Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Good Point

I agree with the major thrust of this article, if not all the specific points.
But what concerns educators like Miller is whether this politicization of basic science dissuades children from going into the field.
I share that concern utterly. As one that was drawn to science, I was drawn on the basis where it was the only discipline where I could truly prove something. It wasn't about arguing, it was about finding out. This is why I was drawnt he to so-called "hard" sciences, physics and chemistry, and was not nearly so happy in the controversial ones like biology.

Of course, the MSNBC article I cite ends up in this sort of "Can't we just all get along" mode, which leaves me less than happy. We should get along for the sake of getting along, we need to reach a genuine resolution about how to handle the teaching of science and particularly creation and evolution. But that said, need to do that "off-line" and not turn potential scientists into the battleground.


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