Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Terri Schiavo: From the Mouth of Babes

UPDATE 2/23/05 2:00PM -- THE LATEST A local Florida has granted Terri's parents another 48 hours to seek legal remedies before her "husband" can remove the feeding tube. Praise the Lord, Continue to pray.

Today's Original Post

Amy's Humble Musings posted on Terri Schiavo yesterday, and it was a gut wrencher.
...Terri Schiavo with my six-year-old standing over my shoulder. Not wanting to influence his reaction, I gave him a factual run-down on the case. Just the facts. When he became visibly upset, I asked him about his tears. He replied that he was afraid of what would happen if "they" decided we should stop feeding our eight-month-old Baby Cakes since she can't feed herself (except in the recent case of her swallowing a Lego), and he doesn't want our Rebekah to die. As a side note he also asked, "Well, why did her husband marry her [if he doesn't want to take care of her]?"
What is wrong with us that a six-year-old gets this, and courts, and activists, and other adults do not?

Amy also provides links to this video and this video. I defy anyone with half a heart to watch these and think this woman should die. (Do NOT watch them without tissues available) BlogforTerri has a post answering any technical questions you may have concerning the videos.

The Wittenberg Gate is keeping "Bloggers Best" going. Thank you Dory -- It's a tremendous effort!

As I have said, helping this woman die is just vile, utterly contemptible. Permanent vegetative state - my eye. But starving her to death, you realize of course that is what we are talking about here, that drops into the realm of torture, both to her and to those who love her, which most decidely does not include her husband.

Hugh Hewitt interviewed Joni Erickson Tada yesterday on his radio program. Joni pointed out that if, in the end, Terri's husband is allowed to starve her to death, that we will have reduced severely handicapped people to chattel, subject to the whims of their "guardians." That idea is so contemptible, so utterly Hitleresque, that my hands shake as I write it.

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