Monday, March 14, 2005



Adrian Warnock posted an interesting tease on Saturday. He gives an absolutely brilliant mini-self-test to see if one has actually undergone a "transformation of the mind." I really think this kind of self examination is something every Christian should do from time to time. Then he concludes with this:
These questions and many more, and the answers that come instinctively to our minds when we ask them is our battleground. Some Christians live a double life, knowing the answers they SHOULD give, and giving them whilst all the time their minds tell them the opposite answers. Somehow, our preaching needs to get into peoples minds and change them. Any thoughts on how we do that? I will share mine another day.
What is this, one of the old movie serials leaving me panting to come back next weekend? I know, he is trying to generate conversation, but a set up this good needs immediate response.

Adrian is a psychiatrist as well and a preacher so I am sure he will have a well developed theory of the mind that will give some insight into how one can improve preaching to reach this goal. But I have to be honest, I am skeptical. When the Apostle Paul speaks of being "renewed by the transforming of our minds," I think he is speaking of a process that occurs to the whole being that simply begins in the mind. "Renewal" is the end desire, transformed minds are but the starting point.

Most processes are surprizingly non-linear. For instance, an automotive engine runs much more efficiently when it is heated up and has been running for a while, there is a feedback that occurs in the operation of the internal combustion process. So I believe it is when it comes to renewing ourselves. We start with the transformation of our minds, but when all of us begins to be renewed, it feeds back to the transformation of our minds, which then grows more efficient and faster.

Preaching reaches our minds, but other ministries of the church are necessary to keep the renewal going. Fellowship and accountability come to mind almost instantly.

I'm looking forward to what Adrian has to say, but I do not think preaching alone will get the job done that he has set for himself.


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