of course, I am reading the NYTimes view of the reasoning and not the cases themselves, so who knows.
In a second decision on the role of religion in the criminal justice system, the same court ruled Friday that requiring a former prisoner on parole to attend meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous violated the First Amendment’s ban on government establishment of religion.
In the first case, the reasoning is summarized:
Judge Pamela Ann Rymer, writing for the majority, said there was no need to decide whether there had been juror misconduct, “because even assuming there was, we are persuaded that White’s notes had no substantial and injurious effect or influence.”What's amazing about this case is the reasoning with, or in, dissent should not even involve religion. Juries are prohibited from considering materials not presented in the court room, therefore, the fact that a juror did outside research OF ANY SORT should tell the tale - the juror misconduct is the issue, not the content of his research.
In dissent, Judge Marsha S. Berzon said there was “no doubt that White engaged in unconstitutional misconduct by injecting his overnight biblical research into the deliberations.” Judge Ronald M. Gould, also dissenting, said the majority had endorsed “a theocratic jury room” in which jurors consider “the death penalty in light of Scripture.”
Note; however, that it is only the dissent that appears to mention religion, seems a bit narrow in focus don't you think. Were I on the bench, I would have written a different dissent, one that chastised even bringing up religion, but disagreed with the ruling on purely procedural grounds. Ruling that the outside research was ineffectual is a bit like letting someone off for robbery because the person robbed can afford it.
On the second AA case, the reasoning is not provided, only comments from AA, and the judges.
But here is the comment I really wanted to get to. These rulings make sense to me on church/state grounds. A religion and the ethics resulting from that religion are two different things. Like it or not, the ethics, as codified in law, of our society are largely Judeo-Christian. Now, those ethics are shared generally by many other faiths, but they are religious in origin - it is a historical fact. To consider religious writings, on an ethical basis strikes me as reasonably within the bounds of church/state separation.
Similarly, AA is a faith based organization. Now, it has no creed, and is generic enough in its faith statements that t does not constitute a church by any stretch of the imagination; however, the work it does is predicated on faith of some sort. To order a person into such a program is to order them to faith, generic though it may be. Therefore, this ruling also makes sense to me on church/state grounds.
The important point is that none of what I just reasoned is in the story. What saddens me is that the issue has become so convoluted. Whether in the decisions themselves, or simply in the reporting - it's painted good guy/bad guy - not reason and law.
Of course, that such irrationality would creep into uneducated and poorly instructed juries is something that is bound to happen and that I have experienced. But this is not even in front of a jury, these are appelate decisions, one of the court divisions designed to monitor and control such things.
Reason matters - it is time we got back to it in the legal system.
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Kitty Kartoons
Monday, October 22, 2007
Money and Hospitality
Tim Frickenschmidt writing at CGO claims that money ruins hospitality:
I do think we are all called to a season of poverty. I agree that the call to be Christ's person is not necessarily a call to poverty, but it is definitievely a call to a proper relationship with our material possessions and frankly I have never met anyone with such a proper relationship that had not experienced a period of their lives where they had to figure out how to do without.
One of the more interesting phenomena is such a period of poverty is that we learn not only the value of money hard earned, but we also learn it's lack of value as the really important things in life can, if we allow it, take focus.
Not being a parent, I am loathe to grant parenting advise, but I will make an exception in this case. I see around me many young people whose parents strive to fill the child's every whim and desire. We have the whole sociologically demonstrated phenomena of kids staying with their parents well into their 20's - not mind you in roles as hands, or employees, or partners, but as the same rent-free children they are when they were minors.
I know of a 20-something engagement that recently broke off because one of the couple more-or-less tried to outfit a new house from scratch on credit. I could not help but think of the swivel-rocker I took from the trash of a neighbor at that age.
Yes, media and advertising builds expectations in children, but it did when I was a kid too. My parents hated when the Sears catalog came because it resulted in weeks of "I wants...."
Due to circumstances beyond his control my father was unable to fulfill a promise he made to me as a child, He always promised he would pay for my college education. Between my junior and senior years in undergrad, that ability simply vanished. I know that he died regretting his inability to fulfill that promise, he had expressed that regret so many times through the years.
I worked so hard in that senior year trying to keep up the study load, the volunteer ministry load, and scrapping up the money I needed. It was a great year and I tried to tell my dad through the years that I learned far more from that effort than I would ever have learned had he been able to keep that promise - That he had in the best sense possible educated me.
God had long since blessed me enormously financially, for which I am unspeakably grateful. Which is in the end the real key. It is not the lack or presence of wealth that matters, but the knowledge of its source and real value - lessons best learned in want, not plenty.
Christ's radical call to sell all your possessions is real, but not as radical as some would make it out to be. I think parents, with simple limitations and requirements on their children can teach the lessons of poverty for the season necessary.
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As Christians our greatest offerings to one another and to the watching world are not positive; they are not out of the reservoir of what we are or have in ourselves. What we uniquely have to offer others that can truly change their souls is the “void” of which Barth speaks; it is the brokenness and feebleness that sin has scarred upon us but which God in Christ is healing. Our greatest offerings, our most hospitable offerings to others are negative; they are what we are not. We are not holier than they; our houses and our lives are not in spotless order; our children are not the beautiful little pixies that the pictures in our wallets display. We just are not...what most people think us to be. And if we let them into our homes and they see what we are not, maybe they will see who Christ is, what the gospel is.There is truth at the heart of Frickenschmidt's arguement, as Christians we are called to offer something quite different in hospitality setting than others. It is also true that money often becomes am idol for us. What I wonder about; however, is the radical nature of this presentation. Does Christ really call ALL of us to sell ALL of our possessions?
It is our negative offerings in hospitality that most clearly share grace with others. When they see that fallen people like us, who were once enslaved to the insatiable egotism of sin are now those who, though not perfect, strive to serve others out of our reservoir of weakness, we will really leave an impression. Christian hospitality is ultimately not an offering of our food, our house, our wit, our house cleaning, our horticulture, our parenting, or anything that the world too can offer, but rather our Lord Jesus, who has graciously filled the void between us and God through His life, death, and resurrection. It is Him we offer in our hospitality. You cannot serve both God and money.
I do think we are all called to a season of poverty. I agree that the call to be Christ's person is not necessarily a call to poverty, but it is definitievely a call to a proper relationship with our material possessions and frankly I have never met anyone with such a proper relationship that had not experienced a period of their lives where they had to figure out how to do without.
One of the more interesting phenomena is such a period of poverty is that we learn not only the value of money hard earned, but we also learn it's lack of value as the really important things in life can, if we allow it, take focus.
Not being a parent, I am loathe to grant parenting advise, but I will make an exception in this case. I see around me many young people whose parents strive to fill the child's every whim and desire. We have the whole sociologically demonstrated phenomena of kids staying with their parents well into their 20's - not mind you in roles as hands, or employees, or partners, but as the same rent-free children they are when they were minors.
I know of a 20-something engagement that recently broke off because one of the couple more-or-less tried to outfit a new house from scratch on credit. I could not help but think of the swivel-rocker I took from the trash of a neighbor at that age.
Yes, media and advertising builds expectations in children, but it did when I was a kid too. My parents hated when the Sears catalog came because it resulted in weeks of "I wants...."
Due to circumstances beyond his control my father was unable to fulfill a promise he made to me as a child, He always promised he would pay for my college education. Between my junior and senior years in undergrad, that ability simply vanished. I know that he died regretting his inability to fulfill that promise, he had expressed that regret so many times through the years.
I worked so hard in that senior year trying to keep up the study load, the volunteer ministry load, and scrapping up the money I needed. It was a great year and I tried to tell my dad through the years that I learned far more from that effort than I would ever have learned had he been able to keep that promise - That he had in the best sense possible educated me.
God had long since blessed me enormously financially, for which I am unspeakably grateful. Which is in the end the real key. It is not the lack or presence of wealth that matters, but the knowledge of its source and real value - lessons best learned in want, not plenty.
Christ's radical call to sell all your possessions is real, but not as radical as some would make it out to be. I think parents, with simple limitations and requirements on their children can teach the lessons of poverty for the season necessary.
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Sunday, October 21, 2007
Sermons and Lessons
Richard Baxter, was born in 1615, at Rowton, near Shrewsbury, in England. After surmounting great difficulties in securing an education for the ministry he was ordained in 1638, in the Church of England, his first important charge being that of Kidderminster, where he established his reputation as a powerful evangelical and controversial preacher. Although opposed to Cromwell’s extreme acts, he became a chaplain in the army of the Rebellion. His influence was all on the side of peace, however, and at the Restoration be was appointed chaplain to Charles II.
Baxter left the Church of England on the promulgation of the Act of Uniformity, and in 1662 retired to Acton in Middlesex, where he wrote most of his works. The Acts of Indulgence enabled him to return to London, where he remained until Judge Jeffreys imprisoned and fined him on a charge of sedition. He was the most prolific writer and controversialist of his day among nonconformists. Baxter left only two works which seem likely to be of ever fresh interest, “The Saint’s Rest” and “Calls to the Unconverted?’ He died in London in 1691.
But they made light of it. - Matt. 22:5.
Beloved hearers; the office that God hath called us to is, by declaring the glory of His grace, to help under Christ to the saving of men’s souls. I hope you think not that I come hither today on another errand. The Lord knows I had not set a foot out-of-doors but in hope to succeed in this work for your souls. I have considered, and often considered, what is the matter that so many thousands should perish when God hath done so much for their salvation; and I find this that is mentioned in my text is the cause. It is one of the wonders of the world, that when God hath so loved the world as to send His Son, and Christ hath made a satisfaction by His death sufficient for them all, and offereth the benefits of it so freely to them, even without money or price, that yet the most of the world should perish; yea, the most of those that are thus called by His Word! Why, here is the reason - when Christ hath done all this, men make light of it. God hath showed that He is not unwilling; and Christ hath showed that He is not unwilling that men should be restored to God’s favor and be saved; but men are actually unwilling themselves. God takes not pleasure in the death of sinners, but rather that they return and live. But men take such pleasure in sin that they will die before they will return. The Lord Jesus was content to be their physician, and bath provided them a sufficient plaster of His own blood: but if men make light of it, and will not apply it, what wonder if they perish after all? This Scripture giveth us the reason of their perdition. This, sad experience tells us, the most of the world is guilty of. It is a most lamentable thing to see how most men do spend their care, their time, their pains, for known vanities, while God and glory are cast aside; that He who is all should seem to them as nothing, and that which is nothing should seem to them as good as all; that God should set mankind in such a race where heaven or hell is their certain end, and that they should sit down, and loiter, or run after the childish toys of the world, and so much forget the prize that they should run for. Were it but possible for one of us to see the whole of this business as the all-seeing God doth; to see at one view both heaven and hell, which men are so near; and see what most men in the world are minding, and what they are doing every day, it would be the saddest sight that could be imagined. Oh, how should we marvel at their madness, and lament their self-delusion! 0 poor distracted world! what is it you run after? and what is it that you neglect? If God had never told them what they were sent into the world to do, or whither they were going, or what was before them in another world, then they had been excusable; but He hath told them over and over, till they were weary of it. Had He left it doubtful, there had been some excuse; but it is His sealed word, and they profess to believe it, and would take it ill of us if we should ques¬tion whether they do believe it or not.
Beloved, I come not to accuse any of you particularly of this crime; but seeing it is the commonest cause of men’s destruction, I suppose you will judge it the fittest matter for our inquiry, and deserving our greatest care for the cure. To which end I shall, (1) en¬deavor the conviction of the guilty; (2) shall give them such considerations as may tend to humble and reform them; (3) I shall conclude with such direction as may help them that are willing to escape the destroying power of this sin.
And for the first, consider: It is the ease of most sinners to think themselves freest from those sins that they are most enslaved to; and one reason why we can not reform them is because we can not convince them of their guilt. It is the nature of sin so far to blind and befool the sinner, that he knoweth not what he doth, but thinketh he is free from it when it reigneth in him, or when he is committing it: it bringeth men to be so much unacquainted with themselves that they know not what they think, or what they mean and intend, nor what they love or hate, much less what they are habituated and disposed to. They are alive to sin, and dead to all the reason, consideration, and resolution that should recover them, as if it were only by their sinning that we must know that they are alive. May I hope that you that hear me today are but willing to know the truth of your case, and then I shall be encouraged to proceed to an inquiry. God will judge impartially; why should not we do so? Let me, therefore, by these following questions, try whether none of you are slighters of Christ and your own salvation. And follow me, I beseech you, by putting them close to your own hearts, and faithfully answering them.
Things that men highly value will be remembered; they will be matter of their freest and sweetest thoughts. This is a known case.
Do not those then make light of Christ and salvation that think of them so seldom and coldly in comparison of other things? Follow thy own heart, man, and observe what it daily runneth after; and then judge whether it make not light of Christ.
We can not persuade men to one hour’s sober consideration what they should do for an interest in Christ, or in thankfulness for His love, and yet they will not believe that they make light of Him.
Things that we highly value will be matter of our discourse; the judgment and heart will command the tongue. Freely and delightfully will our speech run after them. This also is a known case.
Do not those men make light of Christ and salvation that shun the mention of His name, unless it be in a vain or sinful use? Those that love not the company where Christ and salvation is mush talked of, but think it troublesome, precise discourse: that had rather hear some merry jests, or idle tales, or talk of their riches or business in the world; when you may follow them from morning to night, and scarce have a savory word of Christ; but perhaps some slight and weary mention of Him sometimes; judge whether these make not light of Christ and salvation. How seriously do they talk of the world and speak of vanity! but bow heartlessly do they make mention of Christ and salvation!
The things that we highly value we would secure the possession of, and therefore would take any convenient course to have all doubts and fears about them well resolved. Do not those men then make light of Christ and salvation that have lived twenty or thirty years in uncertainty whether they have any part in these or not, and yet never seek out for the right resolution of their doubts? Are all that hear me this day certain they shall be saved? Oh, that they were! Oh, had you not made light of salvation, you could not so easily bear such doubting of it; you could not rest till you had made it sure, or done your best to make it sure. Have you nobody to inquire of, that might help you in such a work? Why, you have ministers that are purposely appointed to that office. Have you gone to them, and told them the doubtfulness of your case, and asked their help in the judging of your condition? Alas! ministers may sit in their studies from one year to another, before ten persons among a thousand will come to them on such an errand! Do not these make light of Christ and salvation? When the gospel pierceth the heart indeed, they cry out, “Men and brethren, what shall we do to be saved?” Trembling and astonished, Paul cries out, “Lord,, what wilt Thou have me to do?” And so did the convinced Jews to Peter. But when hear we such questions?
The things that we value do deeply affect us, and some motions will be in the heart according to our estimation of them. 0 sirs, if men made not light of these things, what working would there be in the hearts of all our hearers! What strange affections would it raise in them to bear of the matters of the world to come! How would their hearts melt before the power of the gospel! What sorrow would be wrought in the discovery of their sins! What astonishment at the consideration of their misery! What unspeakable joy at the glad tidings of salvation by the blood of Christ! What resolution would be raised in them upon the discovery of their duty! Oh, what hearers should we have, if it were not for this sin! Whereas now we are liker to weary them, or preach them asleep with matters of this unspeakable moment. We talk to them of Christ and salvation till we make their heads ache: little would one think by their careless carriage that they heard and regarded what we said, or though we spoke at all to them.
Our estimation of things will be seen in the diligence of our endeavors. That which we highliest value, we shall think no pains too great to obtain. Do not those men then make light of Christ and salvation that think all too much that they do for them; that murmur at His service, and think it too grievous for them to endure? That ask His service as Judas of the ointment. What need this waste? Can not men be saved without so much ado? This is more ado than needs. For the world they will labor all the day, and all their lives; but for Christ and salvation they are afraid of doing too much. Let us preach to them as long as we will, we can not bring them to relish or resolve upon a life of holiness. Follow them to their houses, and you shall not hear them read a chapter, nor call upon God with their families once a day; nor will they allow Him that one day in seven which He bath separated to His service. But pleasure, or worldly business, or idleness, must have a part. And many of them are so far hardened as to reproach them that will not be as mad as themselves. And is not Christ worth the seeking? Is not everlasting salvation worth more than all this? Doth not that soul make light of all these that thinks his ease more worth than they? Let but common sense judge.
That which we most highly value, we think we can not buy too dear. Christ and salvation are freely given, and yet the most of men go without them because they can not enjoy the world and them together. They are called but to part with that which would hinder them Christ, and they will not do it. They are called but to give God His own, and to resign all to His will, and let go the profits and pleasures of this world, when they must let go either Christ or them, and they will not. They think this too dear a bargain, and say they can not spare these things: they must hold their credit with men; they must look to their estates: how shall they live else? They must have their pleasure, whatsoever becomes of Christ and salvation: as if they could live without Christ better than without these; as if they were afraid of being losers by Christ, or could make a saving match by losing their souls to gain the world. Christ hath told us over and over that if we will not forsake all for Him we can not be His disciples. Far are these men from forsaking all, and yet ~ will needs think that they are His disciples indeed.
That which men highly esteem, they would help their friends to as well as themselves. Do not those men make light of Christ and salvation that can take so much care to leave their children portions in the world, and do so little to help them to heaven? that provide outward necessaries so carefully for their families, but do so little to the saving of their souls? Their neglected children and friends will witness that either Christ, or their children’s souls, or both, were made light of.
That which men highly esteem, they will so diligently seek after that you may see it in the success, if it be a matter within their reach. You may see how many make light of Christ, by the little knowledge they have of Him, and the little communion with Him, and the communication from Him; and the little, yea, none, of His special grace in them. Alas! how many ministers can speak it to the sorrow of their hearts, that many of their people know almost nothing of Christ, tho they hear of Him daily! Nor know they what they must do to be saved: if we ask them an account of these things, they answer as if they understood not what we say to them, and tell us they are no scholars, and therefore think they are excusable for their ignorance. Oh, if these men had not made light of Christ and their salvation, but had bestowed but half as much pains to know and enjoy Him as they have done to understand the matters of their trades and callings in the world, they would not have been so ignorant as they are: they make light of these things, and therefore will not be at the pains to study or learn them. When men that can learn the hardest trade in a few years have not learned a catechism, nor how to understand their creed, under twenty or thirty years’ preaching, nor can abide to be questioned about such things, doth not this show that they have slighted them in their hearts? How will these despisers of Christ and salvation be able one day to look Him in the face, and to give an account of these neglects?
Thus much I have spoken in order to your conviction. Do not some of your consciences by this time smite you, and say, I am the man that have made light of my salvation? If they do not, it is because you make light of it still, for all that is said to you. But because, if it be the will of the Lord, I would fain have this damning distemper cured, and am loath to leave you in such a desperate condition, if I knew how to remedy it, I will give you some considerations, which may move you, if you be men of reason and understand¬ing, to look better about you; and I beseech you to weigh them, and make use of them as we go, and lay open your hearts to the work of grace, and sadly bethink you what a case you are in, if you prove such as make light of Christ.
Consider, 1. Thou makest light of Him that made not light of thee who deserve it. Thou wast worthy of nothing but contempt. As a man, what art thou but a worm to God? As a sinner, thou art far viler than a toad: yet Christ was so far from making light of thee and thy happiness, that lie came down into the flesh, and lived a life of suffering, and offered Himself a sacrifice to the justice which thou hadst provoked, that thy miserable soul might have a remedy. It is no less than miracles of love and mercy that He hath showed to us; and yet shall we slight them after all?
Angels admire them, whom they less con¬cern, and shall redeemed sinners make light of them? What barbarous, yea, devilish - yea, worse than devilish - ingratitude is this! The devils never had a savior offered to them; but thou hast, and dost thou yet make light of Him?
2. Consider, the work of man’s salvation by Jesus Christ is the masterpiece of all the works of God, wherein He would have His love and mercy to be magnified. As the creation declareth His goodness and power, so doth redemption His goodness and mercy; He bath contrived the very frame of His worship so that it shall much consist in the magnifying of this work; and, after all this, will you make light of it? “His name is wonderful.” “He did the work that none could do.” “Greater love could none show than His.” How great was the evil and misery that He delivered us from! the good procured from us! All are wonders, from His birth to His ascension; from our new birth to our glorification, all are wonders of matchless mercy— and yet do you make light of them?
3. You make light of matters of greatest excellency and moment in the world: you know not what it is that you slight: had you well known, you would not have done it. As Christ said to the woman of Samaria, “Hadst thou known who it is that speaketh to thee, thou wouldst have asked of Him the waters of life”; had they known they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory. So, had you known what Christ is, you would not have made light of Him; had you been one day in heaven, and but seen what they possess, and seen also what miserable souls must endure that are shut out, you would never sure have made so light of Christ.
0 sirs, it is no trifles or jesting matters that the gospel speaks of. I must needs profess to you that when I have the most serious thoughts of these things myself, I am ready to marvel that such amazing matters do not overwhelm the souls of men; that the greatness of the subject doth not so overmatch our understandings and affections as even to drive men besides themselves, but that God hath always somewhat allayed it by the distance; much more that men should be so blockish as to make light of them. 0 Lord, that men did but know what everlasting glory and everlasting torments are: would they then hear us as they do? would they read and think of these things as they do? I profess I have been ready to wonder, when I have heard such weighty things delivered, how people can forbear crying out in the congregation; much more how they can rest till they have gone to their ministers, and learned what they should do to be saved, that this great business might be put out of doubt. Oh, that heaven and hell should work no more on men! Oh, that everlastingness work no more! Oh, how can you forbear when you are alone to think with yourselves what it is to be everlastingly in joy or’ in torment! I wonder that such thoughts do not break your sleep, and that they come not in your mind when you are about your labor! I wonder how you can almost do anything else! how you can have any quietness in your minds! How you can eat, or drink, or rest, till you have got some ground of everlasting consolations! Is that a man or a corpse that is not affected with matters of this moment? that can be readier to sleep than to tremble when he heareth how he must stand at the bar of God? Is that a man or a clod of clay that can rise or lie down without being deeply affected with his everlasting estate? that can follow his worldly business and make nothing of the great business of salvation or damnation; and that when they know it is hard at hand? Truly, sirs, when I think of the weight of the matter, I wonder at the very best of God’s saints upon the earth that they are no bettei, and do no more in so weighty a case. I won¬der at those whom the world accounteth more holy than needs, and scorns for making too much ado, that they can put off Christ and their souls with so little; that they pour not out their souls in every supplication; that they are not more taken up with God; that their thoughts be more serious in preparation for their account. I wonder that they be not a hundred times more strict in their lives, and more laborious and unwearied in striving for the crown, than they are. And for myself, as I am ashamed of my dull and careless heart, and of my slow and unprofitable course of life, so the Lord knows I am ashamed of every sermon that I preach: when I think what I have been speaking of, and who sent me, and that men ‘s salvation or damnation is so much concerned in it, I am ready to tremble lest God should judge me as a slighter of His truth and the souls of men, and lest in the best sermon I should be guilty of their blood. Methinks we should not speak a word to men in matters of such consequence without tears, or the greatest earnestness that possibly we can: were not we too much guilty of the sin which we reprove, it would be so. Whether we are alone, or in company, me-thinks our end, and such an end, should still be in our mind, and before our eyes; and we should sooner forget anything, and set light by anything, or by all things, than by this.
Consider, 4. Who is it that sends this weighty message to you? Is it not God Himself? Shall the God of heaven speak and men make light of it? You would not slight the voice of an angel or a prince.
5. Whose salvation is it that you make light of? Is it not your own? Are you no more near or dear to yourselves than to make light of your own happiness or misery? Why, sirs, do you not care whether you be saved or damned? Is self-love lost? Are you turned your own enemies? As he that slighteth his meat doth slight his life, so if you slight Christ, whatsoever you may think, you will find it was your own salvation that you slighted. Hear what He saith, “All they that hate me love death.”
6. Your sin is greater, in that you profess to believe the gospel which you make so light of. For a professed infidel to do it that believes not that ever Christ died, or rose again, or doth not believe that there is a heaven or bell, this were no such marvel—but for you, that make it your creed, and your very religion, and call yourselves Christians, and have been baptized into this faith, and seemed to stand to it, this is the wonder, and hath no excuse. What! believe that you shall live in endless joy or torment, and yet make no more of it to escape torment, and obtain that joy! What! believe that God will shortly judge you, and yet make no preparation for it! Either say plainly, I am no Christian, I do not believe these wonderful things, I will believe nothing but what I see, or else let your hearts be affected with your belief, and live as you say you do believe. What do you think when you repeat the creed, and mention Christ’s judgment and everlasting life?
7. What are these things you set so much by as to prefer them before Christ and the saving of your soul? Have you found a better friend, a greater and a surer happiness than this? Good Lord! what dung is it that men make so much of, while they set so light by everlasting glory? What toys are they that are daily taken up with, while matters of life and death are neglected? Why, sirs, if you had every one a kingdom in your hopes, what were it in comparison of the everlasting kingdom? I can not but look upon all the glory and dignity of this world, lands and lordships, crowns and kingdoms, even as on some brain-sick, beggarly fellow, that borroweth fine clothes, and plays the part of a king or a lord for an hour on a stage, and then comes down, and the sport is ended, and they are beggars again. Were it not for God’s interest in the authority of magistrates, or for the service they might do Him, I should judge no better of them. For, as to their own glory, it is but a smoke: what matter is it whether you live poor or rich, unless it were a greater matter to die rich than it is? You know well enough that death levels all. What matter is it at judgment, whether you be to answer for the life of a rich man or a poor man? Is Dives, then, any better than Lazarus? Oh, that men knew what poor, deceiving shadow they grasp at while they let go the everlasting substance! The strongest, and richest, and most voluptuous sinners do but lay in fuel for their sorrows, while they think they are gathering together a treasure. Alas! they are asleep, and dream that they are happy; but when they awake, what a change will they find! Their crown is made of thorns; their pleasure hath such a sting as will stick in the heart through all eternity, except unfeigned repentance do prevent it. Oh, how sadly will these wretches be convinced ere long, what a foolish bargain they made in selling Christ and their salvation for these trifles! Let your farms and merchandise, then, save you, if they can, and do that for you that Christ would have done. Cry then to Baal, to save thee! Oh, what thoughts have drunkards and adulterers, etc., of Christ, that will not part with the basest lust for Him? “For a piece of bread,” saith Solomon, “such men do transgress.”
8. To set so light by Christ and salvation is a certain mark that thou hast no part in them, and if thou so continue, that Christ will set as light by thee: “Those that honor him he will honor, and those that despise him shall be lightly esteemed.” Thou wilt feel one day that thou canst not live without Him; thou wilt confess then thy need of Him; and then thou mayest go look for a savior where thou wilt; for He will be no Savior for thee hereafter, that wouldst not value Him, and submit to Him here. Then who will prove the loser by thy contempt? Oh, what a thing will it be for a poor miserable soul to cry to Christ for help in the day of extremity, and to hear so sad an answer as this! Thou didst set lightly by Me and My law in the day of thy prosperity, and I will now set as light by thee in the day of thy adversity. Read Prov. 1:24, to the end. Thou that, as Esau, didst sell thy birthright for a mess of pottage, shalt then find no place for repentance, though thou seek it with tears. Do you think that Christ shed His blood to save them that continue to make light of it? and to save them that value a cup of drink or a lust before His salvation? I tell you, sirs, though you set so light by Christ and salvation God doth not so: He will not give them on such terms as these: He valueth the blood of Hi~ Son, and the everlasting glory, and He will make you value them if ever you have them. Nay, this will be thy condemnation, and leaveth no remedy. All the world can not save him that sets lightly by Christ. None of them shall taste of His supper. Nor can you blame Him to deny you what you made light of yourselves. Can you find fault if you miss of the salvation which you slighted?
9. The time is near when Christ and salvation will not be made light of as now they are. When God hath shaken those careless souls out of their bodies, and you must answer for all your sins in your own name, oh, then, what would you not give for a Savior! When a thousand bills shall be brought in against you, and none to relieve you, then you will consider, Oh! Christ would now have stood between me and the wrath of God; had I not despised Him, He would have answered all. When you see the world hath left you, and your companions in sin have deceived themselves and you, and all your merry days are gone, then what would you not give for that Christ and salvation that now you account not worth your labor! Do you think that when you see the judgment seat, and you are doomed to everlasting perdition for your wickedness, that you should then make as light of Christ as now? Why will you not judge now as you know you shall judge then? Will He then be worth ten thousand worlds? And is He not now worth your highest estimation and dearest affection?
10. God will not only deny thee that salvation thou madest light of, but He will take from thee all that which thou didst value before it: ~he that most highly esteems Christ shall have Him, and the creatures, so far as they are good here, and Him without the creature hereafter, because the creature is not useful; and he that sets more by the creature than by Christ, shall have some of the creature without Christ here, and neither Christ nor it hereafter.
So much of these considerations, which may show the true face of this heinous sin.
What think you now, friends, of this business? Do you not see by this time what a case that soul is in that maketh light of Christ and salvation? What need then is there that you should take heed lest this should prove your own case! The Lord knows it is too common a case. Whoever is found guilty at the last of this sin, it were better for that man he had never been born. It were better for him he had been a Turk or Indian, that never had heard the name of a Savior, and that never had salvation offered to him: for such men “have no cloak for their sin.” Besides all the rest of their sins, they have this killing sin to answer for, which will undo them. And this will aggravate their misery, that Christ whom they set light by must be their Judge, and for this sin will He judge them. Oh, that such would now consider how they will answer that question that Christ put to their predecessors: “How will ye escape the damnation of hell ?“ or, “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?” Can you escape without a Christ? or will a despised Christ save you then? If he be accurst that sets light by father or mother, what then is he that sets light by Christ? It was the heinous sin of the Jews that among them were found such as set light by father and mother. But among us, men slight the Father of Spirits! In the name of God, brethren, I beseech you to consider how you will then bear this anger which you now make light of! You that can not make light of a little sickness or want, or of natural death, no, not of a toothache, but groan as if you were undone; how will you then make light of the fury of the Lord, which will burn against the contemners of His grace! Doth it not behoove you beforehand to think of these things?
Dearly beloved in the Lord, I have now done that work which I came upon; what effect it hath, or will have, upon your hearts, I know not, nor is it any further in my power to accomplish that which my soul desireth for you. Were it the Lord’s will that I might have my wish herein, the words that you have this day heard should so stick by you that the secure should be awakened by them, and none of you should perish by the slighting of your salvation. I can not follow you to your several habitations to apply this word to your particular necessities; but oh, that I could make every man’s conscience a preacher to himself that it might do it, which is ever with you! That the next time you go prayerless to bed, or about your business, conscience might cry out. Dost thou set no more by Christ and thy salvation? That the next time you are tempted to think hardly of a holy and diligent life (I will not say to deride it as more ado than needs), conscience might cry out to thee, Dost thou set so light by Christ and thy salvation? That the next time you are ready to rush upon unknown sin, and to please your fleshly desires against the command of God, conscience might cry out, Is Christ and salvation no more worth than to cast them away, or venture them for thy lust? That when you are following the world with your most eager desires, forgetting the world to come, and the change that is a little before you, conscience might cry out to you, Is Christ and salvation no more worth than so? That when you are next spending the Lord ‘s day in idleness or vain sports, conscience might tell you what you are doing. In a word, that in all your neglects of duty, your sticking at the supposed labor or cost of a godly life, yea, in all your cold and lazy prayers and performances, conscience might tell you how unsuitable such endeavors are to the reward; and that Christ and salvation should not be so slighted. I will say no more but this at this time, it is a thousand pities that when God hath provided a Savior for the world, and when Christ hath suffered so much for their sins, and made so full a satisfaction to justice, and purchased so glorious a kingdom for His saints, and all this is offered so freely to sinners, to lost, unworthy sinners, even for nothing, that yet so many millions should everlastingly perish because they make light of their Savior and salvation, and prefer the vain world and their lusts before them. I have delivered my message, the Lord open your hearts to receive it. I have persuaded you with the word of truth and soberness; the Lord persuade you more effectually, or else all this is lost. Amen.
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Richard Baxter, was born in 1615, at Rowton, near Shrewsbury, in England. After surmounting great difficulties in securing an education for the ministry he was ordained in 1638, in the Church of England, his first important charge being that of Kidderminster, where he established his reputation as a powerful evangelical and controversial preacher. Although opposed to Cromwell’s extreme acts, he became a chaplain in the army of the Rebellion. His influence was all on the side of peace, however, and at the Restoration be was appointed chaplain to Charles II.
Baxter left the Church of England on the promulgation of the Act of Uniformity, and in 1662 retired to Acton in Middlesex, where he wrote most of his works. The Acts of Indulgence enabled him to return to London, where he remained until Judge Jeffreys imprisoned and fined him on a charge of sedition. He was the most prolific writer and controversialist of his day among nonconformists. Baxter left only two works which seem likely to be of ever fresh interest, “The Saint’s Rest” and “Calls to the Unconverted?’ He died in London in 1691.
But they made light of it. - Matt. 22:5.
Beloved hearers; the office that God hath called us to is, by declaring the glory of His grace, to help under Christ to the saving of men’s souls. I hope you think not that I come hither today on another errand. The Lord knows I had not set a foot out-of-doors but in hope to succeed in this work for your souls. I have considered, and often considered, what is the matter that so many thousands should perish when God hath done so much for their salvation; and I find this that is mentioned in my text is the cause. It is one of the wonders of the world, that when God hath so loved the world as to send His Son, and Christ hath made a satisfaction by His death sufficient for them all, and offereth the benefits of it so freely to them, even without money or price, that yet the most of the world should perish; yea, the most of those that are thus called by His Word! Why, here is the reason - when Christ hath done all this, men make light of it. God hath showed that He is not unwilling; and Christ hath showed that He is not unwilling that men should be restored to God’s favor and be saved; but men are actually unwilling themselves. God takes not pleasure in the death of sinners, but rather that they return and live. But men take such pleasure in sin that they will die before they will return. The Lord Jesus was content to be their physician, and bath provided them a sufficient plaster of His own blood: but if men make light of it, and will not apply it, what wonder if they perish after all? This Scripture giveth us the reason of their perdition. This, sad experience tells us, the most of the world is guilty of. It is a most lamentable thing to see how most men do spend their care, their time, their pains, for known vanities, while God and glory are cast aside; that He who is all should seem to them as nothing, and that which is nothing should seem to them as good as all; that God should set mankind in such a race where heaven or hell is their certain end, and that they should sit down, and loiter, or run after the childish toys of the world, and so much forget the prize that they should run for. Were it but possible for one of us to see the whole of this business as the all-seeing God doth; to see at one view both heaven and hell, which men are so near; and see what most men in the world are minding, and what they are doing every day, it would be the saddest sight that could be imagined. Oh, how should we marvel at their madness, and lament their self-delusion! 0 poor distracted world! what is it you run after? and what is it that you neglect? If God had never told them what they were sent into the world to do, or whither they were going, or what was before them in another world, then they had been excusable; but He hath told them over and over, till they were weary of it. Had He left it doubtful, there had been some excuse; but it is His sealed word, and they profess to believe it, and would take it ill of us if we should ques¬tion whether they do believe it or not.
Beloved, I come not to accuse any of you particularly of this crime; but seeing it is the commonest cause of men’s destruction, I suppose you will judge it the fittest matter for our inquiry, and deserving our greatest care for the cure. To which end I shall, (1) en¬deavor the conviction of the guilty; (2) shall give them such considerations as may tend to humble and reform them; (3) I shall conclude with such direction as may help them that are willing to escape the destroying power of this sin.
And for the first, consider: It is the ease of most sinners to think themselves freest from those sins that they are most enslaved to; and one reason why we can not reform them is because we can not convince them of their guilt. It is the nature of sin so far to blind and befool the sinner, that he knoweth not what he doth, but thinketh he is free from it when it reigneth in him, or when he is committing it: it bringeth men to be so much unacquainted with themselves that they know not what they think, or what they mean and intend, nor what they love or hate, much less what they are habituated and disposed to. They are alive to sin, and dead to all the reason, consideration, and resolution that should recover them, as if it were only by their sinning that we must know that they are alive. May I hope that you that hear me today are but willing to know the truth of your case, and then I shall be encouraged to proceed to an inquiry. God will judge impartially; why should not we do so? Let me, therefore, by these following questions, try whether none of you are slighters of Christ and your own salvation. And follow me, I beseech you, by putting them close to your own hearts, and faithfully answering them.
Things that men highly value will be remembered; they will be matter of their freest and sweetest thoughts. This is a known case.
Do not those then make light of Christ and salvation that think of them so seldom and coldly in comparison of other things? Follow thy own heart, man, and observe what it daily runneth after; and then judge whether it make not light of Christ.
We can not persuade men to one hour’s sober consideration what they should do for an interest in Christ, or in thankfulness for His love, and yet they will not believe that they make light of Him.
Things that we highly value will be matter of our discourse; the judgment and heart will command the tongue. Freely and delightfully will our speech run after them. This also is a known case.
Do not those men make light of Christ and salvation that shun the mention of His name, unless it be in a vain or sinful use? Those that love not the company where Christ and salvation is mush talked of, but think it troublesome, precise discourse: that had rather hear some merry jests, or idle tales, or talk of their riches or business in the world; when you may follow them from morning to night, and scarce have a savory word of Christ; but perhaps some slight and weary mention of Him sometimes; judge whether these make not light of Christ and salvation. How seriously do they talk of the world and speak of vanity! but bow heartlessly do they make mention of Christ and salvation!
The things that we highly value we would secure the possession of, and therefore would take any convenient course to have all doubts and fears about them well resolved. Do not those men then make light of Christ and salvation that have lived twenty or thirty years in uncertainty whether they have any part in these or not, and yet never seek out for the right resolution of their doubts? Are all that hear me this day certain they shall be saved? Oh, that they were! Oh, had you not made light of salvation, you could not so easily bear such doubting of it; you could not rest till you had made it sure, or done your best to make it sure. Have you nobody to inquire of, that might help you in such a work? Why, you have ministers that are purposely appointed to that office. Have you gone to them, and told them the doubtfulness of your case, and asked their help in the judging of your condition? Alas! ministers may sit in their studies from one year to another, before ten persons among a thousand will come to them on such an errand! Do not these make light of Christ and salvation? When the gospel pierceth the heart indeed, they cry out, “Men and brethren, what shall we do to be saved?” Trembling and astonished, Paul cries out, “Lord,, what wilt Thou have me to do?” And so did the convinced Jews to Peter. But when hear we such questions?
The things that we value do deeply affect us, and some motions will be in the heart according to our estimation of them. 0 sirs, if men made not light of these things, what working would there be in the hearts of all our hearers! What strange affections would it raise in them to bear of the matters of the world to come! How would their hearts melt before the power of the gospel! What sorrow would be wrought in the discovery of their sins! What astonishment at the consideration of their misery! What unspeakable joy at the glad tidings of salvation by the blood of Christ! What resolution would be raised in them upon the discovery of their duty! Oh, what hearers should we have, if it were not for this sin! Whereas now we are liker to weary them, or preach them asleep with matters of this unspeakable moment. We talk to them of Christ and salvation till we make their heads ache: little would one think by their careless carriage that they heard and regarded what we said, or though we spoke at all to them.
Our estimation of things will be seen in the diligence of our endeavors. That which we highliest value, we shall think no pains too great to obtain. Do not those men then make light of Christ and salvation that think all too much that they do for them; that murmur at His service, and think it too grievous for them to endure? That ask His service as Judas of the ointment. What need this waste? Can not men be saved without so much ado? This is more ado than needs. For the world they will labor all the day, and all their lives; but for Christ and salvation they are afraid of doing too much. Let us preach to them as long as we will, we can not bring them to relish or resolve upon a life of holiness. Follow them to their houses, and you shall not hear them read a chapter, nor call upon God with their families once a day; nor will they allow Him that one day in seven which He bath separated to His service. But pleasure, or worldly business, or idleness, must have a part. And many of them are so far hardened as to reproach them that will not be as mad as themselves. And is not Christ worth the seeking? Is not everlasting salvation worth more than all this? Doth not that soul make light of all these that thinks his ease more worth than they? Let but common sense judge.
That which we most highly value, we think we can not buy too dear. Christ and salvation are freely given, and yet the most of men go without them because they can not enjoy the world and them together. They are called but to part with that which would hinder them Christ, and they will not do it. They are called but to give God His own, and to resign all to His will, and let go the profits and pleasures of this world, when they must let go either Christ or them, and they will not. They think this too dear a bargain, and say they can not spare these things: they must hold their credit with men; they must look to their estates: how shall they live else? They must have their pleasure, whatsoever becomes of Christ and salvation: as if they could live without Christ better than without these; as if they were afraid of being losers by Christ, or could make a saving match by losing their souls to gain the world. Christ hath told us over and over that if we will not forsake all for Him we can not be His disciples. Far are these men from forsaking all, and yet ~ will needs think that they are His disciples indeed.
That which men highly esteem, they would help their friends to as well as themselves. Do not those men make light of Christ and salvation that can take so much care to leave their children portions in the world, and do so little to help them to heaven? that provide outward necessaries so carefully for their families, but do so little to the saving of their souls? Their neglected children and friends will witness that either Christ, or their children’s souls, or both, were made light of.
That which men highly esteem, they will so diligently seek after that you may see it in the success, if it be a matter within their reach. You may see how many make light of Christ, by the little knowledge they have of Him, and the little communion with Him, and the communication from Him; and the little, yea, none, of His special grace in them. Alas! how many ministers can speak it to the sorrow of their hearts, that many of their people know almost nothing of Christ, tho they hear of Him daily! Nor know they what they must do to be saved: if we ask them an account of these things, they answer as if they understood not what we say to them, and tell us they are no scholars, and therefore think they are excusable for their ignorance. Oh, if these men had not made light of Christ and their salvation, but had bestowed but half as much pains to know and enjoy Him as they have done to understand the matters of their trades and callings in the world, they would not have been so ignorant as they are: they make light of these things, and therefore will not be at the pains to study or learn them. When men that can learn the hardest trade in a few years have not learned a catechism, nor how to understand their creed, under twenty or thirty years’ preaching, nor can abide to be questioned about such things, doth not this show that they have slighted them in their hearts? How will these despisers of Christ and salvation be able one day to look Him in the face, and to give an account of these neglects?
Thus much I have spoken in order to your conviction. Do not some of your consciences by this time smite you, and say, I am the man that have made light of my salvation? If they do not, it is because you make light of it still, for all that is said to you. But because, if it be the will of the Lord, I would fain have this damning distemper cured, and am loath to leave you in such a desperate condition, if I knew how to remedy it, I will give you some considerations, which may move you, if you be men of reason and understand¬ing, to look better about you; and I beseech you to weigh them, and make use of them as we go, and lay open your hearts to the work of grace, and sadly bethink you what a case you are in, if you prove such as make light of Christ.
Consider, 1. Thou makest light of Him that made not light of thee who deserve it. Thou wast worthy of nothing but contempt. As a man, what art thou but a worm to God? As a sinner, thou art far viler than a toad: yet Christ was so far from making light of thee and thy happiness, that lie came down into the flesh, and lived a life of suffering, and offered Himself a sacrifice to the justice which thou hadst provoked, that thy miserable soul might have a remedy. It is no less than miracles of love and mercy that He hath showed to us; and yet shall we slight them after all?
Angels admire them, whom they less con¬cern, and shall redeemed sinners make light of them? What barbarous, yea, devilish - yea, worse than devilish - ingratitude is this! The devils never had a savior offered to them; but thou hast, and dost thou yet make light of Him?
2. Consider, the work of man’s salvation by Jesus Christ is the masterpiece of all the works of God, wherein He would have His love and mercy to be magnified. As the creation declareth His goodness and power, so doth redemption His goodness and mercy; He bath contrived the very frame of His worship so that it shall much consist in the magnifying of this work; and, after all this, will you make light of it? “His name is wonderful.” “He did the work that none could do.” “Greater love could none show than His.” How great was the evil and misery that He delivered us from! the good procured from us! All are wonders, from His birth to His ascension; from our new birth to our glorification, all are wonders of matchless mercy— and yet do you make light of them?
3. You make light of matters of greatest excellency and moment in the world: you know not what it is that you slight: had you well known, you would not have done it. As Christ said to the woman of Samaria, “Hadst thou known who it is that speaketh to thee, thou wouldst have asked of Him the waters of life”; had they known they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory. So, had you known what Christ is, you would not have made light of Him; had you been one day in heaven, and but seen what they possess, and seen also what miserable souls must endure that are shut out, you would never sure have made so light of Christ.
0 sirs, it is no trifles or jesting matters that the gospel speaks of. I must needs profess to you that when I have the most serious thoughts of these things myself, I am ready to marvel that such amazing matters do not overwhelm the souls of men; that the greatness of the subject doth not so overmatch our understandings and affections as even to drive men besides themselves, but that God hath always somewhat allayed it by the distance; much more that men should be so blockish as to make light of them. 0 Lord, that men did but know what everlasting glory and everlasting torments are: would they then hear us as they do? would they read and think of these things as they do? I profess I have been ready to wonder, when I have heard such weighty things delivered, how people can forbear crying out in the congregation; much more how they can rest till they have gone to their ministers, and learned what they should do to be saved, that this great business might be put out of doubt. Oh, that heaven and hell should work no more on men! Oh, that everlastingness work no more! Oh, how can you forbear when you are alone to think with yourselves what it is to be everlastingly in joy or’ in torment! I wonder that such thoughts do not break your sleep, and that they come not in your mind when you are about your labor! I wonder how you can almost do anything else! how you can have any quietness in your minds! How you can eat, or drink, or rest, till you have got some ground of everlasting consolations! Is that a man or a corpse that is not affected with matters of this moment? that can be readier to sleep than to tremble when he heareth how he must stand at the bar of God? Is that a man or a clod of clay that can rise or lie down without being deeply affected with his everlasting estate? that can follow his worldly business and make nothing of the great business of salvation or damnation; and that when they know it is hard at hand? Truly, sirs, when I think of the weight of the matter, I wonder at the very best of God’s saints upon the earth that they are no bettei, and do no more in so weighty a case. I won¬der at those whom the world accounteth more holy than needs, and scorns for making too much ado, that they can put off Christ and their souls with so little; that they pour not out their souls in every supplication; that they are not more taken up with God; that their thoughts be more serious in preparation for their account. I wonder that they be not a hundred times more strict in their lives, and more laborious and unwearied in striving for the crown, than they are. And for myself, as I am ashamed of my dull and careless heart, and of my slow and unprofitable course of life, so the Lord knows I am ashamed of every sermon that I preach: when I think what I have been speaking of, and who sent me, and that men ‘s salvation or damnation is so much concerned in it, I am ready to tremble lest God should judge me as a slighter of His truth and the souls of men, and lest in the best sermon I should be guilty of their blood. Methinks we should not speak a word to men in matters of such consequence without tears, or the greatest earnestness that possibly we can: were not we too much guilty of the sin which we reprove, it would be so. Whether we are alone, or in company, me-thinks our end, and such an end, should still be in our mind, and before our eyes; and we should sooner forget anything, and set light by anything, or by all things, than by this.
Consider, 4. Who is it that sends this weighty message to you? Is it not God Himself? Shall the God of heaven speak and men make light of it? You would not slight the voice of an angel or a prince.
5. Whose salvation is it that you make light of? Is it not your own? Are you no more near or dear to yourselves than to make light of your own happiness or misery? Why, sirs, do you not care whether you be saved or damned? Is self-love lost? Are you turned your own enemies? As he that slighteth his meat doth slight his life, so if you slight Christ, whatsoever you may think, you will find it was your own salvation that you slighted. Hear what He saith, “All they that hate me love death.”
6. Your sin is greater, in that you profess to believe the gospel which you make so light of. For a professed infidel to do it that believes not that ever Christ died, or rose again, or doth not believe that there is a heaven or bell, this were no such marvel—but for you, that make it your creed, and your very religion, and call yourselves Christians, and have been baptized into this faith, and seemed to stand to it, this is the wonder, and hath no excuse. What! believe that you shall live in endless joy or torment, and yet make no more of it to escape torment, and obtain that joy! What! believe that God will shortly judge you, and yet make no preparation for it! Either say plainly, I am no Christian, I do not believe these wonderful things, I will believe nothing but what I see, or else let your hearts be affected with your belief, and live as you say you do believe. What do you think when you repeat the creed, and mention Christ’s judgment and everlasting life?
7. What are these things you set so much by as to prefer them before Christ and the saving of your soul? Have you found a better friend, a greater and a surer happiness than this? Good Lord! what dung is it that men make so much of, while they set so light by everlasting glory? What toys are they that are daily taken up with, while matters of life and death are neglected? Why, sirs, if you had every one a kingdom in your hopes, what were it in comparison of the everlasting kingdom? I can not but look upon all the glory and dignity of this world, lands and lordships, crowns and kingdoms, even as on some brain-sick, beggarly fellow, that borroweth fine clothes, and plays the part of a king or a lord for an hour on a stage, and then comes down, and the sport is ended, and they are beggars again. Were it not for God’s interest in the authority of magistrates, or for the service they might do Him, I should judge no better of them. For, as to their own glory, it is but a smoke: what matter is it whether you live poor or rich, unless it were a greater matter to die rich than it is? You know well enough that death levels all. What matter is it at judgment, whether you be to answer for the life of a rich man or a poor man? Is Dives, then, any better than Lazarus? Oh, that men knew what poor, deceiving shadow they grasp at while they let go the everlasting substance! The strongest, and richest, and most voluptuous sinners do but lay in fuel for their sorrows, while they think they are gathering together a treasure. Alas! they are asleep, and dream that they are happy; but when they awake, what a change will they find! Their crown is made of thorns; their pleasure hath such a sting as will stick in the heart through all eternity, except unfeigned repentance do prevent it. Oh, how sadly will these wretches be convinced ere long, what a foolish bargain they made in selling Christ and their salvation for these trifles! Let your farms and merchandise, then, save you, if they can, and do that for you that Christ would have done. Cry then to Baal, to save thee! Oh, what thoughts have drunkards and adulterers, etc., of Christ, that will not part with the basest lust for Him? “For a piece of bread,” saith Solomon, “such men do transgress.”
8. To set so light by Christ and salvation is a certain mark that thou hast no part in them, and if thou so continue, that Christ will set as light by thee: “Those that honor him he will honor, and those that despise him shall be lightly esteemed.” Thou wilt feel one day that thou canst not live without Him; thou wilt confess then thy need of Him; and then thou mayest go look for a savior where thou wilt; for He will be no Savior for thee hereafter, that wouldst not value Him, and submit to Him here. Then who will prove the loser by thy contempt? Oh, what a thing will it be for a poor miserable soul to cry to Christ for help in the day of extremity, and to hear so sad an answer as this! Thou didst set lightly by Me and My law in the day of thy prosperity, and I will now set as light by thee in the day of thy adversity. Read Prov. 1:24, to the end. Thou that, as Esau, didst sell thy birthright for a mess of pottage, shalt then find no place for repentance, though thou seek it with tears. Do you think that Christ shed His blood to save them that continue to make light of it? and to save them that value a cup of drink or a lust before His salvation? I tell you, sirs, though you set so light by Christ and salvation God doth not so: He will not give them on such terms as these: He valueth the blood of Hi~ Son, and the everlasting glory, and He will make you value them if ever you have them. Nay, this will be thy condemnation, and leaveth no remedy. All the world can not save him that sets lightly by Christ. None of them shall taste of His supper. Nor can you blame Him to deny you what you made light of yourselves. Can you find fault if you miss of the salvation which you slighted?
9. The time is near when Christ and salvation will not be made light of as now they are. When God hath shaken those careless souls out of their bodies, and you must answer for all your sins in your own name, oh, then, what would you not give for a Savior! When a thousand bills shall be brought in against you, and none to relieve you, then you will consider, Oh! Christ would now have stood between me and the wrath of God; had I not despised Him, He would have answered all. When you see the world hath left you, and your companions in sin have deceived themselves and you, and all your merry days are gone, then what would you not give for that Christ and salvation that now you account not worth your labor! Do you think that when you see the judgment seat, and you are doomed to everlasting perdition for your wickedness, that you should then make as light of Christ as now? Why will you not judge now as you know you shall judge then? Will He then be worth ten thousand worlds? And is He not now worth your highest estimation and dearest affection?
10. God will not only deny thee that salvation thou madest light of, but He will take from thee all that which thou didst value before it: ~he that most highly esteems Christ shall have Him, and the creatures, so far as they are good here, and Him without the creature hereafter, because the creature is not useful; and he that sets more by the creature than by Christ, shall have some of the creature without Christ here, and neither Christ nor it hereafter.
So much of these considerations, which may show the true face of this heinous sin.
What think you now, friends, of this business? Do you not see by this time what a case that soul is in that maketh light of Christ and salvation? What need then is there that you should take heed lest this should prove your own case! The Lord knows it is too common a case. Whoever is found guilty at the last of this sin, it were better for that man he had never been born. It were better for him he had been a Turk or Indian, that never had heard the name of a Savior, and that never had salvation offered to him: for such men “have no cloak for their sin.” Besides all the rest of their sins, they have this killing sin to answer for, which will undo them. And this will aggravate their misery, that Christ whom they set light by must be their Judge, and for this sin will He judge them. Oh, that such would now consider how they will answer that question that Christ put to their predecessors: “How will ye escape the damnation of hell ?“ or, “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?” Can you escape without a Christ? or will a despised Christ save you then? If he be accurst that sets light by father or mother, what then is he that sets light by Christ? It was the heinous sin of the Jews that among them were found such as set light by father and mother. But among us, men slight the Father of Spirits! In the name of God, brethren, I beseech you to consider how you will then bear this anger which you now make light of! You that can not make light of a little sickness or want, or of natural death, no, not of a toothache, but groan as if you were undone; how will you then make light of the fury of the Lord, which will burn against the contemners of His grace! Doth it not behoove you beforehand to think of these things?
Dearly beloved in the Lord, I have now done that work which I came upon; what effect it hath, or will have, upon your hearts, I know not, nor is it any further in my power to accomplish that which my soul desireth for you. Were it the Lord’s will that I might have my wish herein, the words that you have this day heard should so stick by you that the secure should be awakened by them, and none of you should perish by the slighting of your salvation. I can not follow you to your several habitations to apply this word to your particular necessities; but oh, that I could make every man’s conscience a preacher to himself that it might do it, which is ever with you! That the next time you go prayerless to bed, or about your business, conscience might cry out. Dost thou set no more by Christ and thy salvation? That the next time you are tempted to think hardly of a holy and diligent life (I will not say to deride it as more ado than needs), conscience might cry out to thee, Dost thou set so light by Christ and thy salvation? That the next time you are ready to rush upon unknown sin, and to please your fleshly desires against the command of God, conscience might cry out, Is Christ and salvation no more worth than to cast them away, or venture them for thy lust? That when you are following the world with your most eager desires, forgetting the world to come, and the change that is a little before you, conscience might cry out to you, Is Christ and salvation no more worth than so? That when you are next spending the Lord ‘s day in idleness or vain sports, conscience might tell you what you are doing. In a word, that in all your neglects of duty, your sticking at the supposed labor or cost of a godly life, yea, in all your cold and lazy prayers and performances, conscience might tell you how unsuitable such endeavors are to the reward; and that Christ and salvation should not be so slighted. I will say no more but this at this time, it is a thousand pities that when God hath provided a Savior for the world, and when Christ hath suffered so much for their sins, and made so full a satisfaction to justice, and purchased so glorious a kingdom for His saints, and all this is offered so freely to sinners, to lost, unworthy sinners, even for nothing, that yet so many millions should everlastingly perish because they make light of their Savior and salvation, and prefer the vain world and their lusts before them. I have delivered my message, the Lord open your hearts to receive it. I have persuaded you with the word of truth and soberness; the Lord persuade you more effectually, or else all this is lost. Amen.
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