Saturday, November 18, 2006
Hulking Links
Gotta rant about this - personal reasons? PERSONAL REASONS! We may have freedom of speech in this country, but we should not have to be subjected to non-confession "confessions" because some new-age, took-the-news-way-too-personally dingbat that wasn't even involved wants "closure." I don't know what's sicker, that so many people have profited from this most heinous of crimes or that the American public has forked over that cash. TWO PEOPLE WERE HORRIBLY MURDERED PEOPLE! I didn't watch the TV, I have read but one book (By the PROSECUTER - trying to figure out how justice got it so wrong) and there is no way in hell I am giving anyone the satisfaction of this latest entry into the O.J. circus of sicko. PLEASE DON'T YOU EITHER.
Perhaps the lowest moment in American jurisprudence history. (Yes, even lower than above) Behold the actual pleading including citing "The Princess Bride" as authority!? If the judge has not yet thrown his gavel at the lawyers, either he will, or he's as ignorant as they are.
Fire, smoke meat...GOOD! I want the Hemi-powered one!
How do they know? He's dead, no film, video, or audio....
I'm sorry, they're not very funny today -- funny news is hard to come by.
Related Tags: rant, OJ Simpson, justice, court, crime, bar-b-que, Thomas Jefferson
Perhaps the lowest moment in American jurisprudence history. (Yes, even lower than above) Behold the actual pleading including citing "The Princess Bride" as authority!? If the judge has not yet thrown his gavel at the lawyers, either he will, or he's as ignorant as they are.
Fire, smoke meat...GOOD! I want the Hemi-powered one!
How do they know? He's dead, no film, video, or audio....
I'm sorry, they're not very funny today -- funny news is hard to come by.
Related Tags: rant, OJ Simpson, justice, court, crime, bar-b-que, Thomas Jefferson
Comic Art

I think this guy is from Toontown!

Come on, think hard, where have you seen that gag before? - Try every Warner Bros cartoon ever made - I mean that is how Bugs Bunny gets over on Elmer Fudd, and we are supposed to take it seriously in a superhero comic? I mean even when they helped Eddie escape in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" they played it for laughs.
What can one say about the Spot as a Spidey villian? - how about "What a maroon!"
Related Tags: comics, comic books, comic art, Spider-man, Spiderman, Spidey, villian, Spot, the Spot
Friday, November 17, 2006
Competitive Faith
You know, we Christians are a testy bunch. We tend to throw down at a moments notice about almost anything, much of it relatively insignificant. Baptismal forms, methods of communion service can start shouting matches. Catholic and Protestant can start actual wars! Heck, protestant Anglican and protestant Purtians can get physically violent. What are we really fighting over?
Do you think God is actually constrained in His granting of grace if we are merely blessed from the baptismal fount instead of immersed? Come on - He's God for crying out loud! His grace is His to grant, and He will do so as He sees fit, regardless of our ceremonial and liturgical forms or our particular theological understanding.
See, here's my point. That we should seek the truth in these questions and in so many others goes without saying. It is an integral part of trying to "work out our salvation with fear and trembling." Seek the truth, seek it actively and diligently. But fighting over it? - even arguing loudly over it, is an entirely different matter.
You see, we are not fighting over THE truth, we are fighting over our understanding of the truth. If we had a handle on THE truth, don't you think God would work it out so that we all had the same basic understanding?
It seems apparent to me, I even think the book of Hebrews bears this out, that salvation and living a Christian life is not even a matter of the correct Christian theology. The great "hall of faith" delineated in Hebrews seems to communicate that some gained salvation, certainly gained grace, and lived as God would have them live before Christian theology was even possible!
What are we fighting over?
We are fighting over our stuff. We are fighting over institutional power, even poltical/governmental power. And we are so fighting when we are supposed to be recognizing that all things emminate from the same God. We are fighting over control of something, when we are supposed to recognize and live as if God is in control of everything. We are fighting over the same kind of stuff the rest of the world fights over, we are just doing it in God's name.
This does not mean some things are not worth fighting over, they are, God's name is one of them. But we have to remember that God's name is not necessarily attached to the things we think important, only the things He does.
Maybe we need to spend more time trying to figure out what He thinks imporetant, and less fighting over what we do.
Related Tags: Christian, fighting, priority, importance
Do you think God is actually constrained in His granting of grace if we are merely blessed from the baptismal fount instead of immersed? Come on - He's God for crying out loud! His grace is His to grant, and He will do so as He sees fit, regardless of our ceremonial and liturgical forms or our particular theological understanding.
See, here's my point. That we should seek the truth in these questions and in so many others goes without saying. It is an integral part of trying to "work out our salvation with fear and trembling." Seek the truth, seek it actively and diligently. But fighting over it? - even arguing loudly over it, is an entirely different matter.
You see, we are not fighting over THE truth, we are fighting over our understanding of the truth. If we had a handle on THE truth, don't you think God would work it out so that we all had the same basic understanding?
It seems apparent to me, I even think the book of Hebrews bears this out, that salvation and living a Christian life is not even a matter of the correct Christian theology. The great "hall of faith" delineated in Hebrews seems to communicate that some gained salvation, certainly gained grace, and lived as God would have them live before Christian theology was even possible!
What are we fighting over?
We are fighting over our stuff. We are fighting over institutional power, even poltical/governmental power. And we are so fighting when we are supposed to be recognizing that all things emminate from the same God. We are fighting over control of something, when we are supposed to recognize and live as if God is in control of everything. We are fighting over the same kind of stuff the rest of the world fights over, we are just doing it in God's name.
This does not mean some things are not worth fighting over, they are, God's name is one of them. But we have to remember that God's name is not necessarily attached to the things we think important, only the things He does.
Maybe we need to spend more time trying to figure out what He thinks imporetant, and less fighting over what we do.
Related Tags: Christian, fighting, priority, importance
The Mighty Aveng-Links
Maybe an actual Christian ought to do this?
We are rapidly developing into the old Roman Empire which was starkly divided into military and non-military classes - and then it fell. You know, when you can read book sbaout it, you'd think we'd figure out how to avoid that.
I hate, I mean loath, detest, HATE the nanny state. You would think as hard as I have worked to lose all the weight I have lost, I'd like this crap, but I hate it. Bottom line, my weight is my choice. No amount of gov't intervention could have kept me from gaining it and no amount would help lose it (Yes, I'm still working on it). Anything else is whining, and posturing from the insurance industry.
Buster Keaton comes to mind.
Anywhere but San Francisco and they'd just shoot the beast. When animal bites human, repeatedly - IT IS THE ENEMY!
Sales of bunk beds and loft beds just plummeted 50%. Someone will no doubt offer legislation - see nanny state rant above.
What was it PT Barnum said? Just remember, nursing cats have been known to adopt all sorts of things.
Please - GET A LIFE!
Teaching Russia to hate capitalism. And of course, this lesson courtesy of the nanny state.
Now that's what I call recycling.
Most troubling? People actually WANT their sexuality compared to animals. Do they realize how they reduce themselves?
Making fun of a really bad idea. Ridicule, far superior to critique in most circumstances.
I never had the patience for this as a child - Praise the Lord for time-lapse.
Related Tags: nanny state, rant, cool, joke, humor, wisecrack, sarcasm
We are rapidly developing into the old Roman Empire which was starkly divided into military and non-military classes - and then it fell. You know, when you can read book sbaout it, you'd think we'd figure out how to avoid that.
I hate, I mean loath, detest, HATE the nanny state. You would think as hard as I have worked to lose all the weight I have lost, I'd like this crap, but I hate it. Bottom line, my weight is my choice. No amount of gov't intervention could have kept me from gaining it and no amount would help lose it (Yes, I'm still working on it). Anything else is whining, and posturing from the insurance industry.
Buster Keaton comes to mind.
Anywhere but San Francisco and they'd just shoot the beast. When animal bites human, repeatedly - IT IS THE ENEMY!
Sales of bunk beds and loft beds just plummeted 50%. Someone will no doubt offer legislation - see nanny state rant above.
What was it PT Barnum said? Just remember, nursing cats have been known to adopt all sorts of things.
Please - GET A LIFE!
Teaching Russia to hate capitalism. And of course, this lesson courtesy of the nanny state.
Now that's what I call recycling.
Most troubling? People actually WANT their sexuality compared to animals. Do they realize how they reduce themselves?
Making fun of a really bad idea. Ridicule, far superior to critique in most circumstances.
I never had the patience for this as a child - Praise the Lord for time-lapse.
Related Tags: nanny state, rant, cool, joke, humor, wisecrack, sarcasm
Friday Humor
A man is driving along a highway and sees a rabbit jump out across the middle of the road. He swerves to avoid hitting it,but unfortunately the rabbit jumps right in front of the car.
The driver, a sensitive man as well as an animal lover, pulls over and gets out to see what has become of the rabbit. Much to his dismay, the rabbit is dead. The driver feels so awful that he begins to cry.
A beautiful blonde woman driving down the highway sees a man crying on the side of the road and pulls over. She steps out of the car and asks the man what's wrong.
"I feel terrible!" he explains, "I accidentally hit this rabbit and killed it."
The blonde says, "Don't worry." She runs to her car and pulls out a spray can. She walks over to the limp, dead rabbit, bends down, and sprays the contents onto the rabbit. The rabbit jumps up, waves its paw at the two of them and hops off down the road. Ten feet away the rabbit stops, turns around and waves again, he hops down the road another 10 feet, turns and waves, hops another ten feet, turns and waves, and repeats this again and again and again, until he hops out of sight.
The man is astonished. He runs over to the woman and demands, "What is in that can? What did you spray on that rabbit?"
The woman turns the can around so that the man can read the label.
It says..
(Are you ready for this?)
(This is bad!)
It says:
"Hair Spray - Restores life to dead hair, and adds permanent wave."
Related Tags: rabbit, hair, hare, humor, Friday Humor
The driver, a sensitive man as well as an animal lover, pulls over and gets out to see what has become of the rabbit. Much to his dismay, the rabbit is dead. The driver feels so awful that he begins to cry.
A beautiful blonde woman driving down the highway sees a man crying on the side of the road and pulls over. She steps out of the car and asks the man what's wrong.
"I feel terrible!" he explains, "I accidentally hit this rabbit and killed it."
The blonde says, "Don't worry." She runs to her car and pulls out a spray can. She walks over to the limp, dead rabbit, bends down, and sprays the contents onto the rabbit. The rabbit jumps up, waves its paw at the two of them and hops off down the road. Ten feet away the rabbit stops, turns around and waves again, he hops down the road another 10 feet, turns and waves, hops another ten feet, turns and waves, and repeats this again and again and again, until he hops out of sight.
The man is astonished. He runs over to the woman and demands, "What is in that can? What did you spray on that rabbit?"
The woman turns the can around so that the man can read the label.
It says..
(Are you ready for this?)
(This is bad!)
It says:
"Hair Spray - Restores life to dead hair, and adds permanent wave."
Related Tags: rabbit, hair, hare, humor, Friday Humor
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Who Ruined Marriage? - And A Whole Lot Of Other Things
From The Point:
God tried the whole rule thing - It's called the Old Testament. 4000 years, at least, of human history dedicated solely to demonstrating one important fact - we fallen creatures are not capable of following the rules. We just can't get it right. We will muck up every single time.
Then along came Jesus - New Game! Now it's not about following the rules, now it's about being transformed - transformed into someone that does not have to follow the rules, but instead finds that rule compliance is a part of their essential nature.
But there is a problem, that transformation requires sacrifice and submission on our part. We can't be in control, we have to turn our essential being over to Jesus and let Him do the heavy lifting. To people that want desparately to control their lives, this is a terrifying proposition.
So, in the interest of filling the pews, maintaining the building, and paying the pastor, appearing somehow to be effective, we tweak the message a little, now, instead of "Jesus came to remake you," it is just "Jesus forgives you - go try and follow the rules."
But here's the thing, just like we have to leave it up to Jesus to transform us, so we have to leave it up to Him to decide if we are effective or not. He does not just to the heavy lifting with us, He does it with the world. All we have to do is be brave enough to let Him.
Related Tags: faith, trust, transformation
we've made that point at "BreakPoint" as well -- that we [ed: Christians, Evangelicals...] ruined marriage long before homosexuals supposedly did.This is true in more than the sense that divorce and sexual immorality is as rampant in the church as it is in society. We've runied this, and so many other behavioral, societal consequences of our faith by forgetting the most essential point of the gospel.
God tried the whole rule thing - It's called the Old Testament. 4000 years, at least, of human history dedicated solely to demonstrating one important fact - we fallen creatures are not capable of following the rules. We just can't get it right. We will muck up every single time.
Then along came Jesus - New Game! Now it's not about following the rules, now it's about being transformed - transformed into someone that does not have to follow the rules, but instead finds that rule compliance is a part of their essential nature.
But there is a problem, that transformation requires sacrifice and submission on our part. We can't be in control, we have to turn our essential being over to Jesus and let Him do the heavy lifting. To people that want desparately to control their lives, this is a terrifying proposition.
So, in the interest of filling the pews, maintaining the building, and paying the pastor, appearing somehow to be effective, we tweak the message a little, now, instead of "Jesus came to remake you," it is just "Jesus forgives you - go try and follow the rules."
But here's the thing, just like we have to leave it up to Jesus to transform us, so we have to leave it up to Him to decide if we are effective or not. He does not just to the heavy lifting with us, He does it with the world. All we have to do is be brave enough to let Him.
Related Tags: faith, trust, transformation
Illuminated Scripture
The Uncanny Links!
Note to churches: We have a big problem when stories like this appear in the MSM.
Oh darn, there's that whole pot/kettle - black thing again.
Let's see - I've been to Europe 4 times in my life, combined on thos trips I have paid probabaly a couple of thousands dollars in various fees and taxes, not to mention pumped tens of thousands in the the European economy. And they want more? I wonder how they will do without my visits altogether?
You've probabaly not followed the news on the recent studies about human/neanderthal mating. A brief synopsys. I am highly suspicious that such work can only lead to a naturalistic justification of beastiality. I wonder if these people truly realise what they have wrought.
The story is pure bunk, but the picture! There is no truth to the rumor that prior to my weight lose my behind was that large - close, but not that large.
PETA will be at the Olympics. The value structures between China and the people that compose PETA are so radically different that when I contemplate this it makes me laugh. We are talking different planets here.
Mark Steyn gets funny, very funny.
Sacriledge on two levels... (HT: BHT) and yet, I find myself laughing.
Do you think the DoD should shop Ebay?
Not unusual - revenge from something like that is typical on the morning after. If that wisecrack has escaped you - here's a hint.
Been there - not surprized. Besides, the Balkans are not a very serious place.
I must remember these.
Setting the failure and stupid bar very, very high.
Dear Lord, they are inviting the aliens to dinner.
Related Tags: church fightsd, global warming, environment, naturalism, joke, humor, sarcasm, wisecrack
Oh darn, there's that whole pot/kettle - black thing again.
Let's see - I've been to Europe 4 times in my life, combined on thos trips I have paid probabaly a couple of thousands dollars in various fees and taxes, not to mention pumped tens of thousands in the the European economy. And they want more? I wonder how they will do without my visits altogether?
You've probabaly not followed the news on the recent studies about human/neanderthal mating. A brief synopsys. I am highly suspicious that such work can only lead to a naturalistic justification of beastiality. I wonder if these people truly realise what they have wrought.
The story is pure bunk, but the picture! There is no truth to the rumor that prior to my weight lose my behind was that large - close, but not that large.
PETA will be at the Olympics. The value structures between China and the people that compose PETA are so radically different that when I contemplate this it makes me laugh. We are talking different planets here.
Mark Steyn gets funny, very funny.
Sacriledge on two levels... (HT: BHT) and yet, I find myself laughing.
Do you think the DoD should shop Ebay?
Not unusual - revenge from something like that is typical on the morning after. If that wisecrack has escaped you - here's a hint.
Been there - not surprized. Besides, the Balkans are not a very serious place.
I must remember these.
Setting the failure and stupid bar very, very high.
Dear Lord, they are inviting the aliens to dinner.
Related Tags: church fightsd, global warming, environment, naturalism, joke, humor, sarcasm, wisecrack
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Defining Idolatry
Les Newson writing at Common Grounds Online writes about "The Worst Sin In The Bible." That sin he concludes is idolatry, but not as you might think of it:
It is so easy to love something about God, or love that God did this, or love God because He made that. But that is not enough for God. God wants us simply to love Him..
You see, God is like the kid that pointed out that the emperor had no clothes. When we deal directly with God, our nakedness is exposed. (see Genesis 3) Once in His presence, we cannot hide from God. Thus we want to use cut-outs and stand-ins. But God wants so much more for us. He does not want our defects merely to be hidden, He does not even want them repaired, he wants them remade into perfection. They must be exposed for that to happen, exposed to Him.
What's between you and God - there is something, because there is for all of us. Maybe even something different every day. Take it out of the way. Tell God about it.
Related Tags: idolatry, confession, God, relationship, faith, nakedness
The sin of the Golden Calf is not worshipping the calf, but worshipping the God of the Bible through the calf.Idolatry is, anything we put between ourselves and God - ANYTHING. From worship styles to denominalationism to church growth to financial security to politics, all of it is an idol if it somehow stands between us and God. In fact even the spiritual gifts can become idols, I have seen it happen often.
Again, what?s the big deal? Surely God would appreciate a bit of creativity once and a while from his worshipping people. But if not, then surely they can get partial credit for having at least made the effort. Good intention, bad execution?right?
But this strikes me as an awfully shallow application of this story. There is much more to this act than can be summed up in an admonition to follow carefully a regulative principle for worship as the people of God gather. Rather, what seems to be the concern is the tendency among God?s people to remake him in their image. ?God created man in his own image and we gladly return the favor,? I once read somewhere.
In other words, God condemns his people in the most thoroughgoing of ways when they decide that they ?don?t like to think of God in that way.? He is holy, granted, but what that means, among other things, is that he is unchangeable. He is who he is. ?I am that I am,? he says to Moses. ?Don?t you try to make me fit into your categories. Love me and worship me on MY terms and not yours.?
It is so easy to love something about God, or love that God did this, or love God because He made that. But that is not enough for God. God wants us simply to love Him..
You see, God is like the kid that pointed out that the emperor had no clothes. When we deal directly with God, our nakedness is exposed. (see Genesis 3) Once in His presence, we cannot hide from God. Thus we want to use cut-outs and stand-ins. But God wants so much more for us. He does not want our defects merely to be hidden, He does not even want them repaired, he wants them remade into perfection. They must be exposed for that to happen, exposed to Him.
What's between you and God - there is something, because there is for all of us. Maybe even something different every day. Take it out of the way. Tell God about it.
Related Tags: idolatry, confession, God, relationship, faith, nakedness
Linking In The Shadows Of Love
There are some games you can't lose because you love both teams playing. And yet...
One outcome is so much sweeter than the other.
Wealth transfer in disguise? Maybe just extortion.
Knew this - been trying to get them as clients for years. Finally landed on major player this year, by the way. Problem, they are largely exempt from regulation - exempted because they have so much political clout.
Jerks (HT Greenie Watch)
Tragic, and yet utterly pointless and stupid.
Extreme? - perhaps, but a couple more time and you can bet grafitti will come to an end.
Nikolai Tesla lives!
(Profanity warning)...But to a comic guy like me this is really funny.
Time waster!
Why those traffic cams never work.
Because golfers are guys in search of a life.
For the man that has everything - Poop Paper. (And I thought regular paper mills had an odor problem.)
Related Tags: college basketball, global warming, joke, jumor, sarcasm, wisecrack
One outcome is so much sweeter than the other.
Wealth transfer in disguise? Maybe just extortion.
Debunking nonsense related to disaster losses and climate change is getting to be a full time job.--Methinks perhaps that's a political strategy, see item above.
Knew this - been trying to get them as clients for years. Finally landed on major player this year, by the way. Problem, they are largely exempt from regulation - exempted because they have so much political clout.
Jerks (HT Greenie Watch)
Tragic, and yet utterly pointless and stupid.
Extreme? - perhaps, but a couple more time and you can bet grafitti will come to an end.
Nikolai Tesla lives!
(Profanity warning)...But to a comic guy like me this is really funny.
Time waster!
Why those traffic cams never work.
Because golfers are guys in search of a life.
For the man that has everything - Poop Paper. (And I thought regular paper mills had an odor problem.)
Related Tags: college basketball, global warming, joke, jumor, sarcasm, wisecrack
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
What Is A Christian That Does Science To Do?
The Point - a relatively new blog founded by some poeple in Chuck Colson's ministries - has been doing some great stuff lately. I was especially intrigued by this post on the LA Times coverage of a homosexual couple trying to obtain offpring. The post included a very eriudite quotation from Richard Samuelson at The Claremont Institute:
What about the use of modern technological means to "preserve" a natural habitat. Or the use of technology to replace technology to "preserve the eco-system." Manipulate and consume natural resources to preserve natural resources? Sounds like a lateral move to me, not a genuine improvement. I am struck about how necessary a philosophical, even religous, underpinning is for someone that wants to do science. Without such, we focus too much on the specifics without putting in into some sort of greater context.
Do we do science to conquer nature or to understand it and harmonize with it? Are their different points to do one and not the other? Is nature as it should be, or is it somehow wrong? Is there some science we simply should not do?
This last question is, I think, a very real one for Christians, particularly in medicine and the biological sciences. As Christians, our goal in science is to discover more about God by discovering how His creation works. As the painting reflects the painter, so creation reflects our Lord. And yet, increasingly some science, primarily reproductive science, seeks not to manipulate God's created order, but to defy it. Granting genetic children to a homosexual couple is an excellent example of just such defiance of God's created order.
I am not familiar with many Christian science-types asking questions like this. Oh there are many that simply refuse to do certain work, much to their credit, but are there conferences? Where are the scientists on seminary faculties working with the philosophers and theologians to ask these questions and define these boundaries? Most universities have severed ties with seminaries and divinity schools, in some cases prescisely to avoid the kind of intereaction I propose here. Is it time for seminaries to add science departments? There are some institutes and other academic institutions, but they are few, they struggle for funding and noteriety.
I love science, I love knowing how the universe works, mostly because I love my Lord. Frankly, in my school days when much of this kind of stuff was imagined, but not yet realized, I assumed God had cleverly erected barriers in His creation that would prevent us from achieving such usurption of His place in the universe. I underestimated God's willingness to let us sink into sin and His desire to have us come to Him of our own violition.
Science and faith have to come together somehow, somewhere. Not merely in the lives of faithful scientists, but in the institutions of religion and learning. There is simply too much at stake.
Related Tags: science, religion, biology, seminary, university, reproduction
The attitude toward nature is fascinating here. On one hand, nature gives the couple its moral bearings. That they are attracted to men and not women dictates how they lead their lives. On the other hand, they use technology to overcome nature. It allows them to become, in a sense, joint fathers. What is the connection between these two attitudes toward nature?He is so right about people who generally are on the left politically, certainly outside the realm of faith, and how they have a bit of a schizophrenic relationship with nature. This story does illustrate one very stark contrast, but consider another.
What about the use of modern technological means to "preserve" a natural habitat. Or the use of technology to replace technology to "preserve the eco-system." Manipulate and consume natural resources to preserve natural resources? Sounds like a lateral move to me, not a genuine improvement. I am struck about how necessary a philosophical, even religous, underpinning is for someone that wants to do science. Without such, we focus too much on the specifics without putting in into some sort of greater context.
Do we do science to conquer nature or to understand it and harmonize with it? Are their different points to do one and not the other? Is nature as it should be, or is it somehow wrong? Is there some science we simply should not do?
This last question is, I think, a very real one for Christians, particularly in medicine and the biological sciences. As Christians, our goal in science is to discover more about God by discovering how His creation works. As the painting reflects the painter, so creation reflects our Lord. And yet, increasingly some science, primarily reproductive science, seeks not to manipulate God's created order, but to defy it. Granting genetic children to a homosexual couple is an excellent example of just such defiance of God's created order.
I am not familiar with many Christian science-types asking questions like this. Oh there are many that simply refuse to do certain work, much to their credit, but are there conferences? Where are the scientists on seminary faculties working with the philosophers and theologians to ask these questions and define these boundaries? Most universities have severed ties with seminaries and divinity schools, in some cases prescisely to avoid the kind of intereaction I propose here. Is it time for seminaries to add science departments? There are some institutes and other academic institutions, but they are few, they struggle for funding and noteriety.
I love science, I love knowing how the universe works, mostly because I love my Lord. Frankly, in my school days when much of this kind of stuff was imagined, but not yet realized, I assumed God had cleverly erected barriers in His creation that would prevent us from achieving such usurption of His place in the universe. I underestimated God's willingness to let us sink into sin and His desire to have us come to Him of our own violition.
Science and faith have to come together somehow, somewhere. Not merely in the lives of faithful scientists, but in the institutions of religion and learning. There is simply too much at stake.
Related Tags: science, religion, biology, seminary, university, reproduction
Linking In Under The Cover Of Darkness
I've said before one of my favorite things I ever did in Edinburgh was visit the John Knox house where they have a room that you can hear someone preach his sermons. A taste.
Al Mohler looks at one small part of what I discuss in the post above.
For my pastor friends, some interesting thoughts on blogging.
God really does have control of all aspects of your life
Allthings2all puts perspective on global warming.
Speaking of which, if they really cared, they'd have done it in treadmill and harnessed the energy. Joke over - who is brainwashing kids in Africa? Just buy all the garbage about greenhouse gas emissions for a minute, if all of it from the entire continent from Africa stopped today, not a thing would change, nothing. This is pure grandstanding at the expense of the people that most need modernization.
Maybe, but someone, somewhere is going to figure out is causes cancer. Wanna Bet?
An arguement for the "Doggie Liberation Army." These people have to be stopped.
We have got to work on our fake deer - maybe better materials, a microprocessor...We have the technology, we can rebuild him.
Go ahead, make my day. This is also cool, but takes far more practice.
That's gonna leave a mark. It also completely redefines "absent minded."
Lawsuit?...Lawsuit!? - Beyond road rage there is this.
Do you ever wonder if God is laughing at us?
I'd do it if it was good pie.
Related Tags: Edinburgh, pastor blogging, John Knox, science, global warming, joke, humor, sarcasm, wisecrack
Al Mohler looks at one small part of what I discuss in the post above.
For my pastor friends, some interesting thoughts on blogging.
God really does have control of all aspects of your life
Allthings2all puts perspective on global warming.
Speaking of which, if they really cared, they'd have done it in treadmill and harnessed the energy. Joke over - who is brainwashing kids in Africa? Just buy all the garbage about greenhouse gas emissions for a minute, if all of it from the entire continent from Africa stopped today, not a thing would change, nothing. This is pure grandstanding at the expense of the people that most need modernization.
Maybe, but someone, somewhere is going to figure out is causes cancer. Wanna Bet?
An arguement for the "Doggie Liberation Army." These people have to be stopped.
We have got to work on our fake deer - maybe better materials, a microprocessor...We have the technology, we can rebuild him.
Go ahead, make my day. This is also cool, but takes far more practice.
That's gonna leave a mark. It also completely redefines "absent minded."
Lawsuit?...Lawsuit!? - Beyond road rage there is this.
Do you ever wonder if God is laughing at us?
I'd do it if it was good pie.
Related Tags: Edinburgh, pastor blogging, John Knox, science, global warming, joke, humor, sarcasm, wisecrack
Kitty Kartoons
Monday, November 13, 2006
Is It Really About Restoration?
So much has been written in the wake of the Haggard scandal - so much. One of the more ineresting things I have seen is this Out of Ur post. Most interesting is that it starts with an extended quoatation from another pastor that "fell" and about his restoration process involved retreating to a "wilderness" without any preconceptions about a return to ministry - but then goes on to describe specific questions about when such a return would be appropriate. I find the idea of "restoration to ministry" a false concept, and it belies one of the greater problems we have with the church today.
We are all called to ministry, and as Christians we are all involved in ministry as we go through the day. The idea of being in and/or out of ministry is an institutional categorization only. WE ARE ALL MINSTERS - sometimes we are better ones than others. The whole conversation places way too much importance on the role of institutional and organizational leader, at the expense of gospel being spread from person-to-person, life-to-life. Haggard was a minister, he is a minister and he will always be a minister.
RIGHT NOW, RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE, TED HAGGARD HAS A MINISTRY! There is nothing for him to be restored to. Haggard's ministry now is to be the best example possible of a person in the process of redemption - of confession - of humility - of being broken and rebuilt by God Himself. My prayer for Ted Haggard is not that he would be restored to ministry, but that he would do this ministry, right now, better than it has ever been done before.
You see, people so anxious to "restore" Ted Haggard aren't so much interested in Haggard as they are in restoring public credibility to that church or to the National Association of Evangelicals.
It's not about "restoration" - it's about helping Ted Haggard find his way through a huge personal and public mess - that's all. And then it is about finding a way to repeat that process over-and-over, in life-after-life, one life at a time until all lives know the "peace of Christ that passes all understanding."
Restoration to ministry - pshah - let's just do ministry right.
Related Tags: ministry, restoration, repentance, Ted Haggard
We are all called to ministry, and as Christians we are all involved in ministry as we go through the day. The idea of being in and/or out of ministry is an institutional categorization only. WE ARE ALL MINSTERS - sometimes we are better ones than others. The whole conversation places way too much importance on the role of institutional and organizational leader, at the expense of gospel being spread from person-to-person, life-to-life. Haggard was a minister, he is a minister and he will always be a minister.
RIGHT NOW, RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE, TED HAGGARD HAS A MINISTRY! There is nothing for him to be restored to. Haggard's ministry now is to be the best example possible of a person in the process of redemption - of confession - of humility - of being broken and rebuilt by God Himself. My prayer for Ted Haggard is not that he would be restored to ministry, but that he would do this ministry, right now, better than it has ever been done before.
You see, people so anxious to "restore" Ted Haggard aren't so much interested in Haggard as they are in restoring public credibility to that church or to the National Association of Evangelicals.
John 14:27 - Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.Why are we concerned about public credibility, especially at the cost of a broken man still discovering precisely how contrite he is? That is seeking peace, seeking restoration "as the world gives." We should be seeking Christ's peace, Christ's restoration!
It's not about "restoration" - it's about helping Ted Haggard find his way through a huge personal and public mess - that's all. And then it is about finding a way to repeat that process over-and-over, in life-after-life, one life at a time until all lives know the "peace of Christ that passes all understanding."
Restoration to ministry - pshah - let's just do ministry right.
Related Tags: ministry, restoration, repentance, Ted Haggard
Lovely Links Lavishly Linked
When it comes to global warming - the debate is becoming just a bit strained. We've seen free speech prohibitions suggested and now comparisions to terrorism - even worse, naked application of political pressure. You know, a sure sign you are losing the debate is when you get shrill.
Laer finds even more over-the-top rhetoric and points out its real source - communistic thought. See proof. So, is totalitarinism in pursuit of "good things" a good thing?
However, when political over-speak doesn't work, maybe scientific over-speak will. Just once I'd like to see stories like this that include actual data and not just mentions of Kyoto.
Nonetheless, I am very glad to see that the most important environmental debates are reaching the highest levels.
This is the end of something romantic, but no place on earth has represented naked capitalism as well as Hong Kong - at least until a few years ago. I think people there have bigger fish to fry right now.
How long before something like this happens with a "praise song?" And what will it say about the church?
Lots and lots of Iraq talk. I think there may be more going on than the general public knows, but let's not get all conspiracy theory. Let's not pull out either - it's too vital. The Dems have to call for withdrawal, they flogged it until elected, weakening the national will for the sake of power, but if Bush gives it to them it will be nothing short of disasterous. You don't solve problems by walking away from them. It is not a winner. A warrior's view - to leave dishonors such people, says their efforts were for naught - HOW DARE WE!
This is no time to cut the military budget. There was a time a dolphin could not get near a carrier group undtected.
The story I never thought I'd see.
This takes all the fun out of it - the idea is to think you sound like someone that really knows how to play.
The holidays are apporaching and things are slowing down a bit - waste some time.
Related Tags: environment, global warming, Iraq, joke, time waster
Laer finds even more over-the-top rhetoric and points out its real source - communistic thought. See proof. So, is totalitarinism in pursuit of "good things" a good thing?
However, when political over-speak doesn't work, maybe scientific over-speak will. Just once I'd like to see stories like this that include actual data and not just mentions of Kyoto.
Nonetheless, I am very glad to see that the most important environmental debates are reaching the highest levels.
This is the end of something romantic, but no place on earth has represented naked capitalism as well as Hong Kong - at least until a few years ago. I think people there have bigger fish to fry right now.
How long before something like this happens with a "praise song?" And what will it say about the church?
Lots and lots of Iraq talk. I think there may be more going on than the general public knows, but let's not get all conspiracy theory. Let's not pull out either - it's too vital. The Dems have to call for withdrawal, they flogged it until elected, weakening the national will for the sake of power, but if Bush gives it to them it will be nothing short of disasterous. You don't solve problems by walking away from them. It is not a winner. A warrior's view - to leave dishonors such people, says their efforts were for naught - HOW DARE WE!
This is no time to cut the military budget. There was a time a dolphin could not get near a carrier group undtected.
The story I never thought I'd see.
This takes all the fun out of it - the idea is to think you sound like someone that really knows how to play.
The holidays are apporaching and things are slowing down a bit - waste some time.
Related Tags: environment, global warming, Iraq, joke, time waster
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Church Going Links
An interview with the author of a book on Francis Schaeffer from teh Reformed Evangelist. I do have to say that the older I get the more impressed I am with Schaeffer. For some reason he did not cut it with me in my younger days, even when I had friends at L'Abri.
The problems with the evangelical cult of personality. (HT: SmartChristian) The cult of personality is a huge problem for the church, but why do they tie it to politically right churches in the last paragraph? If we believe, and I think we do, that good church transcends politics, why take a political shot?
I'm not a sinner, don't tell me otherwise, saying I'm wrong is hate speech. The question for Christians everywhere - is such an attitude the result of being locked into sin, or our lack of grace at explaining it? If the latter, the guy may have a point...
Which rasies the question - is this the correct response?
We are not dealing with nice peope here.
Because no vital organs were involved. I dated a Brazilian woman before I met my lovely wife, trust me on this.
One man's cute fuzzy critter is another man's terrorist.
Found this, It amuzed me:

Dreams and memories. Sadly, I remember the last time all too well, I was an adult, I crossed the continent to watch the game with my best friend who is since deceased. Age brings wisdom, thanksfully, but some of its other characteristics....
Why nerds are fat...Learned this lesson the hard way.
Related Tags: Francis Schaeffer, cult of personality, religious hatred, joke, humor, wisecrack
The problems with the evangelical cult of personality. (HT: SmartChristian) The cult of personality is a huge problem for the church, but why do they tie it to politically right churches in the last paragraph? If we believe, and I think we do, that good church transcends politics, why take a political shot?
I'm not a sinner, don't tell me otherwise, saying I'm wrong is hate speech. The question for Christians everywhere - is such an attitude the result of being locked into sin, or our lack of grace at explaining it? If the latter, the guy may have a point...
Which rasies the question - is this the correct response?
We are not dealing with nice peope here.
Because no vital organs were involved. I dated a Brazilian woman before I met my lovely wife, trust me on this.
One man's cute fuzzy critter is another man's terrorist.
Found this, It amuzed me:

Dreams and memories. Sadly, I remember the last time all too well, I was an adult, I crossed the continent to watch the game with my best friend who is since deceased. Age brings wisdom, thanksfully, but some of its other characteristics....
Why nerds are fat...Learned this lesson the hard way.
Related Tags: Francis Schaeffer, cult of personality, religious hatred, joke, humor, wisecrack
Sermons and Lessons
LYMAN BEECHER was born in New Haven, Conn., in 1775. He graduated from Yale in 1797, and in 1798 took charge of the Presbyterian Church at Easthampton, Long Island. He first attracted attention by his sermon on the death of Alexander Hamilton, and in 1810 became pastor of the Congregational Church at Litchfield, Conn. In the course of a pastorate of 16 years, he preached a remarkable series of sermons on temperance and became recognized as one of the foremost pulpit orators of the country. In 1826 he went to Boston as pastor of the Hanover Street Congregational Church. Six years later he became president of the Lane Theological Seminary in Ohio, an office he retained for twenty years. In 1852 he returned to Boston and subsequently retired to the house of his son, Henry Ward Beecher, where he died in 1863. His public utterances, whether platform or pulpit, were carefully elaborated. They were delivered extemporaneously and sparkled with wit, were convincing by their logic, and conciliating by their shrewd common sense.
Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. - Matthew 6:10.
In this passage we are instructed to pray that the world may be governed, and not abandoned to the miseries of unrestrained sin; that God Himself would govern, and not another; and that God would administer the government of the world, in all respects, according to His own pleasure. The passage is a formal surrender to God of power and dominion over the earth, as entire as His dominion is in His heaven. The petition, therefore, "Thy will be done," contains the doctrine:
That it is greatly to be desired that God should govern the world, and dispose of men, in all respects, entirely according to His own pleasure.
The truth of this doctrine is so manifest, that it would seem to rank itself in the number of self-evident propositions, incapable of proof clearer than its own light, had not experience taught that, of all truths, it is the most universally and bitterly controverted. Plain as it is, it has occasioned more argument than any other doctrine, and, by argument merely, has gained fewer proselytes; for it is one of those controversies in which the heart decides wholly, and argument, strong or feeble, is alike ineffectual.
This consideration would present, on the threshold, a hopeless impediment to further progress, did we not know, also, that arguments a thousand times repeated, and as often resisted, may at length become mighty through God, to the casting down of imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God. I shall, therefore, suggest several considerations, to confirm this most obvious truth, that it is desirable that God should govern the world entirely according to His own good pleasure.
1. It is desirable that God should govern the world, and dispose of all events, according to His pleasure, because He knows perfectly in what manner it is best that the world should be governed.
The best way of disposing of men and their concerns is that which will effectually illustrate the glory of God. The glory of God is His benevolence, and His natural attributes for the manifestation of it, and sun of the moral universe, the light and life of His kingdom. All the blessedness of the intelligent creation arises, and ever will arise, from the manifestation and apprehension of the glory of God. It was to manifest this glory that the worlds were created. It was that there might be creatures to behold and enjoy God, that His dominions were peopled with intelligent beings. And it is that His holy subjects may see and enjoy Him, that He upholds and governs the universe. The entire importance of our world, therefore, and of men and their concerns, is relative, and is great or small only as we are made to illustrate the glory of God. How this important end shall be most effectually accomplished none but Himself is able to determine. He, only, knows how so to order things as that the existence of every being, and every event, shall answer the purpose of its creation, and from the rolling of a world to the fall of a sparrow shall conspire to increase the exhibitions of the divine character, and expand the joy of the holy universe.
An inferior intelligence at the helm of government might conceive very desirable purposes of benevolence, and still be at a loss as to the means most fit and effectual to accom¬plish them. But, with God, there is no such deficiency. In Him, the knowledge which discovered the end discovers also, with unerring wisdom, the most appropriate means to bring it to pass. He is wise in heart; He hath established the world by His wisdom and stretched out the heavens by His discretion. And is He not wise enough to be entrusted with the government of the world? Who, then, shall be His counsellor? Who shall sup¬ply the deficiencies of His skill? Oh, the presumption of vain man! and, oh! the depths both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
2. It is desirable that God should govern the world according to His own pleasure, because He is entirely able to execute His purposes.
A wise politician perceives, often, both the end and the means; and is still unable to bring to pass his counsels, because the means, though wise, are beyond his control. But God is as able to execute as He is to plan. Having chosen the end, and selected the means, his counsels stand. He is the Lord God omnipotent. The whole universe is a storehouse of means; and when He speaks every intelligence and every atom flies to execute His pleasure. The omnipotence of God, in giving efficacy to His government, inspires and perpetuates the ecstasy of heaven. "And a voice came out from the throne, saying, Praise our God. And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of many thunderings, saying Alleluia, the Lord God omnipotent reigneth." What will that man do in heaven, who is afraid and reluctant to commit to God the government of the earth? And what will become of those who, unable to frustrate His counsels, murmur and rebel against His providence?
3. It is desirable that God should govern the world according to His pleasure, because the pleasure of God is always good.
The angels who kept not their first estate, and many wicked men, have great knowledge, and skill, and power: and yet, on these accounts, are only the more terrible; because they employ these mighty faculties to do evil. And the government of God, were He a being of malevolence, armed as He is with skill and power, would justly fill the universe with dismay. But, as it is, brethren, "let not your hearts be troubled." With God there is no perversion of attributes. He is as good as He is wise and powerful. God is love! Love is that glory of God which He has undertaken to express to His intelligent creation in His works. The sole object of the government of God, from beginning to end, is, to express His benevolence. His eternal decrees, of which so many are afraid, are nothing but the plan which God has devised to express His benevolence, and to make His kingdom as vast and as blest as His own infinite goodness desires. It was to show His glory"to express, in action, His benevolence" that He created all the worlds that roll, and rejoice, and speak His name, through the regions of space. It is to accomplish the same blest design, that He upholds, and places under law, every intelligent being, and directs every event, causing every movement, in every world, to fall in, in its appointed time and place, and to unite in promoting the grand result?the glory of God, and the highest good of His kingdom. And is there a mortal, who, from this great system of blest government, would wish this earth to be an exception? What sort of beings must those be who are afraid of a government administered by infinite benevolence, to express, so far as it can be expressed, the infinite goodness of God? I repeat the question, - What kind of characters must those be who feel as if they had good reason to fear a gov¬ernment the sole object of which is to express the immeasurable goodness of God?
4. It is greatly to be desired that God should govern the world according to His pleasure, because it is His pleasure to rule as a moral governor.
A moral government is a government exercised over free agents, accountable beings, a government of laws, administered by motives.
The importance of such a government below is manifest from the consideration, that it is in His moral government, chiefly, that the glory of God is displayed.
The superintendence of an empty world, or a world of mere animals, would not exhibit, at all, the moral character of God. The glory of God, shining in His law, could never be made manifest, and the brighter glory of God, as displayed in the gospel, must remain forever hid; and all that happiness of which we are capable, as moral beings, the joys of religion below, and the boundless joys of heaven above, would be extinguished, in a moment, by the suspension of the divine moral government.
Will any pretend that the Almighty cannot maintain a moral government on earth, if He governs according to His own pleasure? Can He wield the elements, and control, at His pleasure, every work of His hands, but just the mind of man? Is the most noble work of God - that which is the most worthy of attention, and in reference to which all beside is upheld and governed - itself wholly unmanageable? Has Omnipotence formed minds, which, the moment they are made, escape from His hands, and defy the control of their Maker? Has the Almighty erected a moral kingdom which He cannot govern without destroying its moral nature? Can He only watch, and mend, and rectify, the lawless wanderings of mind?, Has He filled the earth with untamed and untamnable spirits, whose wickedness and rebellion He can merely mitigate, but cannot control? Does He superintend a world of madmen, full of darkness and disorder, cheered and blest by no internal pervading government of His own? Are we bound to submit to all events, as parts of the holy providence of God; and yet, is there actually no hand of God controlling the movements of the moral world? But if the Almighty can, and if he does, govern the earth as a part of His moral kingdom, is there any method of government more safe and wise than that which pleases God? Can there be a better government? We may safely pray, then, "Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven," without fearing at all the loss of moral agency; for all the glory of God, in His Law and Gospel, and all the eternal manifestations of, glory to principalities and powers in heavenly places, depend wholly upon the fact, that men, though living under the government of God, and controlled according to His pleasure, are still entirely free, and accountable for all the deeds done in the body. There could be no justice in punishment and no condescension, no wisdom, no mercy, in the glorious gospel, did not the government of God, though administered according to His pleasure, include and insure the accountable agency of man.
Seeing, therefore, that all the glory of God, which He ever proposes to manifest to the intelligent creation, is to be made known by the Church, and is to shine in the face of Jesus Christ, and is to depend upon the perfect consistency of the moral government of God with human freedom, we have boundless assurance that, among His absolute, immutable, eternal purposes, one, and a leading one, is, so to govern the world according to His counsels, that, if men sin, there shall be complete desert of punishment, and boundless mercy in their redemption.
5. It is greatly to be desired that God should rule in the earth according to His pleasure, because it is His pleasure to govern the world in mercy, by Jesus Christ.
The government is in the hand of a Mediator, by whom God is reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them that believe. Mercy is the bestowment of pardon upon the sinful and undeserving. Now, mankind are so eminently sinful, that no government but one administered in infinite mercy, could afford the least consolation. Had any being but the God of mercy sat upon the throne, or any will but His will prevailed, there would have been no plan of redemption, and no purposes of election, to perplex and alarm the wicked. There would have been but one decree, and that would have been, destruction to the whole race of man. Are any reluctant to be entirely in the hands of God? Are they afraid to trust Him to dispose of soul and body, for time and eternity? Let them surrender their mercies, then, and go out naked from that government which feeds, protects and comforts them. Let them give up their Bibles, and relinquish the means of grace, and the hopes of glory, and descend and make their bed in hell, where they have long since deserved to be, and where they long since would have been, if God had not governed the world according to His own good pleasure. If they would escape the evils which they fear from the hand of God, let them abandon the blessings they receive from it, and they will soon discover whether the absolute dominion of God, and their dependence upon him, be, in reality, a ground of murmuring and alarm. Our only hope of heaven arises from being entirely in the hands of God. Our destruc¬tion could not be made more certain than it would be were we to be given up to our own disposal, or to the disposal of any being but God. Would sinful mortals change their own hearts? Could the combined universe, without God, change the depraved affections of men? Surely, then, we have cause for unceasing joy, that we are in the hands of God; seeing He is a God of mercy, and has decreed to rule in mercy, and actually is administering the government of the world in mercy, by Jesus Christ.
We have nothing to fear, from the entire dominion of God, which we should not have cause equally to fear, as outcasts from the divine government; but we have everything to hope, while He rules the earth according to His most merciful pleasure. The Lord reigneth; let the earth rejoice, let the multitude of the isles be glad. It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not.
6. It is greatly to be desired that God should dispose of mankind according to His pleasure, because, if He does so, it is certain that there will be no injustice done to anyone.
He will do no injustice to His holy kingdom by any whom He saves. He will bring none to heaven who are not holy, and prepared for heaven. He will bring none there in any way not consistent with His perfections, and the best good of His kingdom; none in any way but that prescribed in the gospel, the way of faith in Jesus Christ, of repentance for sin, and of good works as the constituted fruit and evidence of faith.
Earthly monarchs have their favorites, whom, if guilty of a violation of the laws, they will often interpose to save, although the welfare of the kingdom requires their punishment. But God has no such favorites! He is no respecter of persons: He spared not the angels: and upon the earth distinctions of intellect, or wealth, or honor, will have no effect; he only that believeth shall be saved. The great and the learned shall not be obtruded upon heaven without holiness because they are great or learned; and the humble and contrite shall not be excluded because they are poor, or ignorant, or obscure. God has provided a way for all men to return to Him. He has opened the door of their prison, and set open before them a door of admission into the kingdom of His dear Son; and commanded and entreated them to abandon their dreary abode, and come into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. But all, with one consent, refuse to comply. Each prefers his own loathsome dwelling to the building of God, and chooses, steadfastly, the darkness of his own dungeon, to the light of God's kingdom. But, as God has determined that the redemption of His Son shall not be unavailing through human obstinacy, so He hath chosen, in Christ, multitudes which no man can number, that they should be holy and without blame before Him in love. And in bringing these sons and daughters to glory, through sanctification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth, He will introduce not one whom all the inhabitants of heaven will not hail joyfully, as the companion of their glory. And if God does in the earth just as He pleases, He will make willing, and obedient, and bring to. heaven, just those persons who it was most desirable should come. And He will bring just as many obstinate rebels to abandon their prison, and enter cheerfully His kingdom, as infinite wisdom, goodness, and mercy, see fit and desire. He will not mar His glory, or the happiness of His kingdom, by bringing in too many, nor by omitting to bring in enough. His redeemed kingdom, as to the number and the persons who compose it, and the happiness included in it, will be such as shall be wholly satisfactory to God, and to every subject of His kingdom.
And if God governs according to His pleasure, He will do no injustice to His impenitent enemies. He will send to misery no harmless animals without souls - no mere machines - none who have done, or even attempted to do, as well as they could. He will leave to walk in their own way none who do not deserve to be left; and punish none for walking in it who did not walk therein knowingly, deliberately and with willful obstinacy. He will give up to death none who did not choose death, and choose it with as entire freedom as Himself chooses holiness; and who did not deserve eternal punishment as truly as Himself deserves eternal praise. He will send to hell none who are not opposed to Him, and to holiness, and to heaven; none who are not, by voluntary sin and rebellion, unfitted for heaven, and fitted for destruction, as eminently as saints are prepared for glory. He will consign to perdition no poor, feeble, inoffensive beings, sacrificing one innocent creature to increase the happiness of another. He will cause the punishment of the wicked to illustrate his glory, and thus indirectly to promote the happiness of heaven. But God will not illumine heaven with His glory, and fill it with praise, by sacrificing helpless, Un-offending creatures to eternal torment; nor will He doom to hell one whom He will not convince also, that he deserves to go thither. The justice of God, in the condemnation of the impenitent, will be as unquestionable, as His infinite mercy will be in the salvation of the redeemed.
If the will of God is done on earth, among men, there will be no more injustice done to the inhabitants of the earth than there is done to the blessed in heaven. Was it ever known - did any ever complain - was it ever conceived - that God was a tyrant, in heaven? Why, then, should we question the justice of His government on earth? Is He not the same God below as above? Are not all His attributes equally employed? Does lie not govern for the same end, and will not His government below conspire to promote the same joyful end as His government above?
7. It is greatly to be desired that God should govern the world according to His pleasure, because His own infinite blessedness, as well as the happiness of His kingdom, de¬pends upon his working all things according to the counsel of His own will.
Could the Almighty be prevented from expressing the benevolence of His nature, according to His purposes, His present boundless blessedness would become the pain of ungrati¬fied desire. God is love, and His happiness consists in the exercise and expression of it, according to His own eternal purpose, which He purposed in Christ Jesus before the world began. It is therefore declared, "The Lord hath made all things for himself;" that is, to express and gratify His infinite benevolence. The moral excellence of God does not consist in quiescent love, but in love active, bursting forth, and abounding. Nor does the divine happiness arise from the contemplation of idle perfections, but from perfections which comprehend boundless capacity, and activity in doing good.
From what has been said, we may be led to contemplate with satisfaction the infinite blessedness of God.
God is love! This is a disposition which, beyond all others, is happy in its own nature. He is perfect in love; there is, therefore, in His happiness no alloy. His love is infinite; and, of course, His blessedness is unbounded. If the little holiness existing in good men, though balanced by remaining sin, occasions, at times, unutterable joy, how blessed must God be, who is perfectly and infinitely holy! It is to be remembered, also, that the benevolence of God is at all times perfectly gratified. The universe which God has created and upholds, including what He has done, and what He will yet do, will be brought into a condition which will satisfy His infinite benevolence. The great plan of government which God has chosen, and which His power and wisdom will execute, will embrace as much good as in the nature of things is possible. He is not, like erring man, straitened and perplexed, through lack of knowledge or power. There is in His plan no defect, and in His execution no failure. God, therefore, is infinitely happy in His holiness, and in the expression of it which it pleases Him to make.
The revolt of angels, the fall of man, and the miseries of sin, do not, for a moment, interrupt the blessedness of God. They were not, to Him, unexpected events, starting up suddenly while the watchman of Israel slumbered. They were foreseen by God as clearly as any other events of His government, and have occasioned neither perplexity nor dismay. With infinite complacency He beholds still His unshaken counsels, and with almighty hand rolls on His undisturbed decrees. Surrounded by unnumbered millions, created by His hand, and upheld by His power, He shines forth, God over all, blest for ever. What an object of joyful contemplation, then, is the blessedness of God! It is infinite; His boundless capacity is full. It is eternal; He is God blest forever. The happiness of the created universe is but a drop?a drop to the mighty ocean of divine enjoyment. How delightful the thought, that in God there is such an immensity of joy, beyond the reach of vicissitude! When we look around below, a melancholy sensation pervades the mind. What miserable creatures! What a wretched world! But when, from this scene of darkness and misery, we look up to the throne of God, and behold Him, high above the darkness and miseries of sin, dwelling in light inaccessible and full of glory, the prospect brightens. If a few rebels, who refuse to love and participate in His munificence, are groping in darkness on His footstool, God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.
Those who are opposed to the decrees of God, and to His sovereignty, as displayed in the salvation of sinners, are enemies of God.
They are unwilling that His will should be done in earth as it is in heaven; for the decrees of God are nothing but His choice as to the manner in which He will govern His own kingdom. He did not enter upon His government to learn wisdom by experience. Before they were yet formed, His vast dominion lay open to His view; and before He took the reins of created empire, He saw in what manner it became Him to govern. His ways are everlasting. Known unto God are all His works from the beginning. To be opposed to the decrees of God, therefore, is to be unwilling that God should have any choice concerning the government of the world. And can those be willing that God should govern the world entirely according to His pleasure who object to His having any pleasure upon the subject? To object to the choice of God, with respect to the management of the world, because it is eternal, is to object to the existence of God. A God of eternal knowledge. without an eternal will or choice, would be a God without moral character.
To suppose that God did not know what events would exist in His kingdom, is to divest Him of omniscience. To suppose that He did know, and did not care, - had no choice, no purpose, - is to blot out His benevolence, to nullify His wisdom and convert His power into infinite indolence. To suppose that He did know, and choose, and decree, and that events do not accord with His purposes, is to suppose that God has made a world which He can not govern; has undertaken a work too vast; has begun to build, but is not able to finish. But to suppose that God did, from the beginning, behold all things open and naked before Him, and that He did choose, with unerring wisdom and infinite goodness, how to govern His empire, - and yet at the same time, to employ heart, and head, and tongue, in continual opposition to this great and blessed truth, - is, most clearly, to cherish enmity to God and His government.
To object to the choice of God because it is immutable, is to cavil against that which constitutes its consummating excellence. Caprice is a most alarming feature in a bad government; but in a government absolutely perfect, none, surely, can object to its immutability, but those, who, if able, would alter it for the worse.
To say that, if God always knew how to govern so as to display His glory, and bless His kingdom, and always chooses thus to govern, there can be, therefore, no accountable agency in the conduct of His creatures, is to deny the possibility of a moral government, to contradict the express testimony of God; and this, too, at the expense of common sense, and the actual experience of every subject of His moral government on earth.
From the character of God, and the nature of His government, as explained in this discourse, may be inferred, the nature and necessity of unconditional submission to God.
Unconditional submission is an entire sur¬render of the soul to God, to be disposed of according to His pleasure, - occasioned by confidence in His character as God.
There are many who would trust the Almighty to regulate the rolling of worlds, and to rule in the armies of heaven, just as He pleases; and devils they would consign to His disposal, without the least hesitation; and their own nation, if they were sure that God would dispose of it according to their pleasure; even their own temporal concerns they would risk in the hands of God, could they know that all things would work together for their good; their souls, also, they would cheerfully trust to His disposal, for the world to come, if God would stipulate, at all events, to make them happy.
And to what does all this amount? Truly, that they care much about their own happiness, and their own will, but nothing at all about the will of God, and the welfare of His kingdom. He may decree, and execute His decrees, in heaven, and may turn its inhabitants into machines, or uphold their freedom, as He pleases; and apostate spirits are relinquished to their doom, whether just or unjust. It is only when the government of God descends to particulars, and draws near and enters their own selfish enclosures, and claims a right to dispose of them, and extends its influence to the unseen world, that selfishness and fear take the alarm. Has God determined how to dispose of my soul? Ah! that alters the case. If He can, consistently with freedom, govern angels, and devils, and nations, how can He govern individuals? How can He dispose of me according to His eternal purpose and I be free? Here reason, all-penetrating, and all-comprehensive, becomes weak; the clouds begin to collect, and the understanding, veiled by the darkness of the heart, can "find no end, in wandering mazes lost."
But if God has purposes of mercy in reserve for the sinner, he is convinced, at length, of his sin, and finds himself in an evil case. He reforms, prays, weeps, resolves, and re-resolves, regardless of the righteousness of Christ, and intent only to establish a righteousness of his own. But, through all his windings, sin cleaves to him, and the law, with its fearful curse, pursues him. Whither shall he flee? What shall he do? A rebel heart, that will not bow, fills him with despair. An angry God, who will not clear the guilty, fills him with terror. His strength is gone, his resources fail, his mouth is stopped. With restless anxiety, or wild amazement, he surveys the gloomy prospect. At length, amidst the wanderings of despair, the character of God meets his eye. It is new, it is amiable, and full of glory. Forgetful of danger, he turns aside to behold this great sight; and while he gazes, new affections awake in his soul, inspiring new confidence in God, and in His holy government. Now God appears qualified to govern, and now he is willing that He should govern, and willing himself to be in the hands of God, to be disposed of according to His pleasure. What is the occasion of this change? Has the divine character changed? There is no variableness with God. Did he, then, misapprehend the divine character? Was all this glory visible before? Or has a revelation of new truth been granted? There has been no new revelation. The character now admitted is the same which just before appeared so gloomy and terrible. What, then, has produced this alteration? Has a vision of angels appeared, to announce that God is rec¬onciled? Has some sudden light burst upon him, in token of forgiveness? Has Christ been seen upon the cross, beckoning the sinner to come to Him? Has heaven been thrown open to his admiring eyes? Have enrapturing sounds of music stolen upon the ear, to en¬trance the soul? Has some text of Scripture been sent to whisper that his sins are forgiven, though no repentance, nor faith, nor love, has dawned in his soul? And does he now submit, because God has given him assurance of personal safety? None of these. Considerations of personal safety are, at the time, out of the question.
The change produced, then, is the effect of benevolence, raising the affections of the soul from the world, and resting them upon God. Holiness is now most ardently loved. This is seen to dwell in God and His kingdom, and to be upheld and perfected by His moral government. It is the treasure of the soul, and all the attributes of God stand pledged to protect it. The solicitude, therefore, is not merely, What will become of me? but, What, O Lord, will become of Thy glory, and the glory of Thy kingdom? And in the character of God, these inquiries are satisfactorily answered. If God be glorified, and His kingdom upheld and made happy, the soul is satisfied. There is nothing else to be anxious about; for individual happiness is included in the general good, as the drop is included in the ocean.
Related Tags: sermon, lesson, LYMAN BEECHER
LYMAN BEECHER was born in New Haven, Conn., in 1775. He graduated from Yale in 1797, and in 1798 took charge of the Presbyterian Church at Easthampton, Long Island. He first attracted attention by his sermon on the death of Alexander Hamilton, and in 1810 became pastor of the Congregational Church at Litchfield, Conn. In the course of a pastorate of 16 years, he preached a remarkable series of sermons on temperance and became recognized as one of the foremost pulpit orators of the country. In 1826 he went to Boston as pastor of the Hanover Street Congregational Church. Six years later he became president of the Lane Theological Seminary in Ohio, an office he retained for twenty years. In 1852 he returned to Boston and subsequently retired to the house of his son, Henry Ward Beecher, where he died in 1863. His public utterances, whether platform or pulpit, were carefully elaborated. They were delivered extemporaneously and sparkled with wit, were convincing by their logic, and conciliating by their shrewd common sense.
Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. - Matthew 6:10.
In this passage we are instructed to pray that the world may be governed, and not abandoned to the miseries of unrestrained sin; that God Himself would govern, and not another; and that God would administer the government of the world, in all respects, according to His own pleasure. The passage is a formal surrender to God of power and dominion over the earth, as entire as His dominion is in His heaven. The petition, therefore, "Thy will be done," contains the doctrine:
That it is greatly to be desired that God should govern the world, and dispose of men, in all respects, entirely according to His own pleasure.
The truth of this doctrine is so manifest, that it would seem to rank itself in the number of self-evident propositions, incapable of proof clearer than its own light, had not experience taught that, of all truths, it is the most universally and bitterly controverted. Plain as it is, it has occasioned more argument than any other doctrine, and, by argument merely, has gained fewer proselytes; for it is one of those controversies in which the heart decides wholly, and argument, strong or feeble, is alike ineffectual.
This consideration would present, on the threshold, a hopeless impediment to further progress, did we not know, also, that arguments a thousand times repeated, and as often resisted, may at length become mighty through God, to the casting down of imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God. I shall, therefore, suggest several considerations, to confirm this most obvious truth, that it is desirable that God should govern the world entirely according to His own good pleasure.
1. It is desirable that God should govern the world, and dispose of all events, according to His pleasure, because He knows perfectly in what manner it is best that the world should be governed.
The best way of disposing of men and their concerns is that which will effectually illustrate the glory of God. The glory of God is His benevolence, and His natural attributes for the manifestation of it, and sun of the moral universe, the light and life of His kingdom. All the blessedness of the intelligent creation arises, and ever will arise, from the manifestation and apprehension of the glory of God. It was to manifest this glory that the worlds were created. It was that there might be creatures to behold and enjoy God, that His dominions were peopled with intelligent beings. And it is that His holy subjects may see and enjoy Him, that He upholds and governs the universe. The entire importance of our world, therefore, and of men and their concerns, is relative, and is great or small only as we are made to illustrate the glory of God. How this important end shall be most effectually accomplished none but Himself is able to determine. He, only, knows how so to order things as that the existence of every being, and every event, shall answer the purpose of its creation, and from the rolling of a world to the fall of a sparrow shall conspire to increase the exhibitions of the divine character, and expand the joy of the holy universe.
An inferior intelligence at the helm of government might conceive very desirable purposes of benevolence, and still be at a loss as to the means most fit and effectual to accom¬plish them. But, with God, there is no such deficiency. In Him, the knowledge which discovered the end discovers also, with unerring wisdom, the most appropriate means to bring it to pass. He is wise in heart; He hath established the world by His wisdom and stretched out the heavens by His discretion. And is He not wise enough to be entrusted with the government of the world? Who, then, shall be His counsellor? Who shall sup¬ply the deficiencies of His skill? Oh, the presumption of vain man! and, oh! the depths both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
2. It is desirable that God should govern the world according to His own pleasure, because He is entirely able to execute His purposes.
A wise politician perceives, often, both the end and the means; and is still unable to bring to pass his counsels, because the means, though wise, are beyond his control. But God is as able to execute as He is to plan. Having chosen the end, and selected the means, his counsels stand. He is the Lord God omnipotent. The whole universe is a storehouse of means; and when He speaks every intelligence and every atom flies to execute His pleasure. The omnipotence of God, in giving efficacy to His government, inspires and perpetuates the ecstasy of heaven. "And a voice came out from the throne, saying, Praise our God. And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of many thunderings, saying Alleluia, the Lord God omnipotent reigneth." What will that man do in heaven, who is afraid and reluctant to commit to God the government of the earth? And what will become of those who, unable to frustrate His counsels, murmur and rebel against His providence?
3. It is desirable that God should govern the world according to His pleasure, because the pleasure of God is always good.
The angels who kept not their first estate, and many wicked men, have great knowledge, and skill, and power: and yet, on these accounts, are only the more terrible; because they employ these mighty faculties to do evil. And the government of God, were He a being of malevolence, armed as He is with skill and power, would justly fill the universe with dismay. But, as it is, brethren, "let not your hearts be troubled." With God there is no perversion of attributes. He is as good as He is wise and powerful. God is love! Love is that glory of God which He has undertaken to express to His intelligent creation in His works. The sole object of the government of God, from beginning to end, is, to express His benevolence. His eternal decrees, of which so many are afraid, are nothing but the plan which God has devised to express His benevolence, and to make His kingdom as vast and as blest as His own infinite goodness desires. It was to show His glory"to express, in action, His benevolence" that He created all the worlds that roll, and rejoice, and speak His name, through the regions of space. It is to accomplish the same blest design, that He upholds, and places under law, every intelligent being, and directs every event, causing every movement, in every world, to fall in, in its appointed time and place, and to unite in promoting the grand result?the glory of God, and the highest good of His kingdom. And is there a mortal, who, from this great system of blest government, would wish this earth to be an exception? What sort of beings must those be who are afraid of a government administered by infinite benevolence, to express, so far as it can be expressed, the infinite goodness of God? I repeat the question, - What kind of characters must those be who feel as if they had good reason to fear a gov¬ernment the sole object of which is to express the immeasurable goodness of God?
4. It is greatly to be desired that God should govern the world according to His pleasure, because it is His pleasure to rule as a moral governor.
A moral government is a government exercised over free agents, accountable beings, a government of laws, administered by motives.
The importance of such a government below is manifest from the consideration, that it is in His moral government, chiefly, that the glory of God is displayed.
The superintendence of an empty world, or a world of mere animals, would not exhibit, at all, the moral character of God. The glory of God, shining in His law, could never be made manifest, and the brighter glory of God, as displayed in the gospel, must remain forever hid; and all that happiness of which we are capable, as moral beings, the joys of religion below, and the boundless joys of heaven above, would be extinguished, in a moment, by the suspension of the divine moral government.
Will any pretend that the Almighty cannot maintain a moral government on earth, if He governs according to His own pleasure? Can He wield the elements, and control, at His pleasure, every work of His hands, but just the mind of man? Is the most noble work of God - that which is the most worthy of attention, and in reference to which all beside is upheld and governed - itself wholly unmanageable? Has Omnipotence formed minds, which, the moment they are made, escape from His hands, and defy the control of their Maker? Has the Almighty erected a moral kingdom which He cannot govern without destroying its moral nature? Can He only watch, and mend, and rectify, the lawless wanderings of mind?, Has He filled the earth with untamed and untamnable spirits, whose wickedness and rebellion He can merely mitigate, but cannot control? Does He superintend a world of madmen, full of darkness and disorder, cheered and blest by no internal pervading government of His own? Are we bound to submit to all events, as parts of the holy providence of God; and yet, is there actually no hand of God controlling the movements of the moral world? But if the Almighty can, and if he does, govern the earth as a part of His moral kingdom, is there any method of government more safe and wise than that which pleases God? Can there be a better government? We may safely pray, then, "Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven," without fearing at all the loss of moral agency; for all the glory of God, in His Law and Gospel, and all the eternal manifestations of, glory to principalities and powers in heavenly places, depend wholly upon the fact, that men, though living under the government of God, and controlled according to His pleasure, are still entirely free, and accountable for all the deeds done in the body. There could be no justice in punishment and no condescension, no wisdom, no mercy, in the glorious gospel, did not the government of God, though administered according to His pleasure, include and insure the accountable agency of man.
Seeing, therefore, that all the glory of God, which He ever proposes to manifest to the intelligent creation, is to be made known by the Church, and is to shine in the face of Jesus Christ, and is to depend upon the perfect consistency of the moral government of God with human freedom, we have boundless assurance that, among His absolute, immutable, eternal purposes, one, and a leading one, is, so to govern the world according to His counsels, that, if men sin, there shall be complete desert of punishment, and boundless mercy in their redemption.
5. It is greatly to be desired that God should rule in the earth according to His pleasure, because it is His pleasure to govern the world in mercy, by Jesus Christ.
The government is in the hand of a Mediator, by whom God is reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them that believe. Mercy is the bestowment of pardon upon the sinful and undeserving. Now, mankind are so eminently sinful, that no government but one administered in infinite mercy, could afford the least consolation. Had any being but the God of mercy sat upon the throne, or any will but His will prevailed, there would have been no plan of redemption, and no purposes of election, to perplex and alarm the wicked. There would have been but one decree, and that would have been, destruction to the whole race of man. Are any reluctant to be entirely in the hands of God? Are they afraid to trust Him to dispose of soul and body, for time and eternity? Let them surrender their mercies, then, and go out naked from that government which feeds, protects and comforts them. Let them give up their Bibles, and relinquish the means of grace, and the hopes of glory, and descend and make their bed in hell, where they have long since deserved to be, and where they long since would have been, if God had not governed the world according to His own good pleasure. If they would escape the evils which they fear from the hand of God, let them abandon the blessings they receive from it, and they will soon discover whether the absolute dominion of God, and their dependence upon him, be, in reality, a ground of murmuring and alarm. Our only hope of heaven arises from being entirely in the hands of God. Our destruc¬tion could not be made more certain than it would be were we to be given up to our own disposal, or to the disposal of any being but God. Would sinful mortals change their own hearts? Could the combined universe, without God, change the depraved affections of men? Surely, then, we have cause for unceasing joy, that we are in the hands of God; seeing He is a God of mercy, and has decreed to rule in mercy, and actually is administering the government of the world in mercy, by Jesus Christ.
We have nothing to fear, from the entire dominion of God, which we should not have cause equally to fear, as outcasts from the divine government; but we have everything to hope, while He rules the earth according to His most merciful pleasure. The Lord reigneth; let the earth rejoice, let the multitude of the isles be glad. It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not.
6. It is greatly to be desired that God should dispose of mankind according to His pleasure, because, if He does so, it is certain that there will be no injustice done to anyone.
He will do no injustice to His holy kingdom by any whom He saves. He will bring none to heaven who are not holy, and prepared for heaven. He will bring none there in any way not consistent with His perfections, and the best good of His kingdom; none in any way but that prescribed in the gospel, the way of faith in Jesus Christ, of repentance for sin, and of good works as the constituted fruit and evidence of faith.
Earthly monarchs have their favorites, whom, if guilty of a violation of the laws, they will often interpose to save, although the welfare of the kingdom requires their punishment. But God has no such favorites! He is no respecter of persons: He spared not the angels: and upon the earth distinctions of intellect, or wealth, or honor, will have no effect; he only that believeth shall be saved. The great and the learned shall not be obtruded upon heaven without holiness because they are great or learned; and the humble and contrite shall not be excluded because they are poor, or ignorant, or obscure. God has provided a way for all men to return to Him. He has opened the door of their prison, and set open before them a door of admission into the kingdom of His dear Son; and commanded and entreated them to abandon their dreary abode, and come into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. But all, with one consent, refuse to comply. Each prefers his own loathsome dwelling to the building of God, and chooses, steadfastly, the darkness of his own dungeon, to the light of God's kingdom. But, as God has determined that the redemption of His Son shall not be unavailing through human obstinacy, so He hath chosen, in Christ, multitudes which no man can number, that they should be holy and without blame before Him in love. And in bringing these sons and daughters to glory, through sanctification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth, He will introduce not one whom all the inhabitants of heaven will not hail joyfully, as the companion of their glory. And if God does in the earth just as He pleases, He will make willing, and obedient, and bring to. heaven, just those persons who it was most desirable should come. And He will bring just as many obstinate rebels to abandon their prison, and enter cheerfully His kingdom, as infinite wisdom, goodness, and mercy, see fit and desire. He will not mar His glory, or the happiness of His kingdom, by bringing in too many, nor by omitting to bring in enough. His redeemed kingdom, as to the number and the persons who compose it, and the happiness included in it, will be such as shall be wholly satisfactory to God, and to every subject of His kingdom.
And if God governs according to His pleasure, He will do no injustice to His impenitent enemies. He will send to misery no harmless animals without souls - no mere machines - none who have done, or even attempted to do, as well as they could. He will leave to walk in their own way none who do not deserve to be left; and punish none for walking in it who did not walk therein knowingly, deliberately and with willful obstinacy. He will give up to death none who did not choose death, and choose it with as entire freedom as Himself chooses holiness; and who did not deserve eternal punishment as truly as Himself deserves eternal praise. He will send to hell none who are not opposed to Him, and to holiness, and to heaven; none who are not, by voluntary sin and rebellion, unfitted for heaven, and fitted for destruction, as eminently as saints are prepared for glory. He will consign to perdition no poor, feeble, inoffensive beings, sacrificing one innocent creature to increase the happiness of another. He will cause the punishment of the wicked to illustrate his glory, and thus indirectly to promote the happiness of heaven. But God will not illumine heaven with His glory, and fill it with praise, by sacrificing helpless, Un-offending creatures to eternal torment; nor will He doom to hell one whom He will not convince also, that he deserves to go thither. The justice of God, in the condemnation of the impenitent, will be as unquestionable, as His infinite mercy will be in the salvation of the redeemed.
If the will of God is done on earth, among men, there will be no more injustice done to the inhabitants of the earth than there is done to the blessed in heaven. Was it ever known - did any ever complain - was it ever conceived - that God was a tyrant, in heaven? Why, then, should we question the justice of His government on earth? Is He not the same God below as above? Are not all His attributes equally employed? Does lie not govern for the same end, and will not His government below conspire to promote the same joyful end as His government above?
7. It is greatly to be desired that God should govern the world according to His pleasure, because His own infinite blessedness, as well as the happiness of His kingdom, de¬pends upon his working all things according to the counsel of His own will.
Could the Almighty be prevented from expressing the benevolence of His nature, according to His purposes, His present boundless blessedness would become the pain of ungrati¬fied desire. God is love, and His happiness consists in the exercise and expression of it, according to His own eternal purpose, which He purposed in Christ Jesus before the world began. It is therefore declared, "The Lord hath made all things for himself;" that is, to express and gratify His infinite benevolence. The moral excellence of God does not consist in quiescent love, but in love active, bursting forth, and abounding. Nor does the divine happiness arise from the contemplation of idle perfections, but from perfections which comprehend boundless capacity, and activity in doing good.
From what has been said, we may be led to contemplate with satisfaction the infinite blessedness of God.
God is love! This is a disposition which, beyond all others, is happy in its own nature. He is perfect in love; there is, therefore, in His happiness no alloy. His love is infinite; and, of course, His blessedness is unbounded. If the little holiness existing in good men, though balanced by remaining sin, occasions, at times, unutterable joy, how blessed must God be, who is perfectly and infinitely holy! It is to be remembered, also, that the benevolence of God is at all times perfectly gratified. The universe which God has created and upholds, including what He has done, and what He will yet do, will be brought into a condition which will satisfy His infinite benevolence. The great plan of government which God has chosen, and which His power and wisdom will execute, will embrace as much good as in the nature of things is possible. He is not, like erring man, straitened and perplexed, through lack of knowledge or power. There is in His plan no defect, and in His execution no failure. God, therefore, is infinitely happy in His holiness, and in the expression of it which it pleases Him to make.
The revolt of angels, the fall of man, and the miseries of sin, do not, for a moment, interrupt the blessedness of God. They were not, to Him, unexpected events, starting up suddenly while the watchman of Israel slumbered. They were foreseen by God as clearly as any other events of His government, and have occasioned neither perplexity nor dismay. With infinite complacency He beholds still His unshaken counsels, and with almighty hand rolls on His undisturbed decrees. Surrounded by unnumbered millions, created by His hand, and upheld by His power, He shines forth, God over all, blest for ever. What an object of joyful contemplation, then, is the blessedness of God! It is infinite; His boundless capacity is full. It is eternal; He is God blest forever. The happiness of the created universe is but a drop?a drop to the mighty ocean of divine enjoyment. How delightful the thought, that in God there is such an immensity of joy, beyond the reach of vicissitude! When we look around below, a melancholy sensation pervades the mind. What miserable creatures! What a wretched world! But when, from this scene of darkness and misery, we look up to the throne of God, and behold Him, high above the darkness and miseries of sin, dwelling in light inaccessible and full of glory, the prospect brightens. If a few rebels, who refuse to love and participate in His munificence, are groping in darkness on His footstool, God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.
Those who are opposed to the decrees of God, and to His sovereignty, as displayed in the salvation of sinners, are enemies of God.
They are unwilling that His will should be done in earth as it is in heaven; for the decrees of God are nothing but His choice as to the manner in which He will govern His own kingdom. He did not enter upon His government to learn wisdom by experience. Before they were yet formed, His vast dominion lay open to His view; and before He took the reins of created empire, He saw in what manner it became Him to govern. His ways are everlasting. Known unto God are all His works from the beginning. To be opposed to the decrees of God, therefore, is to be unwilling that God should have any choice concerning the government of the world. And can those be willing that God should govern the world entirely according to His pleasure who object to His having any pleasure upon the subject? To object to the choice of God, with respect to the management of the world, because it is eternal, is to object to the existence of God. A God of eternal knowledge. without an eternal will or choice, would be a God without moral character.
To suppose that God did not know what events would exist in His kingdom, is to divest Him of omniscience. To suppose that He did know, and did not care, - had no choice, no purpose, - is to blot out His benevolence, to nullify His wisdom and convert His power into infinite indolence. To suppose that He did know, and choose, and decree, and that events do not accord with His purposes, is to suppose that God has made a world which He can not govern; has undertaken a work too vast; has begun to build, but is not able to finish. But to suppose that God did, from the beginning, behold all things open and naked before Him, and that He did choose, with unerring wisdom and infinite goodness, how to govern His empire, - and yet at the same time, to employ heart, and head, and tongue, in continual opposition to this great and blessed truth, - is, most clearly, to cherish enmity to God and His government.
To object to the choice of God because it is immutable, is to cavil against that which constitutes its consummating excellence. Caprice is a most alarming feature in a bad government; but in a government absolutely perfect, none, surely, can object to its immutability, but those, who, if able, would alter it for the worse.
To say that, if God always knew how to govern so as to display His glory, and bless His kingdom, and always chooses thus to govern, there can be, therefore, no accountable agency in the conduct of His creatures, is to deny the possibility of a moral government, to contradict the express testimony of God; and this, too, at the expense of common sense, and the actual experience of every subject of His moral government on earth.
From the character of God, and the nature of His government, as explained in this discourse, may be inferred, the nature and necessity of unconditional submission to God.
Unconditional submission is an entire sur¬render of the soul to God, to be disposed of according to His pleasure, - occasioned by confidence in His character as God.
There are many who would trust the Almighty to regulate the rolling of worlds, and to rule in the armies of heaven, just as He pleases; and devils they would consign to His disposal, without the least hesitation; and their own nation, if they were sure that God would dispose of it according to their pleasure; even their own temporal concerns they would risk in the hands of God, could they know that all things would work together for their good; their souls, also, they would cheerfully trust to His disposal, for the world to come, if God would stipulate, at all events, to make them happy.
And to what does all this amount? Truly, that they care much about their own happiness, and their own will, but nothing at all about the will of God, and the welfare of His kingdom. He may decree, and execute His decrees, in heaven, and may turn its inhabitants into machines, or uphold their freedom, as He pleases; and apostate spirits are relinquished to their doom, whether just or unjust. It is only when the government of God descends to particulars, and draws near and enters their own selfish enclosures, and claims a right to dispose of them, and extends its influence to the unseen world, that selfishness and fear take the alarm. Has God determined how to dispose of my soul? Ah! that alters the case. If He can, consistently with freedom, govern angels, and devils, and nations, how can He govern individuals? How can He dispose of me according to His eternal purpose and I be free? Here reason, all-penetrating, and all-comprehensive, becomes weak; the clouds begin to collect, and the understanding, veiled by the darkness of the heart, can "find no end, in wandering mazes lost."
But if God has purposes of mercy in reserve for the sinner, he is convinced, at length, of his sin, and finds himself in an evil case. He reforms, prays, weeps, resolves, and re-resolves, regardless of the righteousness of Christ, and intent only to establish a righteousness of his own. But, through all his windings, sin cleaves to him, and the law, with its fearful curse, pursues him. Whither shall he flee? What shall he do? A rebel heart, that will not bow, fills him with despair. An angry God, who will not clear the guilty, fills him with terror. His strength is gone, his resources fail, his mouth is stopped. With restless anxiety, or wild amazement, he surveys the gloomy prospect. At length, amidst the wanderings of despair, the character of God meets his eye. It is new, it is amiable, and full of glory. Forgetful of danger, he turns aside to behold this great sight; and while he gazes, new affections awake in his soul, inspiring new confidence in God, and in His holy government. Now God appears qualified to govern, and now he is willing that He should govern, and willing himself to be in the hands of God, to be disposed of according to His pleasure. What is the occasion of this change? Has the divine character changed? There is no variableness with God. Did he, then, misapprehend the divine character? Was all this glory visible before? Or has a revelation of new truth been granted? There has been no new revelation. The character now admitted is the same which just before appeared so gloomy and terrible. What, then, has produced this alteration? Has a vision of angels appeared, to announce that God is rec¬onciled? Has some sudden light burst upon him, in token of forgiveness? Has Christ been seen upon the cross, beckoning the sinner to come to Him? Has heaven been thrown open to his admiring eyes? Have enrapturing sounds of music stolen upon the ear, to en¬trance the soul? Has some text of Scripture been sent to whisper that his sins are forgiven, though no repentance, nor faith, nor love, has dawned in his soul? And does he now submit, because God has given him assurance of personal safety? None of these. Considerations of personal safety are, at the time, out of the question.
The change produced, then, is the effect of benevolence, raising the affections of the soul from the world, and resting them upon God. Holiness is now most ardently loved. This is seen to dwell in God and His kingdom, and to be upheld and perfected by His moral government. It is the treasure of the soul, and all the attributes of God stand pledged to protect it. The solicitude, therefore, is not merely, What will become of me? but, What, O Lord, will become of Thy glory, and the glory of Thy kingdom? And in the character of God, these inquiries are satisfactorily answered. If God be glorified, and His kingdom upheld and made happy, the soul is satisfied. There is nothing else to be anxious about; for individual happiness is included in the general good, as the drop is included in the ocean.
Related Tags: sermon, lesson, LYMAN BEECHER