Saturday, February 19, 2005


OK, This is a CRIME

I have shied away from the Terri Schiavo story. My reasons are complex, but they center on the fact that I believe medical science has created ethical dilemmas that we are simply not equipped to face. I call it the "we should just not go there" principal. For example, implanting multiple fertilized eggs forces people into enormously difficult decisions about abortion. If that means some couples will remain biologically childless (like say, my wife and I) so be it -- mankind made it through numerous centuries that way.

Anyway, that means when I run across stories about medical ethics, I tend to tune out. But then, Catez at Allthings2all had to go and put up this post with pictures of Terri. Plain and simple, this woman should be allowed to live and any "husband" that thinks otherwise is unworthy of the title. Anymore and I will cuss, or worse...


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