Monday, May 09, 2005


Joining The Revolution, Just To Put It Down

The New York TIes appears to be catching on that bloggin is a big deal, at least based on the amount of reporting they did about it over the weekend. BUt true to form, they don't really get it.

First they do a profile of a blogger in which the blogger poo-poo's what blogging can do.
At a time when media conferences like "Les Blogs" in Paris two weeks ago debate the potential of the form, and when BusinessWeek declares, as it did on its May 2 cover, that "Blogs Will Change Your Business," Mr. Denton is withering in his contempt. A blog, he says, is much better at tearing things down - people, careers, brands - than it is at building them up. As for the blog revolution, Mr. Denton put it this way: "Give me a break."

"The hype comes from unemployed or partially employed marketing professionals and people who never made it as journalists wanting to believe," he said. "They want to believe there's going to be this new revolution and their lives are going to be changed."
I am not sure he precisely understand the nature of the revolution we are discussing here. There is also the question of where reformation ends and revolution begins.

Then they had the now common screed about bloggers ethics.

All I can say is they need to remember that Al Gore still thiks he won the 2000 election.


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