Friday, April 29, 2005


So This Means

From yesterday's NYTimes:
Other analysts said they thought that the findings added to a growing body of evidence that the typical American is poorly equipped to take advantage of what proponents call the ownership society: a future in which individuals are free to invest their own retirement money, rather than having to accept the returns offered by the Social Security program or a group retirement program at work, like a pension plan. Many surveys have shown the public has doubts about the Social Security program, with young people, in particular, confident that they could do better by investing on their own.
So? The proposals that are still on the table allow people to continue with original Social Security is they wish. But what really irks me is that those of us that have put in the time, energy and effort to learn a thing or two are forced to pay into this cockamamie poor return system with our money. Nobody wants to remove anybody's safety net here -- it's just that some of us would like to have the government quit taking our money forcefully and then paying us lower than bargain basement interest rates for the priviledge.


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