Friday, February 04, 2005


Now THIS is a Bummer

Right Wing News throws down the gaunlet by using to ocassion of the cancellation of "Enterprise" to opine on the greatest Start Trek characters, villians, and the most annoying characters.

This is dangerous territory, one of strong opinions, and much debate. I'll limit my self to a few pertinent comments.

Jonathon Archer as a Top Ten Character -- Please! Scott Bakula is a well loved figure in science fiction, but he ain't a Star Fleet captain. He IS the reason STE sucked.

7 of 9 as a Top Ten Character -- Not Even! She was eye candy -- pure and simple. Has it dawned on anyone the irony she represents? Voyager started with all these high-minded PC ideals, a female captain, and pulled itself out of the ratings dumper with T&A.

Khan as a great villian? He is remarkable only in that Montleban is one of the very few men in Hollywood capable of out hamming Shatner.

And as to the list of annoying characters -- the most annoying character not only in Trek, but perhaps all of television is ignored. Neelix, yes Neelix -- the kvetching, jewish mother in really bad make-up of a cook on Voyager. I have a writer friend that routinely pitched story ideas to the Voyager team. Whenever he and I would discuss story ideas, I had but one piece of advice -- KILL NEELIX.


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