Friday, May 13, 2005


HuffPo Lights

Well, the slow car chase called a web site batted .500 yesterday.

On the good side, they highlighted a story about modern slavery. Of course, in typical leftie fashion that highlight the problem, and then they stop.

Then there was this blog post in which someone I have never heard of, but must be famous because they appear on HuffPo, makes almost no sense at all. First they urge people to sign a petition to save the forest becasue the web site is "gorgeous." Oh yeah, there is a reason to take political action. But then she says
Note to all loggers or timber industry personnel reading: I'm sorry for what I did to your potential livelihood.
That makes it all better. This post has to be the most truly vacant thing I have ever seen in a blog -- which is, sadly, enough to make me look again tomorrow.


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