Monday, March 07, 2005



This feature, which has been appearing on Fridays will now be appearing on Mondays.

The Absurdity Of It All

Because my life is spent not actually doing much to help the environment, but generally spinning bureaucratic wheels, sometimes the absurdity of the whole thing just hits me in the face. Take this story and this story about recent fines leveled for environmental damage. In both cases, the perceived damage has been done, long ago, and is irreversible. Is the environmental actually helped or are bureaucrats simply enriched?

Then there is this piece. The EPA is considering changing what constitutes 'clean water.' So is water clean because it quenches my thirst and sustains my life, or because the EPA tells me it is. While we are on the subject, do you know why the earliest developments in chemistry were beer and wine? Because people knew most stream water carried something that made them ill, and alcoholic beverages did not. Doesn't a glass of wine with dinner sound like a better idea than this overblown grossly expensive federal bureaucracy?

Environmentalists are GOOD People -- NOT!

FOXNews says it all. Go there, click "Only on Fox" on the right hand side, and choose the video report entitled "Tree-hugging Vandals?" (Sorry, I could not make a direct link work.) Why is it Christians want to get in on this action?

This Is Just Funny

FOXNews also brings us this story of protests at NASCAR's use of lead fuels. The link points out the technical absurdity of the protest, so I won't bother. These people really need a life.


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