Sunday, January 23, 2005


An Interesting Question

Dr. AJ over at Smart Christian picks up on my post this morning and asks the question, "Is blogging on Sunday a sin?" Thankfully, he acknowledges that I do not make such a claim. And I want to reiterate that here -- it's not. That should be obvious since this is my second post of the day.

I do; however, think it is very important to set aside a day to do something different than the normal. Let me explain a little about my specific situation. The goal of my blog is to review the news of the day -- whatever seems to be the big discussion on the poliblogs and talk radio, and then come up with a few brief devotional thoughts related to that discussion. My idea is to remind all of us that Jesus came to change the world -- not through our institutions, but through each of our personal lives. If everyone knows Jesus, if each of us focuses on Jesus, somehow I think the whole institutional thing will work out.

Of course, as Christians we should each do our best in our institutional roles, this is no call to some sort of monastic life -- it's a simple statement of priorities.

What I am giving up by limiting my blogging on the sabbath is the news search. I am taking the day to withdraw from the common and the ordinary, to focus on higher and holier things. That is why I am willing to respond today instead of waiting until tomorrow. This topic of discussion is God's business, and I am more than willing to tackle that any day.

Scripture is full of references to days away and years of rest. Of course, there is the commandment concerning the sabbath. But then there are all the concepts of sabbatical and jubilee years.

God clearly plans for renewal for each of us. We need to build time into our lives to be so renewed.


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