Monday, March 28, 2005


What About The V Chip?

The V Chip is a much maligned technology that blocks, "the display of television programming based upon its rating." Designed to protect children from the kind of garbage that is readily available on most TV's these days, this technology has been widely cursed from the left as censorship.

But apparently, that curse only extends to the point where it blocks pornogaphy and violence. According to this Seattle Times piece, some schmuck has invented similar technology to block the Fox News Channel. As proof that "great minds run in the same gutter," fellow SoCal Bloggers Alliance member Holy Coast found the same piece and commented on it here.

The ST peice is an obvious shot at Fox News as it spends most of its time unquestioningly quoting critics of the channel -- that is to be expected. But to fail to miss the irony between this device and the V Chip debate is absolutely stunning. It is amazing how blind the left is to its own inconsistencies.


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