Wednesday, April 13, 2005


The Best of Pravda

WHAT? This story identifies a new type of person called a "technosexual," but then the characteristics they describe have almost nothing to do with sex. Why am I confused? -- It's Pravda

FUNNY? They must have been really short of material at the "Russia Makes It Funny" desk when they decided to post this. I guess 'love birds' are funny without a puch line.

FASCINATING This story remembers Yuri Gargarin, the first human into outer space. I'm sure you remember that they beat us there. The piece is typical Pravda post-Soviet chest thumping, but it put me in mind of the Yuri Gargarin monument that was absolutely my favorite monument in all my Soviet travels. It looks like a a Max Fliesher cartoon character.

Oh yeah, while we're talking about Russia, looks like everything old is new again.


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