Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Papal Flu?

Rumors are rampant, but at this writing the news seems to be that the Pope is hospitalized with the flu. But at his age, even that is an enormous concern. The link to the story I gave is Fox News, so it should stay updated as facts develop. No sense passing on anything else that right now is just talk.

We protestants are all over the map when it comes to Roman Catholicism. For the record, I lost a very steady girlfriend in college who cited as one of the primary reasons she was breaking up with me was the very vehement argument I had with her mother - when her mom declared that Roman Catholics were not "real" Christians. That should let you know where I stand.

Kathryn Jean Lopez, Editor of the National Review Online, appeared moments ago on Hugh Hewitt's radio program and declared that this pope, along with Ronald Reagan and Margret Thatcher are responsible for the death of communism. That is quite a legacy.

My prayers are with him, I hope yours are too.


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