Thursday, March 10, 2005


What Would You Leave Behind For Jesus?

Nathan's Blog had a post a few days ago wherein he read Luke 5: 1-11 and discussed the ramification of the story.
Sometimes we focus so much on the gift that we have been given that we forget about the journey we are summoned to live. We receive our gift of [insert your desire here] (i.e. fish, money, education, wife, husband) and then we thank God and get down on our knees and acknowledge our Saviour, but then we stay on our boats and keep fishing for the rest of our lives. God didn’t allow him to catch two boats of fish so he could go home with a smile on his face knowing that he surpassed the day’s quota. He did it to show him what he could do with Christ’s help. The three of them took it as a sign for something greater and didn’t stop there. When will we learn that these gifts that God’s given us aren’t for us and us alone? He blesses us to be a blessing to others. It’s time to start falling at Jesus’ knees and acknowledging his presence and not so much focusing on the two shiploads of fish that lie in the horizon.
What are you willing to leave behind to follow Jesus? Is it everything? Why not? What will it take?

This is no ordinary leader you are being asked to follow -- this is the Creator and Sustainer. What could possibly hold you back?


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