Monday, March 28, 2005


Voices From The Past

Not many of us in the blogosphere are old enough to remember when Richard Nixon was President, let alone Vice President under Dwight Eisenhower, but alas I am one of the few. Back in the dark days of the Cold War, Eisenhower put forth something called the "Domino Theory" as justification for American intervention in regional conflict to check the spread of communism.

Essentially the Domino Theory stated, that states would fall to communism around the world much as dominoes fall successively when lined up. This theory was much poo-pooed in later years, particularly as the cries to leave Vietnam grew increasingly strident.

Eisenhower was right then and he is even more right now. Consider this post from Confessions of a Political Junkie, titled:

Another Domino Falls

The post is about how democracy is spreading through out the Middle East and former Soviet States. Oh yeah, the domino theory is working, just now the dominoes are falling in the opposite direction.

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