Saturday, June 25, 2005


Comic Art

An Offbeat Character

Steve Ditko is best known as the original Spiderman artist, but I like him best for an offbeat character he created for DC.Look at the hands on that character, that is classic Ditko -- notice how it looks just like how Spiderman activates his web shooters? The Creeper actually made quite a splash in the so-called "Silver Age."

The Creeper was just a little too weird to last forever, he was some sort of hybrid Joker and Batman -- sort of a "good guy madman." He has made appearances from time to time since then and there has been a miniseries, but nothing can replace the original Ditko -- it's just classic. Consider the pencils page below.

Note the woman in the upper frames that looks just like Betty Brandt -- J Jonah Jameson's secretary in Spiderman. Note the curly hair that looks just like the Osborns. Note the position of the Creeper in the lower left frame -- It's Spiderman.

Ditko is one of the most easily identifiable artists in all of comics stylisticly. Some find that problematic. I find it dull from time-to-time, but he is a classic, an absolute classic.


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