Saturday, April 02, 2005


Double Whammy

Jane Fonda has sort of apologized for her North Vietmanese shenanigans oh those many years ago. (HT: BOTWT) She admits that posing with the anti-aircraft gun was probabaly a bad idea, but she still seems to think that consorting with the enemy of your country was not such a bad thing.

But it is only when you turn to the French version of the story that the real truth comes out. The headline

Jane Fonda says she procured prostitutes for sex romps with husband

What?! How did that headline come out of a conversation about her North Vietmanese exploits? The secret it seems, lies in the last line of the story

Fonda's autobiography will be published in the United States next month.
So, in an effort to make American want to buy her book, she give a Clintonesque "apology" for near traitorous acts, and talks about her bizarre sex life. I don't know who is worse, her for foisting this noise upon us, of the American public for being interested -- Actually, probabaly me for writing about it.


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