Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Support Our Soldiers!

This NYPost story really bothers me. (HT: BOTWT) The story is about sixth graders sending a soldier letters filled with political vindictive.

My wife and I write to soldiers regularly. We have asked the kids in our High School Bible study to write too, and they have, faithfully. My wife and I read what the kids write, but we have never censored the letters. Our kids, some 6-7 years older than the kids cited in the story, rarely venture into politics. Our kids when they have drawn near the line were smart enough not to say anything that would cross the line into not supporting the soldier. Had they, my wife and I would have simply withheld the letter and discussed it with the kid the next week, asking them if they might not want to change it. If they didn't, and still wanted it sent, we would have, with a cover from us explaining our own feelings.

Based on our experience, I cannot believe sixth graders write this kind of stuff without prompting. This is just low, no scratch that, it's evil. Kids this age should be allowed to be kids. Stuff like this just robs them of the opportunity. If adults want to deride the military, they should have the guts to do so themselves.

UPDATE: One Hand Clapping has comments as well.


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