Friday, May 20, 2005


Meddling With Education

It is really hard to get an education anymore with all the propogandizing that is going on in schools. Found some examples.

Here is a story about continuing legal battles over the place of prayer in schools. The devil is in the details in this story and I cannot tell precisely what is going on. Bottom line is this. I think optional or generic prayer in schools is fine, but if a court has specifically ordered against it, fight the court battle, but do not disobey the order. But more troubling is the enormous amount of resources put into the issue. As I said, fight the court battles, but the civil disobedience just wastes school resources.

This story really is troubling.
The National Parent-Teacher Association has refused an ex-homosexual group?s request to exhibit at its annual convention while welcoming a pro-homosexual activist organization ? even inviting it to present a workshop.
I don't think the subject ought to be discussed at PTA conventions at all. But if it is all sides must be heard from. This really is discriminatory.


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