Sunday, April 03, 2005


The Very Heart of The Matter

I Corinthians 2:2 -- For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.

I could not help but think of that verse when I read this post from Mr. Standfast. (HT: Transforming Sermons)
The cross is not simply a place of beginning, a place you leave from, a place you cherish in memory. It is, strangely enough, a place of life, of possibility, of hope. He that hung there, by God?s design and for your salvation, is not simply alpha, but omega. Not simply source, but destiny. Not simply foundation, but capstone. Not simply servant, but King.
I can never be reminded enough about why I do what I do. Whether blogging or working, serving or relaxing, the cross and the resurrection stand in the center of it all, lest I forget.


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