Thursday, March 24, 2005


Some Good News For A Change...

...from the New York Times no less! This story is about ordinary Iraqis standing up against the insurgents.
But just before noon today, a carpenter named Dhia saw a troop of masked gunmen with grenades coming towards his shop and decided he had had enough.

As the gunmen emerged from their cars, Dhia and his young relatives shouldered their own AK-47's and opened fire, police and witnesses said. In the fierce gun battle that followed, three of the insurgents were killed, and the rest fled just after the police arrived. Two of Dhia's young nephews and a bystander were injured, the police said.
Freedom is a powerful motivator. We take it so for granted that we have forgotten that.


Fox reports yet another democratic movement in Kyrgyzstan. God Bless Them!


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