Thursday, May 12, 2005


Theology Matters

Thanks to Rebecca for Writing about a series of posts being written by Dead Man Blogging on Calvinism. Here is the first and here the second with more to come, presumably.

I am a Calvinist and the more I learn about it, the more I am one.

I have been thinking a lot lately about how "theology matters." Here is why. There are so many people out there that claim Jesus in pursuit of some many different things. Gays claim it is "Christ-like" to accept them and then claim acceptance of them means homosexual practice is not a sin. Some arch conservatives claim Biblical mandates regarding homschooling. Home schooling is fine idea, but I haven't found the word in the Bible.

Thinking about what you believe about God, is how we sort out stuff like this. Which brings me back to Calvinism. More than any other theological scool of thought, it puts God in charge. I love this quote from Dead Man's second post
There are two main points about the sovereignty of God that I want to make. The first is to understand that God is free to do as He pleases. He is not constrained by anything other than Himself.
God is not subject to what we think about Him. Calvinism affirms that point over and over, and that is a big reason I like it.

And that is so important to being a Christian in public debate. We cannot invoke God willy-nilly. In fact we cannot really invoke God at all. We just do that which He commands. Argue all you want, but the next time think about that before you declare what God's ideas are on the matter.


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