Friday, February 04, 2005


Another Chink From Marriage's Armor

Evangelical Outpost points provides information on a court ruling out of New York State that grants marriage to homosexuals as a civil right, and potentially to polygamists as well.

I think the Church universal has to find an effective voice in this fight. Modern American Christianity has shied away from political activism, but I do not think we can afford to any longer. This is not a "live and let live" sort of situation.

Christian prohibitions against homosexuality are not merely matters of morality -- they are a necessary part of building a fully functioning and healthy society.

I think the saddest thing is that all of this arguing points out how completely narcissitic we as a nation have become. Marriage is not about me, it is not an expression of me, it is about the other. Marriage is not about me gaining a partner, it is about me being a partner. Marriage is about our partnership making our society better.

We have laws that prevent the church from participating in much of this litigation directly. Fortunately, there are organizations to which we can donate funds that can represent us in these cases. I urge you to write checks today to the Alliance Defense Fund and the Center for Constitutional Juriprudence. I also urge you to contact those in your church responsible for missions giving. This constitutes a mission on home turf -- we should be contributing congregationally as well as individually.

I urge you to contact your federal legislators. Find your Representative here and your Senators here. Contact them. Urge them to support the constitutional amendment suggested by President Bush in his State of the Union address.

I urge you to find other places to be involved and let me and other bloggers know so that we can spread the word.

Please, just do not sit there and think there is nothing you can do.

Update: 2/5/05 at 10AM

Evangelical Outpost, republishes some thing he wrote after the Mass. decision about the slippery slope. This is good reading.

This link will allow you to see the actual ruling. This episode points out how utterly important it is that this issue be tackled at a constitutional level. When judges are pulling stunts like this.


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