Saturday, May 07, 2005


Nerd Party

Us science and engineering types have are own unique sense of humor, and resources. Some of the younger members of the clan at MIT have a unique idea
What's more, it is possible to travel back in time, to any place, any era. Where would people go? Would they zoom to a 2005 Saturday night for chips and burgers in a college courtyard, eager to schmooze with computer science majors possessing way too many brain cells?

Why not, say some students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who have organized what they call the first convention for time travelers.

Actually, they contend that theirs is the only time traveler convention the world needs, because people from the future can travel to it anytime they want.
This is really a VERY funny idea. Right up there with the infinite improbability drive. These are some very bright students
They built a human-size hamster wheel - eight feet in diameter. And they concocted the "pizza button," a plexiglass pizza slice mounted in their hallway; when pressed, it calls up a Web site and arranges for pizza delivery 30 minutes later.
I wish I could tell you some of the stuff I did when I was that age, but they might retroactively take away my degrees.


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