Tuesday, May 31, 2005


I Knew...

...the Dems were disingenuous in their desire for peace and bipartisanship in the filibuster "deal," but I had no idea. I spend a week in a self-imposed news void mourning the best friend a man could ever ask for and I come back to a "stall" (FILIBUSTER!) of the John Bolton nomination. That did not take long.

Here is the AP wire story and here is the Boston Globe telling of the situation. I also liked this littel quip from Blogs for Bush.
This, you see, is how the Democrats view the American people; stupid children who must be prevented from doing themselves harm.
I am waaaaaaay past politness at this point. The Dems are completely without honor -- completely. And the so-called moderate Republicans are fools, or so grossly self-centered it has rendered them foolish.

I thought after the judicial filibuster deal that McCain was trying to position himself, and the country, for an independent run at the presidency. I won't bore you with the theory at this late date, because all he has accomplished is to set loose the dogs of war.

As far as I am concerned the time for civility is over. There is no compromise with this bunch of *&^^%$%^#$&*&^*(&(*&_)(*.... The time for a mannerly game of golf is over. The time for a game of hand grenades is upon us.

Action item 1 -- excommunication of John McCain from the Republican party.

Action item 2 -- Withholding of all donations to NRSC, until they start acting like they have a pair.

Action item 3 -- Active campaigning against all Republicans that moderate on these issues.

I've had it.


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