Monday, May 02, 2005


Controversial Concepts

In modern times, I cannot think of a more controversial Christian discussion than that of "The Baptism of the Holy Spirit." I believe in such a thing, but fear it. I have prayed ardently for it, but have experienced it only in small and quiet ways. I have seen it bring great blessing and I have seen it cause the ultimate harm.

Therefore, I read this post from Adrian Warnock with anticipation and trepidation. Adrian quotes Charles Finney's testimony, which is amazingly absent a manifestation of tongues, which is generally associated with the experience.

Because of some experiences in my youth with this phenomena, ones that hurt many, many people about whom I still care greatly, I have studied this area with some urgency. But rather than pontificate I would like to hear some discussion on the matter. Here are some important questions.

In all my studies I have answers for these, but am not fully satisfied with them. I am interested in the thoughts of others. This much I know. The experience is utterly ecstatic, but if not grounded in deep thought and understanding, it can be highly misleading and dangerous.


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