Wednesday, June 22, 2005


But, Do Women Having Orgasms Smell Like Grapefruit?

Reading LiveScience yesterday was just weird.

First they report that women having orgasms shut down their brain, or at least large portions of it. Now given the study methodology
The volunteers laid on a scanning machine bed and were injected with a dye that shows changes in brain function on a scan.
Then they had sex. You have to wonder about the results -- I think most of us would have to shut our brains down to have an orgasm under those circumstances. They got no meaningful results for men --which will no doubt be fodder for countless jokes from all the women out there.

Then they report that grapefruit odor makes men perceive women as younger than they actually are. How long do you think it's going to be before grapefruit juice is the active ingredient in "Oil of Olay." Or better yet, include it in collagen injections. Personally, I like my wife just they way she is and if she smelled like grapefruit it would just make me hungry.


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