Saturday, November 03, 2012
Comic Art
Tom Derenick
Cory Walker
Phil Winslade
Brian Bolland

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Friday, November 02, 2012
Yes, But...
Ron Edmondson - 3 C's of Successful Leadership:
There is nothing wrong with any of that, but it seems like something is missing. I supposed if he expanded his definition of "Character" he might get where this needs to be, but it seem to me that the primary requirement for a Christian leader to be successful would be to show the fruit of the Spirit. I realize there is no "C" there, but are our ideas really subject to our literary devices? I find it troubling that there is nothing in Edmondson's list that distinguishes Christian leadership from secular leadership. I have heard/read such things for business leadership my entire adult life. Again, there is nothing wrong with it, but as Christians we are called to more. In my opinion churches fail not becasue they they are too different from the culture around them but becasue that are not different enough. There is more than culture to consider. Most of culture is benign, it is about who we are in the culture that matters most when it comes to demonstrating the power of Christ in our lives. It is there we should focus our lives.
- Character – Character is who you are when no one is looking. It’s your level of honesty and integrity, and the way you deal with pride and humility. Character admits personal failure, isn’t fake, and has genuine concern for others. Character determines who will trust you enough to follow you.
- Commitment....
- Competence....
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Friday Humor
The Tuesday feature made me do this - - -
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Thursday, November 01, 2012
Illuminated Hymn
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Being Malleable
Adrian Warnock had the video of a sermon he heard, but gave this brief excerpt in print:
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“Nothing prepares your heart to hear from God more than regular consistent fellowship with the people of God”How true! And I think the reason should be transparent. Our greater purpose is not for ourselves, but for those around us. COnsider the words of Paul:
1 Cor 14:4-5 - One who speaks in a tongue edifies himself; but one who prophesies edifies the church. Now I wish that you all spoke in tongues, but {even} more that you would prophesy; and greater is one who prophesies than one who speaks in tongues...In other words it is greater to edify the body than oneself. When we limit our life with God to something merely "personal," we limit the true power that God has for us. God' essential message to us is a message of selflessness. Can we possible hear such a message when we are alone? To be concerned about other we must be around them. I also know that in my life I have never heard God more clearly then when He spoke to me through someone else. Not always the preacher - sometimes my wife, or a friend, or just the person next to me in the pew. I just know that is how I have always most unmistakeably heard His voice. I have to be around them to hear it.
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Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Not As Funny As It Seems
Jon Acuff always tries to be cute, but sometimes he fails:
I have been in far too many worship services where that call to raise hands in worship was just short of physically coercive. All those people that have pushed this particular worship style because the old liturgical style was "oppressive," or some other such nonsense just cannot figure out that they are guilty of the same thing just in a different style
Why should we be reduced to trying to be cute because we don't choose to worship in the same style as you? This is not really a joking matter - oppression is oppression is oppression. But I think this is more subtle. The liturgical style of worship indeed requires strict conformity, but it is to a set of intellectual constructs that can be taught and learned. The hand waving style of worship is an emotional experience that serves to alter one's legitimate emotional state is a coercive manner.
Maybe today I am worshipping God out of discipline, not feeling. Should that not be honored?
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I don’t sing at church with my hands raised. [...] So, here’s 3 things you can do when arms go up and yours stay down:
1. The James Dean I probably need to update this reference and call it the “Ryan Gosling” or something, but I’m just not ready. Regardless, the James Dean is a pretty simple move. When you stand up to worship, put your hands in your front pockets. That’s it. Slide them in and now you don’t have your limbs all akimbo like Elaine dancing on that episode of Seinfeld. You look a little moody and introspective like, “Hey, my hands are in my pockets ’cause I’m thinking like James Dean or Ryan Gosling about the meaning of life.” Or it looks like you have tender hands that are cold in the service and need the warmth of a dungaree cave. Either way, problem solved. (Don’t overdo it though or this move mutates into the “Fonzi.”)You get the idea - I won't quote the rest of it becasue it is not that funny. And I don't think people get why.
I have been in far too many worship services where that call to raise hands in worship was just short of physically coercive. All those people that have pushed this particular worship style because the old liturgical style was "oppressive," or some other such nonsense just cannot figure out that they are guilty of the same thing just in a different style
Why should we be reduced to trying to be cute because we don't choose to worship in the same style as you? This is not really a joking matter - oppression is oppression is oppression. But I think this is more subtle. The liturgical style of worship indeed requires strict conformity, but it is to a set of intellectual constructs that can be taught and learned. The hand waving style of worship is an emotional experience that serves to alter one's legitimate emotional state is a coercive manner.
Maybe today I am worshipping God out of discipline, not feeling. Should that not be honored?
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Kitty Kartoons
Monday, October 29, 2012
Chaplain Mike:
But there is more. A real craftsman does not use screws at all. The best furniture has only joinery like mortise and tenon, where the wood and glue holds itself without mechanical aid. Such furniture is a labor of love, it will last forever as all the parts become literally a single piece of wood. It requires enormous skill, and more importantly incredible patience. There is nothing fast of efficient about it.
So there is a question of us using the right tools when it comes to doing the job of the church, but there is more - should we do it fast and efficiently? I am wondering if we ought not go for the quality.
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I am not a “handy” person. It’s not that I’m incapable (or so I imagine), but rather that I’ve never taken the time to learn and practice the art of making or fixing things. As a result, I have also never invested a lot of money in tools beyond the basic items needed for general tasks. On several occasions, this has caused me headaches, because a project presented itself that required something beyond a basic tool. When possible, I procured what was needed, but at other times I made the foolish mistake of trying to make do with the wrong instruments. The outcome usually wasn’t pretty. Something that could have been made or fixed easily (and correctly) with the proper tool ended up being butchered by a “hack job.”
Is it necessary to list the ways in which the American church has become enthralled with the “tools of the flesh”? Much of contemporary church culture glories in its spectacular worship “shows,” polished preachers, professional corporate organization, along with emphases on spiritual enthusiasm, prosperity teaching, “vision” and unmediated spiritual experience, as well as triumphalistic attitudes and approaches in “culture war” confrontations. We tend to like big, loud, and impressive.
...note the concepts and words in this first sentence that describe the tools Paul uses as a true pastoral leader:
Personal Touch...
Respectful Appeal...
The Meekness and Gentleness of Christ....What are tools? Most people think they are devices designed simply to make a job easier and more efficient. But that is not really the case - they are devises design to make a specific job possible. For example you cannot use any screwdriver on any screw - you need either a phillips head or a flathead depending on the screw. When you get into mechanical drivers there are square heads and star heads and...all designed for specific torque requirements in specific substrates. They ALL make the job faster and more efficient, but they are not all suitable for every job.
But there is more. A real craftsman does not use screws at all. The best furniture has only joinery like mortise and tenon, where the wood and glue holds itself without mechanical aid. Such furniture is a labor of love, it will last forever as all the parts become literally a single piece of wood. It requires enormous skill, and more importantly incredible patience. There is nothing fast of efficient about it.
So there is a question of us using the right tools when it comes to doing the job of the church, but there is more - should we do it fast and efficiently? I am wondering if we ought not go for the quality.
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