Thursday, May 05, 2005
This is a post I must do in accordance with the edict.
First I ran across this article:
A gratuitous link must lead to a gratuitous picture

This link is entirely gratuitous, based solely on containing the word "salmon." It's nice to know there is an entire industry based on my namesake!
First I ran across this article:
Springtime on the Columbia River usually means hordes of Chinook salmon swimming up the river, nourishing on their way centuries-old Indian traditions and a voracious commercial fishery.I worried until I read the end of the piece
This year, however, thousands of salmon seem to have gone missing - and no one knows why.
Scientists are careful to note that the fish count continues through early June, but say that even if it turned out that the run was simply delayed this year, or even if daily counts jumped into the thousands, this year's run still won?t come close to the numbers initially predicted.Number one the fish could come a lot faster than anyone expects, what if the count jumped to the tens of thousands, could they even count it? And who says thier "predictions" are any good to begin with.
A gratuitous link must lead to a gratuitous picture

This link is entirely gratuitous, based solely on containing the word "salmon." It's nice to know there is an entire industry based on my namesake!