Saturday, January 26, 2013


Comic Art


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Friday, January 25, 2013


Thinking Big

From a long and meandering post by Al Mohler, I found this interesting paragraph:
Sociologically, the megachurch model faces real challenges in the present and even greater challenges in the future. The vast suburban belts that fueled megachurch growth in the last few decades are no longer the population engines they once were. Furthermore, cultural changes, demographic realities, and technological innovations have led to the development of megachurch modifications such as churches with multiple locations and sermons by video transmission. From the beginning, the megachurches led in the embrace of new technologies, and these now include the full array of digital and social media.

What about theology? This question requires a look at the massive shifts in worldview now evident within American culture. Trends foreseen by researchers such as James Davison Hunter of the University of Virginia and others can now be seen in full flower. The larger culture has turned increasingly hostile to exclusivist truth claims such as the belief that faith in Christ is necessary for salvation. One megachurch pastor in Florida recently told me that the megachurches in his area were abandoning concern for biblical gender roles on a wholesale basis. As one pastor told him, you cannot grow a church and teach biblical complementarianism. Even greater pressure is now exerted by the sexual revolution in general, and, more particularly, the question of homosexuality.
Mohler, of course, pursues this on the "theological point" of homosexuality. I look at it a little differently - there are future problems for mega-churches and it is not becasue of a specific theological point, it is because of all the stuff in the first paragraph, and the reason those things are a problem for the church is becasue they are what has defined the church.

I don't know if you have noticed or not, but the kind of demographic marketing used by megachurches is what you use to sell consumer products that are a) indistinguishable from their competition, and b) not as valuable as their price point and so one needs to create the impression of value. Does that sound like Jesus to you? Christ is both utterly unique and infinitely valuable.
Now if that last sentence is true, the problem must be in our reflection of Christ. Do you think it is helpful to use tools designed to move a very different type of product, or might it not be better to work on our reflection of the product?
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Friday Humor

Very Old, But Very Funny

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Thursday, January 24, 2013


Christ and The Internet

For once, I agree with Al Mohler who writes:
At the same time, there are dangers. John Mark Reynolds of Biola University is cited within the article, and he addressed the danger inherent in these technologies: "How can the Christian Church utilize the tools media has given us without being subsumed by them? You don't want delivery to become everything."

That is a crucial issue. But the challenge should not be addressed only to churches. Research indicates that a significant number of Christians are tempted to allow these technologies to serve as a substitute for participation in a local church. This is deadly and dangerous for believers.
Simply put, the internet is too easy to walk away from - people are not. People are a messy business and the internet is a very convenient way to straighten things out. With the internet you only have to deal with the parts that have been straightened up.

But it is clear that God had something different in mind. If He just wanted to deal with the good stuff He would have stayed in the Temple. But He didn't, He incarnated and mucked about with "sinners and publicans." The internet is so tempting because it does not challenge us, but such is precisely what God has in mind.

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Illuminated Scripture

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Big and Little

Don McKim @ Gathering Voices. He starts by "denouncing big picture stuff":
We’re used to thinking of huge solutions to massive problems. No day passes but what we don’t think of the world’s problems, great as they are. We hear of all the difficulties our country faces and we wish for some big “magic wand” to give a quick and decisive “fix” to things. Politicians promise wide-ranging solutions. But healthy skepticism usually greets their visions.
 Jesus had a big vision. It was the kingdom or reign of God. It was the central focus of his ministry and his key affirmation: God reigns! A few weeks ago in Knoxville, Tennessee I saw a bumper sticker on a car in a parking lot. It said: “God rules. Always has. Always will.” God’s rule is coming in all its fullness. It is also taking shape here and now, inaugurated in the ministry of Jesus himself.
When Jesus talks about seeing the signs of the kingdom, a preview of the reign of God, he doesn’t point to the big answers to the big troubles. We don’t find a honed social blueprint for the great society, a pointed program to meet all problems.
What we find instead are his parables that encourage us to look at the “little things.”

There is wisdom in this, but I think McKim misses a point. God will indeed fix the world one person at a time - that message has been clear on this blog forever. But that does not mean political action is something Christians should not do. Political action is necessary to a) to allow those of us of faith to in face express it - Without such freedom the gospel could die, and b) because at some point Christianity will advance to the point where it becomes part of the political realm - that is, after all the definition of a Kingdom is political in nature.

To often in Christianity we make a point when we need to state an equilibrium. God is not apolitical - He is very political, but He also has priorities and they are that we need to get ourselves straightened away in order to do politics well.

Which brings me to my second point. God calls some to big things and ALL to little things. Too often those called to big things do not make room for new people and that results in a lot of hurt, but we called to little things cannot commit the same foul. WE cannot deride those called to big things.
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Being Online

One of the biggest presences in online Christianity, Desiring God posted this a while back:

Now that is a powerful and very important message - I agree with it entirely. Just one question. Where is the DG logo in there? What about all the comments and intereactions on DG that are designed more to show off Christian intellectual chops than to enlighten or inform or uplift. Is braggadocio limited only to social media? I don't think so. I am not saying this is wrong, I am just saying messages on humility must be delivered with an extra dose of humility.
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Kity Kartoons

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Monday, January 21, 2013


"The fact is God doesn’t explain himself."

The problem with theological types- like yours truly- is they think that God has explained himself. In the Bible. In Jonathan Edwards. In the Lutheran Confessions. In the CRCC. In the latest Piper book. In the ESV Study Bible notes. Somewhere.
The fact is God doesn’t explain himself.


God doesn’t give explanations very often. He’s working for a bigger result- faith and trust in who he is and what he’s done for us- and will do- in Jesus.
That’s the life. I need to get busy living it, because every moment I’m shouting “Why?”

I”m wasting my breath.

Hence, humility - think about it.
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