Tuesday, May 03, 2005


The Price Of Unity

The A-Team Blog has an interesting post. (HT: SmartChristian)
Over the past week I've been in quasi-dialogue with leaders from the church I just left. Have we gotten anywhere? Not really. The problem is that we haven't even been talking about whether or not the church is in step with scripture; instead, we?ve been talking about how mean I am for claiming that what the church is doing doesn't line up with scripture.

The questions I've asked, without answers, are 1) am I not allowed to compare the church with scripture? or 2) am I just not supposed to say anything if they don't jive?
I have had more than one conversation like that in my life. They are no fun. Frankly, this is one of the places where I draw the dividing line between "church" and "cult" in the perjorative sense of that word.

God speaks to us through other Christians, but we are all imperfect vessels. Spiritual authority must be earned, and maintained -- it is not granted by virtue of position.


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