Friday, March 18, 2005


Terri's Subpoenas On The Move

FOXNews in the last few minutes:
House lawyers are on their way to Florida to issue subpoenas to several individuals involved in the case of a severely brain-damaged woman who was scheduled to have her feeding tube removed at 1 p.m. EST Friday.
Keep praying from further down in the story:
It was not immediately known when the subpoenas would be delivered to Schiavo's hospice and doctors, or whether the Florida health care providers would recognize them. A possible penalty for not recognizing the subpoena is to be held in contempt of Congress, a GOP leadership aide said.
The same story reports that the Florida State Senate adjourned today without action ona save Terri bill.

Blogs for Terri reports that the federal legislature is staying in session, but I can't find a source for that, the Fox story only says that the House committee will meet.


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