Monday, April 11, 2005


What Is Wrong with the Modern Church?

This is the question that SmartChristian asks in linking to this article.
Lynn is in good company. Thousands like her who by all litmus tests would be gauged as devout, even zealous, Christians are voting with their feet and becoming "stayaway saints."
The article goes on at great length examining the demographic, social, cultural, and media based reasons for this phenomena.

Where is the voice of prophecy in this question? When Jeremiah called the Israelites to God did he discuss the worship music? Did Daniel spend time in the lion's den because of inadequate demographic data?

I went through my own "stay away" period. The reasons were simple. I could not find God at church, so I went looking for Him elsewhere. All I got at church was grief, all I wanted was uplifted.

Two things will fix this problem:
  1. Spend less time worrying about what will appeal and more time worrying about the Word; and
  2. Make church for those who believe, let them that believe bring in those that do not. In other words, stop reaching out and start equipping.

In purely secular terms emphasize quality over quantity and watch the world change.


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