Thursday, March 10, 2005



Jim Kelley in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, writes an opinion piece headlined, "Democrats must reclaim moral ground" (registration required - HT: BOTWT)
We need to go back to our religious roots and reactivate the religious, and especially the Christian, left. Liberalism has strong historical roots, from Moses who freed his people from bondage, to Jesus who taught peace, inclusion, fairness, and humility, from the pre-Civil War Quaker and Unitarian abolitionist who worked for freedom for all people, to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. who died struggling for civil rights and fairness for all. We have allowed the extremists of the right to steal Jesus and to use their limited version of Christianity to make their philosophy appeal to the mainstream population.
"Steal Jesus?"..."Steal Jesus!?"Is the Lord of the universe ours to bat back and forth between political persuasions like some sort of magic talisman?

This article underlines why the left has lost its moral authority. God, and morality are not subject to our conceptions and ideas. They a matter of truth, timeless and changeless. One does not capture or appropriate Jesus or morality, one aligns him or herself with them. The left did not somehow lose Jesus to the right, they walked away from Him. They cannot pull Him back, all they can do is turn around.

By the way, I would love a biblical quotation on where Jesus taught "inclusion" in the fashion that that word has come to mean today, and Unitarians are so far off the theological map that most Christians do not include them in the fold.

The Christian left is killing the church as fast as the left is losing political clout. Check out this article. (HT: SmartChristian)
With Christian moral values and legal protections under assault on all sides, it is commonly said that the reason pews are emptying is that traditional religion is not relevant. A new survey of thousands of churchgoers in the UK says the opposite however, and indicates that the emptying of the churches has been caused mainly by preaching and pastoral care that has been emptied of moral or doctrinal Christian content.
I hate to break it to these people, but retrenching is not the answer.


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