Friday, January 28, 2005


Liberal Talk Radio

It's late -- way past my bedtime, but I have just got to post on this. I just finished listing to Right Thoughts audio capture of John Hinderocker's self-proclaimed "worst 15 minutes in the history of radio." That being his interview with Al Franken on Air America this date.

This is my first exposure to liberal talk radio -- and likely my last. As much talk radio as I listen to, I have to qualify as an expert of some sort. Franken has got the form down pat, but he sure is missing the spirit.

For example -- the self-promotional stuff. Franken talked about himself incessantly. As he did, I heard echoes of Rush's proclaiming himself "equal time" and doing his program "with half his brain tied behind his back." But what was missing was the spirit of humility in which Rush utters those things. You can only say that stuff if you DO NOT take yourself too seriously. Even Hugh Hewitt, king of self promotion, knows better than to actually mean it when he climbs up on that horse. I am a huge fan of Hugh. I admit he can be overbearing at times, but never does he take himself that seriously.

Another example would be interrupting the guest. A lot of conservative talkers do that, but they do it when their guest rambles, or more likely is trying to wiggle out of a well laid socratic trap. Franken did it just because he could, the result was simply rude.

One might ask, if I am predisposed to miss the spirit when Franken does it simply because I am conservative. It's possible, but then liberals would have to admit to being similarly predisposed when they listen to Rush, et. al. In which case, none of us has any grounds for criticism and should just shut up.

But that would not be any fun, now would it.


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