Monday, June 13, 2005


Introducing Chuck

My wife, in her never ending search to find deployed soldiers to support, ran across Chuck, and a correspondence developed. After reading some of Chuck's epistles, which included a sort of personal log he keeps, I suggested he might want to blog himself. He's a shy lad, unjustifiable so in my opinion, but still a tad nervous about the undertaking.

He agreed to send some stuff for me to post, but no sooner than he gets that done then he up and starts the blog -- Semper Gumby (have you ever heard a better blog name in your life?) Anyway, here is what he sent me, which is repeated in part on his new blog.
First Ramblings-10 June 2005

I am scared to put my thoughts in writing. For then I am held accountable for them. Knowledge is power. I am not sure I am ready to let someone have the power to criticize me by reading my ramblings. However, I feel the push of the Lord to start this undertaking. I pray it will go favorably for me with God and man. I fear the pride of being told this undertaking is good and fear the reproof of being told it is bad. Woe is me because of the duality of life. Or is it the sin of immaturity/insecurity as a Christian?

Weak is the man who criticizes others when he himself lacks the strength to say or do.

I regrettably must say that I am an elementary school level Christian. Where have the last 25 years gone? It is miraculous the Lord hasn't struck me down for being mediocre. I know it says in the Bible be either hot or cold not lukewarm. My new motto will be:


Now I need to surround myself with teachers and accountability partners. Why don't we Christians do better at discipleship? We rejoice when a soul is won for the Lord but we don't equip him/her to become a warrior for Christ. Who is accountable for the new Christian? The soul winner? The pastor? The deacons/elders? We have soldiers joining our ranks but we forget to send them through boot camp to teach them the fundamentals. After boot camp, they need advanced individual training (AIT) just like an US Army soldier. Some want/need special training to become all they can be. However, we stop after recruitment. Then wonder why they don't become great spiritual leaders. I really need to finish Stu Weber's book, Spiritual Warrior. I bet we have a lot of similar ideas. Another great book of examples is The Three Meter Zone by CSM J. D. Pendry. He talks of the three, fifty and one hundred meter zones of influence. The person who makes the biggest impact on you in the person in your three meter zone; Sunday School teacher, bible class leader, accountability partner, etc.
Chuck's a good man -- why not drop be and see what you like about Semper Gumby.


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