Thursday, May 05, 2005


Miracle Reporting!

This may be a first. The Independent reports on a tornado in England, even files the story under "Environment." While common here in America, tornadoes in are an infrequent occurence in England.
According to the Meteorological Office, between 30 and 50 tornadoes strike each year in Britain (ed: Here in American that's just a stormy day) but many go unreported as they occur in unpopulated areas. They strike mostly inland, typically in the Midlands and East Anglia.

Tornadoes in the UK are little more than a mild breeze compared with those in America, especially in the Mid-West, which can travel at speeds up to 300mph, devastating communities and claiming many lives.
But the miracle is not that no one was hurt, or the relatively rare tornado itself, no the miracle is that it does not attempt to blame this freakish weather on global warming!


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