Wednesday, March 16, 2005


The Best of Pravda

What A Bunch We Have This Week.

Several months ago, respectable Russian biologists made a hypothesis as concerning the present-day origin of yeti. Audacious researchers state that the unknown primate is a wild retard or his retarded descendants.
It's nice to know that politically incorrect pre-adolscent speak is a regular pat of Russian journalism.

Unique book on space exploration published in Russia

In the past, both the U.S. and the Soviet Union were actively using space for spying on each other
I thought this was a NEWSpaper. Where's the news?

The man's heart stopped beating after a heart attack, but the man did not die...The story started several years ago, when Nikolai's relationship with his wife, Lydia, started worsening.
I always knew wives had special powers over us. Thank goodness my wife would never use hers in this way.

German scientists claim that regular sex makes people smarter
But I thought it was blogging!?


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