Monday, March 14, 2005


People Want To Be Free!

How can you doubt it? First there was the fall of the Berlin Wall. Then there was the Tiananmen Square. Then the Soviet Union fell. Whenever people see the tiniest opening to freedom they run through it in huge numbers. It took major military action to put down Tiananmen Square. I think such will be the case, and such is the possibility in the middle east.

Look at these pictures from Beirut today. (HT: Holy Coast) That is what I call a demonstration! Makes that thing Hezbollah sponsored last week look pretty puny. Here's an account of what's happening, but I am most looking forward to Claudia Rosett in the New York Sun. Heard on the radio today, she's in the big middle of all of it.

You also have to love this story where they are ripping down statues of Syrian leaders in Lebanon.

We need to do whatever we can to encourage these people, and to avoid another Tiananmen Square. I am not sure what that is, but you can bet I'll be looking. At a minimum -- PRAY!


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