Friday, March 18, 2005


SMACKDOWN! In The Senate

This judicial filibuster/nuclear option stuff in the senate is getting out of hand. The latest maneuver involves a bunch of speeches by the Dems to MoveOn on Wednesday. Hugh Hewitt played a good bit of it last evening on the program. Faithful sidekick Radioblogger has posted audio, or transcripts of the 'highlights."

First there was Harry Reid
The news reports today said that we want to shut down the Senate. There couldn't be anything further from the truth. You see, it is they who are doing it, not us.
Of course, the filibuster is actually the Senate doing business -- stopping a filibuster that's shutting down the Senate. Imagine that -- I've had it backwards since high school civics class.

Dick Durban was next.
And Harry came to beg the Republicans in the Senate not to turn their back on one of the most cherished values in America, not to stifle free speech. Not to end the checks and balances, which are so important to our government.
Once again, I appear to have had it wrong since high school. I remember well when I was in that class I wondered out loud to the teacher precisely what were the "checks and balances" to the judiciary? She explained to me that the expectation was that as the country moved back and forth through the political spectrum judges of different stripes would be appointed thus balancing each other out. After 40 years of judges of only one stripe being appointed, apparently the minority Democrats think that is the only stripe.

Then it was Bob Byrd's turn. I'm sorry I can't muster either sarcasm or humor for Byrd. He IS self-parody.

Ah, but then there is Barbara Boxer. She actually proposes a constitutional change
Why would we give lifetime appointments to people who earn up to $200,000 a year, with absolutely a great retirement system, and all the things all Americans wish for, with absolutely no check and balance except that one confirmation vote. So we're saying we think you ought to get nine votes over the 51 required. That isn't too much to ask for such a super important position.
More than the absurdity of the idea is the speech itself. Read it, it sounds just like what that really cute, but otherwise not-too-bright member of the high school student council would say. "Super important position" -- fer sure. And I love the reference to the salary, like it makes a difference. As if she makes so much less.

The Mighty Hillary also spoke at this shindig. That may be a fatal mistake for her Presidential aspirations. EVERYONE knows if she wants the job she has got to look centrist. In front of with this bunch is about as far from center as you can get and remain on the spectrum.

What's the first rule of holes? STOP DIGGING Apparently this bunch has not heard of that rule.


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