Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Amazing Insight

I became familiar with the Sacramento Bee's Daniel Weintraub during the recall election that gave us Arnold as Govenator. He is about as "middle" a reporter I have ever heard. I thought this was a great insight from his blog.
The more I watch politics, the more I am convinced there are basically two kinds of politicians in the world. There are those who see their job as forcing others to do things (for their own good or the good of others, of course). And there are those who see thier jobs as freeing people to do things for themselves.
So, which party do you think has more of which?

He also posted this yesterday that was very funny.
Live by Hollywood, die by Hollywood.

Michael Jackson steal's Schwarzenegger's thunder and headline space by getting himself acquitted on charges of child molestation, false imprisonment and lesser charges.
This is about Arnold -- not the other guy that is not being mentioned in this blog. He is referring to the announcement that the Guvenator made yesterday about a special election in November. But then everyone knew that was coming anyway.


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