Friday, April 15, 2005


Making Mountains Out Of Molehills

I think this story falls into the "anything for ratings" category. Here is the headline:

Radio Host Fired For Wondering If Pope Went To Heaven

But then you read the story:

Last week, Minto questioned some of the Catholic church's beliefs, such as purgatory, and fielded a question from a caller who asked whether the pope would go to heaven. Many evangelical Christians believe that someone must be a "born-again" believer to enter heaven.

Minto, who is also senior pastor of the 100-member Turning Point Community Church, said he told the caller that whether someone was born-again was personal and "between an individual and the Creator."
Sounds to me like the host gave a pretty good answer, although I would think a discussion of the Catholic doctrine of purgatory would be pretty dull.

You know, on second thought, this is not "anything for ratings," this is "anything to make Christians look bad."


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