- Manufacturers announced today that they will be stocking America's shelves this week with "Clinton Soup," in honor of one of the nations' mostdistinguished men. It consists primarily of a weenie in hot water.
- Chrysler Corporation is adding a new car to its line to honor Bill Clinton.The Dodge Drafter will be in production in Canada this year.
- When asked what he thought about foreign affairs, Clinton replied, "I don't know, I never had one."
- American Indians nicknamed Bill Clinton "Walking Eagle" because he is so full of *&$@% he can't fly.
- Clinton lacked only three things to become one of America's finest leaders: integrity, vision, wisdom.
- Clinton was doing the work of three men: Larry, Curly and Moe.
- The Clinton revised judicial oath: "I solemnly swear to tell the truth as I know it, the whole truth as I believe it to be, and nothing but what I think you need to know."
- Clinton will be recorded in history as the only President to do Hanky Panky between Bushes.
# posted by John Schroeder @ 4/29/2005 05:30:00 AM