Tuesday, April 05, 2005


The Stupid And The Rude

Apparently the first openly gay Episcopalian Bishop has now concluded that Jesus himslef was gay. (HT: Sheep's Crib) You know maybe he has a point, I mean God spent some energy in when he gave the law to Moses explaining what He thought about homosexuality:
Lev 18:22 - You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.
But once He got here, He just could not help himself. Oh, please. It is one thing that the Episcopalians ordained this man, bad enough, but this crosses a line that I am not sure I can stomach. Fortunately the good "bishop" couched his accusation sufficiently to give himself and out if really pressed. How clintonian of him.

MediaSoul carries a link to a story from the Bakersfield paper about a rally for a constitutional amendment to prevent gay marriage that was quite rudely interrupted by homosexual advocates.

I really think that one of the reasons the left have gotten their way so much in the last few decades is that they have been willing to be rude, and we have been willing to let them have their way, just to stop the rudeness. We need to get a little smarter. We cannot lower ourselves to be rude in return, but we have to grow a sufficient shield so we will not acquiese to the rudeness either.


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