Saturday, March 19, 2005


How Do We Evangelize The Hostile? Part Deux

Check out this from The Philadelphia Daily News:
The story of Ashley Smith, the Atlanta hostage who soothed a rampaging killer into surrendering without further violence, is a riveting tale of grace and humanity.

Would that it had remained just that.

Instead, it's become a testimonial for an evangelical Christian book and an endorsement of the theology embraced in the book - and that leaves me feeling alienated from what should be an inspiring tale of human transcendence.
How do we as Christians, reach out to someone with such an open hostility to the things of Christianity? I don't know for sure, but I think this person is going to have to be reached on a non-verbal level. Any mention of the things of God will create a defensiveness that cannot be overcome with more words. Only actions will speak to this woman.

I know that is a bit of a cop out for an answer. Nonetheless, the woman's words make it clear she will not listen to words of God, and I refuse to believe she is beyond God's reach. She is representative of much of the world today -- such people are our mission field.


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